Partner:(Can be a user)totodile
Team name:explsion
Clan: (Alpha or Omega)omega
(Also sorry still not used to edidting forums
Name: (Username or character name? Username is Claus, character
name is Pidgey.)
Pokemon: Pidgey
Partner: None
Team name: Team Flight
Clan: Alpha (Kind of confused on this one.)
Other: Pidgey always wears a necklace with a dark blue orb on it.
It's currently unknown by anyone else why.
Charlie looked down from the hill they were on. There was the town
nearby, of course, and Eevee was by his side. There was a forest
too. The F.T.C. had made their official hideout on the hill. It was
just a dugout hole in the ground, big enough for an elephant to fit
in. Their was a ladder in there to get out, and they had made a
roof made of wood. "I wonder what we should do today," said
"Let's go to town to see if anyone needs help," suggested
"Okay then," said Charlie. He got up. "Let's go!" He started to
walk down the hill, towards town, with Eevee walking behind
Turtles! ^w^ Squirtle! :3
Meow meow lol ^w^ Hi everybody :3
The world is filled with weird and odd things ^w^ My Sprite Shop!
(Can I use the same pokemon of other user, but in other clan?)
Name: Sparkies
Pokemon: Emolga
Partner: Chespin (ghost_Rayquaza)
Team name: Sigma Square Team
Clan: Omega
Other: Emolga wears a blue scarf with the Sygma symbol.
Lilly walked in a forest with togepi "I love that we both hatched
at the same time" Togepi looks at her "Me too and who would guess
that we would be in the same place when we hatched" Lilly and
togepi look happy
(Do you like how over time you well know more on them?)
(Im going to assume this is from the second set of games. Since i
remember diglet was from wigglytuffs guild and start)
Tusk wakes up on the beach weak "where am i..."
Sparkies flew around the forest thinking how he can be more
powerful and adventurer. He visited the town when he watched the
wigglytuff guild. Sparkies read the bulletin, but a voice began to
speak him "hey! its somebody here? who are you?" Sparkies turned
but didn't see anyone. In that he Started to fly around looking for
Pidgey was perched, resting on a branch of a tree just outside of
the town. He had nothing to do really, he was taking the day off
from exploring or doing rescue jobs. So, he just rested, relaxed.
Aura was frightened. "How did I become a pokemon?!" He ahouted at
the sky, not expecting any answer. Makuta stared at him before a
scream filled the air
"Help! Help!" A voice shouted, grabbing both Aura's and Makuta's
attention as a beedrill came flying up to them. "Please help me! My
baby was stolen by some pokemon!" He cried sadly, making Aura
clench up his paw.
"We will get your baby back." Aura and Makuta said in unison.
If life isn't fair, how do we laugh? If life isn't fair, how do we
win? How do we smile? Just admit it. Life is fair, and you just
want an excuse to be pessimistic. >:) -Xerneas][/url]