Welcome to the Hatoful Boyfriend
Fanclub! Hatoful Boyfriend is a bird dating sim/visual novel, and
this is a club for people to be talk about it and
-Be kind to everybirdie in the club!
-Normal PH rules apply to this club too!
-Please don't hate on certain characters.
-Put all spoilers in a spoiler.
Username: Lycanroc
Have you played the game?: No, but I have watched several let's
plays and read the wiki, so I know the story inside and out.
Favorite character?: Senpai, Dr. Iwamine Shuu
Nickname you'd prefer to be called: Alley, Lycan, Finn, doesn't
matter to me
Have you played the game?:YES
Favorite character?:N a geki but i love anghel too hhhhh
Nickname you'd prefer to be called:kit or kitkat idc
Username: Emedan the
Have you played the game?: YAS
Favorite character?: Anghel, omg Anghel theme has to be BANANA MAN
from Tally Hall, also OKASAN
Nickname you'd prefer to be called: Eme, Emelicious, anything that
goes with Eme like Emy or Em