Forum Thread
PokeFarm Q Club
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → PokeFarm Q Club
Welcome to Pokefarm Q Club also known as PFQC. This group is for all of the PH players who also play PFQ to come to for questions and also to post like things that they are looking for and whatever they need.
All I request from people is be polite and respectful for others. Also please help the ones who are in need.

Username on PH:
Username on PFQ:
How long have been playing:
Favorite pokemon you have on PFQ:

List of players:
PH Username = PFQ Username
~AnimeSenpai~ = Wolf1792
auroradragon93 = auroradragon93
AuracleOfBacon = AuracleOfBacon
Xerao = Aero
RandomUser = RandomUser
Lado1139 = Lado1139
~DexShiny~ = Dex
AriaWolf = AriaWolf
Monokuma = Vipinx
Axicia = Mari Onette
LordChromos = LordChromos
Fre_Sh_Va_Ca_Do = EeveeLover10
MeowsticTheCat = fuzzy6600
AkaruiShiro = AkaruiShiro
Miir = Miir
{please let me know what I should add on here.}
Username on PFQ: Same as PH
How long have been playing: Since January 26,2016
Favorite pokemon you have on PFQ: This bad boy, because he was my first hatched Shiny... I still think someone had a Sei in it ^-^
Username on PH: ~DexShiny~
Username on PFQ: Dex
How long have been playing: Approx. a year
Favorite pokemon you have on PFQ: Shiny Zangoose
Ultimate dream shiny: Shaymin (Land)
LF: Shiny Miltank
Avid JoJo's Bizarre Adventure fan
Username on PH: AriaWolf
Username on PFQ: AriaWolf
How long have been playing: For over a year now, since 10/04/2015
Favorite pokemon you have on PFQ: My albino mega Zoroark •°Zach°•~
Username on PH: ScribblezSharkii
Username on PFQ: GhostlyAmy
How long have been playing: one year
Favorite pokemon you have on PFQ: lycanroc
Username on PFQ: fuzzy6600
How long have been playing: Since April 1st
Favorite pokemon you have on PFQ: Blaze

they are going to add the sprites to the wiki instead of having a new guide on PFQ since this with the last one they had that someone made
I'm doing good on the tournament and I can give tips on this week tournament if you like because I'm alreay half way to 250 points and I did that the day the tournament started