Forum Thread
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Alpha and Omega!
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Alpha and Omega!Meow meow lol ^w^ Hi everybody :3
The world is filled with weird and odd things ^w^

She got up and shook the last cobwebs of sleep out of head. She yawned and stretched before saying, "Alright, let's go." Squirt nodded at her and they went out the main hall. After the routine was complete, Squirt introduced her to the whole system. "I've only done 3 missions before I found you. Now I can work on tougher ones with better prizes, since I have a partner to help me kick butt!" He said.
Diana nodded and looked over the missions. Squirt pointed at one of the missions, saying "Brazen Rock" and explained to her that this was the place they were at yesterday. "Want to do another mission there? Maybe we can kick that Houndour's butt, again!" "We could also ask it why it was so mean, if it calmed down." Squirt sighed and said, "Diana, Diana, Diana. In the pokemon world, this is how things are. We have to fight to get our way. The strongest get what they want and the weak are left behind." She nodded, "I see. Survival of the fittest." "Exactly." "Alright, let's go kick it's butt again. The prize is...quite a lot of Poke." "200 could buy us a bit of food, so we can eat extra, tonight, if we're hungry."
Her stomach growled. "Speaking of hunger..." She said. Squirt laughed and said, "Ah yes, breakfast will be ready soon. Let's go get some seats at the table." She nodded and followed.
"What are you doing?!" Charlie asked Eevee.
Meow meow lol ^w^ Hi everybody :3
The world is filled with weird and odd things ^w^

They asked the Pokemon:''Excuse me, but do you by any chance know where the nearest civilization is?'' and came out of the bush.
She nodded and got up. As they walked to Brazen Rock, she asked him what the summary for the mission was, again. He pulled out the paper and read from it, "Basically, we have to save a fainted Caterpie on the fourth floor. After that, we just go to the sixth floor to exit the dungeon, that's if we decide we don't want to leave with the Caterpie then and there..." "I sure don't. I'm curious about that aggressive Houndour." Diana said.
Squirt nodded. It was easy making it to the fourth floor of the dungeon, since they've already trained in this dungeon before. After they sent the Caterpie back, they continued their trek into the sixth floor.
Squirt took a deep breath as they made it to the sixth floor, eager to exchange blows with the pokemon, again. They looked around, but saw nothing. Squirt smirked. "Guess he decided to leave. Too ashamed of losing, huh? Pft, what a sore loser."
They began to leave, but just as they did, Diana could've sworn she heard a low growl. However, she just continued walking off. She certainly wasn't eager for trouble.
As they made it back, the Caterpie's mom welcomed them with joy, rewarding them with the promised money and a Pecha berry as extra. Squirt was really excited to get an extra prize, but he just thanked them and waited for them to leave before celebrating.
"Sweet! Now, we have the food we found in the dungeon and this tasty berry!" He said with joy. "Yeah, but just remember that we have to give a certain portion of the food to the pokemon in the kitchen." "Yeah, yeah, you're right. Let's get on with that before we get in trouble." He said and they did just that. Soon, they ended up with much less food, but still enough to make them full, this night.
They went into their room and ate the leftover food before going to sleep. Diana yawned as she lay down and said, "Good night, Squirt." "Night, Diana." He responded and then sank underwater to sleep.
Meow meow lol ^w^ Hi everybody :3
The world is filled with weird and odd things ^w^