Forum Thread
The Dungeon - A Percy Jackson Roleplay (Open)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → The Dungeon - A Percy Jackson Roleplay (Open)However, as they were about begin, a cloaked figure appeared before them. The figure had a bulky physique and was taller than the gods. He wore a dark cloak that covered it's whole entire body, showing no physical or facial feature. And within a split second, the gods laid unconscious on the ground while the cloaked figure stood high above them in victory. Word soon reached the camps with this message:
"If you would like to see your beloved gods as well as your demi-god friends, then some of your demi-gods to a dungeon that is in Los Angeles, California at 651 West Hillside Avenue (Not a real address is LA.). If you survive and make it to the bottom of the dungeon, you, your fellow demi-gods, and the gods shall be released. There is no trick. Additional information about the dungeon itself will be sent to you as well.
Anyway, good luck cause' you're going to need it."
Disclaimer: Knowledge about the Percy Jackson series is not needed to enjoy this roleplay. The only amount of knowledge you really need are the basics about the greek and roman gods. Specifically their names, most importantly as well as what they stand for. (i.e. Hephaestus/Vulcan is the god of fire. Hephaestus being Greek and Vulcan being Roman.)

No godmodding
No power-playing
No overpowered abilites
No mary-sues
No instant action (i.e Bob kills Tom. Bob appeared beside Jane.)
No canon characters (i.e Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase.)
Do not kill each other's characters unless you both are okay with it
You may have as many character's as you want, but know your limit. If you are using some more than other's, we will kill the others off.
I am allowed to not accept your form for any reason that is not personal bias.
All PH rules apply
More will be added in the future..

All of the creatures will want to kill you. Some are small, some are big. They can range from minotaurs to killer rabbits. They will never stop coming at you.
Each dungeon floor will be different. Some may have low roofs, some may be made out of thick stone.
Each rest floor is like the earth. They are quite big and they have trees, hills, mountains, grassy plains. It's a beautiful scene. You may only stay their for up to 36 hours to rest. Otherwise, a huge "boss" creature will appear. And you do not want to face it.

[center]Insert Appearance Here (Either by
image or description)
[b]Height (Optional)[/b]:
[b]Godly Parent(s)[/b]:
[b]History (Optional)[/b]:
[b]Personality (Optional)[/b]:
[b]Crush (Optional)[/b]:
[b]Other (Optional)[/b]:[/center]
[b]Height (Optional)[/b]:
[b]Godly Parent(s)[/b]:
[b]History (Optional)[/b]:
[b]Personality (Optional)[/b]:
[b]Crush (Optional)[/b]:
[b]Other (Optional)[/b]:[/center]

Draco Kusunagi
Height (Optional):
5' 9"
Godly Parent(s):
Father is Zeus and Mother (Human) is deceased
Camp Half-Blood
History (Optional):
Draco's father, Zeus left him and his mom at a very early age as most godly parents do. However, Draco and mother were incredibly poor and were only able to live because of his father. Once he left, they virtually crumbled. Draco and his mother were suffering badly, financially which forced her mother to do many jobs to just to be able to feed them. His mother's health started deteriorating from all the stress she was putting on herself and her body.
And at the age of 8, Draco's mother passed away from poor health. Draco then lived with friends for the next few years until he was 14. Once he was 14, he left his friends family household and started applying for jobs. Draco soon realized he couldn't keep up with this. One day, he received a letter that invited to Camp Half-Blood. And that is when Draco learned about his demi-god blood and abilities.
Draco decided he might as well go back to his friends house to take the things he left. And in his room, there is one thing he never noticed. In his closet there was a box that he had never seen before. Draco leaned down and opened it. In it was an object wrapped in paper. Draco unfolded the wrapping and in it was a black sword and a note from his mother. The note read: "I always knew you had demi-god blood. I never said anything because I was worried that you would be scared of yourself and think you were a monster. Chiron warned me to send you to Camp Half-Blood before it was too late and hopefully, if you are reading this, something made you got to Camp Half-Blood. This is the sword your father left for me to give to you when you are ready. I love you and good luck." - Mom.
Draco's journey just kinda went on from there.
Personality (Optional):
Draco is quite quiet. He doesn't talk much unless he has too. Draco is, however; not heartless. He does have emotion and feelings. Despite the fact that he generally has a bland and emotionless expression of his face, he is quite a kind and nice person while being rather secretive. He can smile, frown, get angry, and all that. He can easily be annoyed and angry but he hides it well. He mainly only has a hard time controlling romantic feeling.

Draco names his sword Aeon for now particular reason. Aeon is quote on quote, "a living sword." Whenever Draco calls for Aeon, it will do whatever it can to return to Draco. Aeon also chooses who wields it unless Draco directly tells it to. If Draco handed it to a fellow demi-god but Aeon does not trust it, then Aeon will refuse to be held by said person. Aeon has it's own abilities as well. The blue gem engraved in the sword is meant to enhance Draco's plasma manipulation abilities when Aeon is held but Aeon can produce small sparks of plasma that do hurt quite a bit with it.
Draco's ability is plasma manipulation. Draco can create and manipulate the movement and properties of plasma. Draco is able to create plasma out of thin air from his hands and he is then able to manipulate the properties of said plasma in up to 3 ways (i.e. He can make the plasma denser, brighter, and much hotter.). And because plasma is superheated gas, Draco can create different forms of plasma. Draco can use the purest form of plasma, electricity, and fire. However, if he does use either fire or electricity, he cannot change the properties of any of it. He is only able to change the properties of pure plasma.
Crush (Optional):
N/A (Will be updated)
Other (Optional):
Draco has a rather deep voice.
If someone wants to, someone can be the friend that Draco lived with for 6 years. Obviously, they must have also been a demi-god. Palpad me for permission. I would like for you to tell me some basic information about the characters you would be making. And it also doesn't matter if the friend is a male or female. This is completely optional and no one is obligated to be the friend.

Alayna Winters
Height (Optional):
5' 6"
Godly Parent(s):
Poseidon (Father) and Human Mother
Camp Half-Blood
History (Optional):
Alayna hadn't known her father. He had left before she was born. Her mother was a famous model and actress so she almost always had a babysitter. But once Alayna was 6, her mother felt like she was old enough to travel with her. And so, Alayna had traveled with her mother everywhere they went. They bonded and Alayna even started becoming a really good child actor.
When Alayna was 12, her mother was invited to be a model for a runway show. Her mother accepted and they traveled to the location. On the day, of the runway event, as her mother was walking down the runway, a shootout broke out. It killed nearly 63 people in the audience and 5 of the models, one of which included her mother. The show was near the sea and as Alayna screamed in horror, a tide of water crashed into the building, killing the killers.
She lived with a good friend of her mother's and one day, a letter came into the mail that was addressed to her. She cut open the letter and read it. The letter had invited her to Camp Half-Blood and had explained what happened with the tide of water that came in. She was hesitant at first, but in the end, she reluctantly accepted. She packed her bags, took a plane, and then walked to Camp Half-Blood.
Her journey went on from there
Personality (Optional):
Alayna is kind and sweet. She can give you the cold shoulder every once in a while, but she gets over it eventually. She only tends to do this to people she doesn't trust or like, or she does it to everyone because she isn't in the right mood. But in general, she kind and helpful. She loves to swim and loves to prank people because she is a great actor and can easily trick people. She especially loves teasing people that she likes them.

Alayna doesn't have a name for weapon. Nor does her weapon have a special ability. All her weapon is, is a well made Halberd that is yellow. That is it. Her weapon is not special.
But she does, however; have some powers. She can control water, she can't create it out of thin air but she can control it. She can also walk on water and speak to creatures in water.
Crush (Optional):
Other (Optional):

Alayna Winters - Female - 16 - Camp Half-Blood - Page 1 - Dracoflame22
Jax - Male - 18 - Camp Half-Blood - Page 1 - PurpleTheGecko
Zero Beilschmidt - Female - 17 - Camp Jupiter - Page 1 - Tori_Takashi
Matthew "Mattie" Williams - Male - 18 - Camp Half-Blood - Page 1 - Tori_Takashi

Height (Optional):6'
Godly Parent(s):
Ares, Human mother
Camp: Half-Blood
History (Optional): TBRP
Personality (Optional):Loud, fast, nice, has a temper but very rarely.
His ability is control of Ice. This ability allows him to freeze the ground right under his opponent then go in with his dagger.
Crush (Optional):none yet.
Other (Optional):He plays the Ukulele and sings.

Name: Zero Beilschmidt
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Height (Optional): 4'11
Godly Parent(s): Father: Pluto
Mother: Human (Missing, pressumed dead)
Camp: Jupiter, Second cohort
History (Optional): Born in East Germany, Zero never knew her birth parents, as her first memory was of pain and experiments. She never knew her name,but everyone called her Beilschmidt or Versuch Null (Experiment Zero). She was one of the best subjects their, but as new experiments poured in, so was beginning to be compared to the better and newer subjects.
Finally deemed a complete failure, Zero was dumped in northern Canada to freeze. However, before the team that transported her left, the ground under their plane and their feet turned black, and re shadows swallowed them up. Zero had no idea how it happened, but she felt no regret.
A few days after arriving, she meet Matthew, and the two stuck together. She took on the name Zero Beilschmidt, since that was what she was called all her life. Strange encounters with her powers keept coming, as Zero started to become paranoid, her power growing even more out of control. Only Mattie was able to calm her down.
One day, two letters came, one for Mattie and one for Zero. It explained everything, Thier powers, why monsters tried to attack them. However, they were admitted into two separate camps. Devestated, the two decided not to accept and continued their lives. The monster attacks got to an uncontrollable point, so Mattie finally convinced Zero that they would be safer in these camps. Zero reluctantly agreed, swearing that they would meet up every year.
However, Matthew broke their promise. He never came to meet her.
Personality (Optional): Angsty ball of fluff. That's what every one would probably describe her. If you tick her off enough, she will tear you apart. She is quite competitive, believing that she needs to be the best at everything. She has her sweet moments, but most of them are overshadowed by her rough exterior. She doesn't hate Matthew for forgetting about their promise. After all, who would want to stay with an obnoxious girl like her?
Weapon(s)/Ability(s): The twin Spears Gáe Dearg and Gáe Buidhe. Gàe Dearg acts as a stableizer for Zero's power. She will always keep Gàe Dearg with her at all times. Gàe Buidhe is a shorter spear made of Imperial Gold, and whatever wounds inflected by Gàe Buidhe will not heal as long as the spear exists. She got them as a parting gift from Matthew.
Zero's power is like one of a child of Hades, even if her father is Pluto. She is able to manipulate the shadows, and can shadow travel carrying up to five people at once. She is also able to tell the purity of a metal, what compounds it's made up of and where it came from. However, she looses control of her power easily.
Crush (Optional): Open
Other (Optional): She has major trust issues and has an inferiority complex. She is Bilingual, speaking English and German fluently. She will spew random German at times, especially when she's mad. She acts like a boy 99% of the time, and has a deeper than average voice.
Art not mine

Name: Mathew Williams, also called Mattie
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Height (Optional): 5'10, but he slouches a lot, so he appears to be 5'8
Godly Parent(s): Father: Human, Deceased
Mother: Khione, Goddess of Ice
Camp: Half-Blood
History (Optional): Growing up in Northern Canada, Matthew grew very resistant to the cold, and grew to respect nature. He never knew his parents, and didn't mind it. His powers came when he was 12, and he quickly learned how to control it. He lived alone for most of his childhood, his only company was a polar bear.
One day, he noticed a young girl who seemed lost. Taking care of this stranger, Mattie helped this girl adapt to the cold, learning that her name was Zero. He looked after her, helping her learn to control her powers and calming her down when needed.
He became Zero's big brother figure, and fought most of the misters that attacked them, and when Zero got older, she also pitched in. They were happy with their lifestyle and they wanted this bliss to last forever.
When the letters came, his would came crashing down around him. He was going to leave Canada, go to a completely different country, leave the girl he came to see as his little sister, and fight. He decided to ignore them, and continued with life, untill he had exausted all the options. He was heartbroken when he had to leave Zero, and he promised to meet her.again every year.
When Matthew got to Camp Half-Blood, he was picked on for complaining that it was to hot in the winter. He was also bullied for his accent. He felt guilty for leaving Zero behind, and so when the time came for him to meet Zero, he never went. His guilt kept piling up as he never went to their meeting place year after year. He was one of the first ones to know of the message.
Personality (Optional): Matthew is calm, shy, sensitive, and likes to avoid fighting whenever possible. He is also passive aggressive, and once made a monster nearly cry just by lecturing him. Of course, that day Matthew was quite tired and the only thing between him and his bed was the monster, but that's beside the point. He loves maple syrup and he loves to give some to strangers.

Named Frozen Death, Matthew actually hates this weapon. He thinks that it's made for killing people, something he would like to stay away from. If given the choice, he prefers to use his hands. He might not look like it, but he is about as strong physically as a child of Aries.
As a child of Kihone, Matthew has control over ice and snow. His main ability is his high cold tollerance, and being able to detect were ice is. He can make ice grow wherever he wants, and is capable of shaping it into whatever he wants. He can control any ice related weather, snow, sleet ,hail etc.
Crush (Optional): Open
Other (Optional): He is easily manipulated if you bribe him with Maple Syrup. He sometimes talks in French unconsciously.
Art not mine

•°. * уσυ ¢αи'т נυѕт ℓєανє α gυу ωнσ'ѕ тяуιиg нιѕ вєѕт ∂єѕριтє єνєяутнιиg αℓσиє, у'киσω? * .°•
Draco was laying down on his bed. He was slightly stressed out about the whole situation. He didn't know what to expect. Sure, they were given some basic information about how creatures will constantly attack them and that they can rest every 4 floors, but he didn't know how challenging they would be. Could they be really long and deep floors? Could these creatures be even stronger than any they have ever faced? He didn't know and that's what scared him. He decided to man up and go off his bed. He started packing.
He put Aeon in it's holster after he had sharpened it. In his backpack he put food, water, some ambrosia, some first aid equipment, and a small wet stone to sharpen his sword with. He didn't think he needed much else and if he put anymore in his backpack, he would probably be slouching and it would weight him down. Draco put his sword on his back and threw his backpack on. His backpack covered his sword, acting almost as a shield for it, but it left enough space where Draco could reach for Aeon's handle and put him back
Alayna had everything already packed up. She had basic needs such as food and water but she also had some more unique things as well. Alayna was pretty much packed for the most part. She quickly ate a large, filling meal so that it would last. She didn't know how long their food supply would last them down there. "Food and water would probably be hard to get." She thought. She walked out of her cabin and just stood there. She didn't really know what to do so just kinda stood there, waiting for their journey to begin.

Name:Amanda del Real
Height (Optional): 5'11
Godly Parent(s):Mother:Hecate Father:Human, deceased
Camp:Camp Half-Blood
History (Optional): Amanda came from a rich family and lived in the lovely city of Chicago. Her dad owned a huge mansion on the outskirts of Chicago and owned many companies and land. When a huge storm hit, the mansion was destroyed and she found her father dead after hiding in the cellar for a few days. She moved to Miami after a contractor forced her out of her home to build a giant shopping mall there. She lived in Miami peacefully with her friend before she started to have weird encounters, one of them which involved a wolf that somehow thought that he was a cat and started to find a place to live. Amanda made people think that they owned a fancy car even though she saw that they were terrible Toyotas. One time, when people on the beach were freaking out about how it was snowing even though it was summer, Tiffany went home thinking that the people here were lunatics when a letter arrived postmarked to her. It said that she was a demigod and was invited to join Camp Half Blood. And the reasons for all the confusion was that she was controlling the Mist and was a daughter of Hecate. She moved to Camp Half Blood after her friends begged her to stay and arrived a few days before the message arrived to the camps.
Personality (Optional): Amanda is nice and patient with her friends and is very good at magic. She is really competitive and keeps her brain when fighting. She isn't scared of many things but her weakness is that she is too prideful and thinks she can do everything by herself.
Weapon(s)/Ability(s): Amanda rarely uses this when fighting since even though she can use it, shes not the top one in her class. When she can, Amanda controls the Mist to annoy and freak out her competitors. Once she is sure that they are not expecting it, she sneaks in and strikes.
Crush (Optional):N/A
Other (Optional):N/A
Name: Sam
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Godly Parent: Zeus
Camp: Camp half blood
History: Sam came from a rich and wealthy family until his mom passed and his dad left her. Later on his mom's co worker took their house and beat him and hated him. He finally ran away after getting stabbed in the arm. He lived on the streets until he got a letter from camp half blood and a box. Inside the box was a letter from His mom telling him everything. He then got a pair of claws with guns in them.
Personality: He is nice and caring but can be stern.
Weapon: BOOP
Crush: None

Zero's arms trembled as she lowered herself, doing a series of push-ups. She really didn't know how to make of the message. All she could do was push her body to the limits in preparation. A certain blond came into her mind, and Zero frowned. Would she see Mattie their?
Mathew zipped up his bag, satisfied. Everything was prepared. He had thought up of every situation possible and countermeasures. Turning to Frozen Death, lying on his bunk, Mattie sighed. He really didn't want to bring it, but he had no choice..Slipping them into specially made sheths on his back, Mattie slung the backpack over it before exiting his small cabin.

•°. * уσυ ¢αи'т נυѕт ℓєανє α gυу ωнσ'ѕ тяуιиg нιѕ вєѕт ∂єѕριтє єνєяутнιиg αℓσиє, у'киσω? * .°•
Mattie weaved around people training, heading to the lake. Some of the best conversations he's had was with water nyphs. He wanted to at least say good bye to them.

•°. * уσυ ¢αи'т נυѕт ℓєανє α gυу ωнσ'ѕ тяуιиg нιѕ вєѕт ∂єѕριтє єνєяутнιиg αℓσиє, у'киσω? * .°•

Name: Carl Beck
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Godly Parent(s): Melinoe, the goddess of ghosts, and a mortal, idiotic father.
This explains his eyes. Melinoe's left side is really pale, while her right side is completly dark.
Camp: Half-Blood
Weapon(s)/Ability(s): Cole has a chain of celestial bronze, with spikes on the end. Besides being able to hit ghosts, it can also grow. Besides that, he has a black ring, that when he knocks on it, he temporally becomes a ghost.
Cole can psychically touch and hit ghosts, can see them even when they are invisible and can also call them. Sometimes, he can even control some ghosts to do his biddings.

Name: Ryan Nautrez
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Godly Parent(s): Mother is Ceres (roman Demeter) and father is a mortal
Camp: Jupiter
(I still didn't reach the book where it has Camp Jupiter, so I will do a lot of errors)
Weapon(s)/Ability(s): Ryan has a poisonus dagger. It is a rose, but once Ryan wants it to be a dagger, the thorns on it disappear, and a pink blade comes out of the middle of the rose.
Ryan has a very powerfull chlorokinesis (the power over plants). If he is near fruits and other kinds of natural things, they will grow more healthy and quickly. He can speed up a flower/vegetable/fruit/whatever to its healthier and eatable stage. He can also make flowers and spiny vines come out of the ground (atleast if there is some nature around him- it will problably be useless on the first part of the dungeon, unless he brings a flower pot or something) immediatly.
However, he relies too much on the plants. He can be knocked down really easily psychically.
Name: Nathaniel Chestnut
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Height (Optional): 5'9"
Godly Parent: Nemesis is underrated, so Nemesis. I know Nemesis is actually Greek, but they have children of Apollo too, so I guess it counts. Also a Mortal Father, but that's expected.
Camp: Jupiter, Third Cohort ( CJ still confuses me, but I love everything underrated.)
History (Optional): (I'm sorry this is so long) His dad met Nemesis when he successfully got away with a crime named murder but was "debunked" as suicide, fell in love and eventually had Nathaniel. Nemesis told him he known he had committed the crime and was actually a goddess, and broke him for those reasons, not knowing people were more superior than him. Eventually falling into depression by all of the sudden bad luck from his murder and having to take care of Nathaniel eventually made him so angry that he kicked him out, and then Nathaniel was trained by Lupa for a few months. While he looked for his dad before going to Camp Jupiter but then found out thought his dad's old diary he had before he met Nemesis and how it talked about he had killed somebody, and then when he asked the police he found out he had killed several other people and was in prison for the rest of his life, forcing him
Personality (Optional): Very cranky for the reasons above, has anger issues, and very adamant. There are very few times he has been seen being nice to people.
Weapon(s)/Ability(s): He carries an Imperial Golden pistol and dagger ( 'cause gold is trademark for CJ, right? ), and has the ability to give people karma depending on what they have done recently.
Crush (Optional): None~
Other (Optional):
Draco and Alayna both finished packing up. Everyone was gathering at the entrance of Camp Half-Blood. They were about to meet up with Camp Jupiter.
Camp Jupiter was doing the same. Campers were gathering at the entrance to go and meet up with Camp Half-Blood

Zero finished her routine, collapsing onto the floor. Groaning, Zero had to be dragged over to the entrance of the camp, since she had exhausted herself.

•°. * уσυ ¢αи'т נυѕт ℓєανє α gυу ωнσ'ѕ тяуιиg нιѕ вєѕт ∂єѕριтє єνєяутнιиg αℓσиє, у'киσω? * .°•
Nat stomped up to the entrance with his arms crossed. Like always, he was in a bad mood, and had the feeling he was going to be distrusted because of it, but he didn't really care.