Anna stopped and rushed off to watch them at a distance.
"Let's agree. No more numbers. She either goes for us, or herself.
We need not risk any of our lives unless we are positive we know
what it does." Ricky replied.
Anna heard positive in a distance and it felt like she was waking.
She moaned once and fell from her perch.
Maru saw memories from her past. She had always liked the colour
red, but whet she saw seriously changed her opinions. The floor,
tents even her clothes were drenched in red, red licked at the
fabric of the tests, consuming them like a hungry wolf. Her
previous girlfriend stood in front of her, knife at her throat.
Stretching a hand out to stop her, Maru looked on in horror as her
girlfriend slit her own neck, toppling backwards and into the mouth
of the hungry fire. Sitting back a whimper, Maru help her hands
next to her ears, in a completely different world.
Maru's eyes snapped open, as she gasped, realising what had
happened. Looking up she could see Ray's worried face. "I-im fine."
She murmured, running a hand through her hair, slick with sweat.
Whilst the commotion was going on, Ivy, unseen, snuck into the
camp. She began to rifle thorough bags, taking small bits of food
to keep her going. She looked into a room through a crack in the
door. She saw to girls: one asleep and one crying.
Ricky sighed once, "I don't know what I said that controlled you,
but sorry." He looked at Anna once. It was his fault that she was
hypnotized for that short time, and while he didn't say ten, none
of it would have happened if he ignored her.
As Anna slumbered she had a nightmare. She was back in her room. A
robotic voice muttered, "Command thirty five." and with that she
was removing the eyes of her room mate with a pencil.
Ivy closes the crack in the door silently. She was a theif. She
shouldn't let her emotions get a hold of her. At. All. She snooped
around a bit more, nearing the place Ricky and Anna where. A stray
leaf fell from her jacket and she accidentally stepped on it. It
made a deafeningly loud crunch.
Ivy started running. She was the fastest in her year at school. She
climbed to the very top of the fist tall tree she came to,
clutching her bag of stolen goods and her bag tightly to her chest.
Anna put a knife to Ivy's throat, "Sorry. We did a tag team. Ricky
would force you to flee and I'd follow you like a second shadow.
Drop the bag. She's over here Ricky!"
Ricky laughed once, the tag team effort paid off. It was hard to
trust Anna after the attack, but he had to do right by her, and if
freeing her did it, he was satisfied.
(Sorry, was at dinner) "So I could keep myself alive?! It's kind of
obvious. I mean, wouldn't you if you were in my situation?" She
eventually said, the knife cutting into her throat.
"Because I didn't know you guys frikin' existed until about five
mutinies ago!" She said, wrenching her arm from Anna's grip and
rubbing her throat. (OOOOHHHH IVY SAID A BAD WORD!!! Ivy: SHUT IT!)