Forum Thread
Luca's art shop! [OPEN]
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Fanarts → Luca's art shop! [OPEN]Let's not write like that again :'D

Welcome, welcome, thanks for clicking the link owo
First, before anything:
Rules & Info
1. All PH rules apply.
2. Be patient, I'm a busy
3. Only one order per person at a time.
4. Don't use what you didn't order, that's rude.
5. I will not finish the drawing till you say the sketch is decent enough.
6. Payment must be send as soon as I finish, so pay in time, please? *puppy eyes*
7. I reserve the rights to decline any order.
8. You are allowed to edit or modify whatever you obtain here, as long you do not claim it as your own.
9. Take in count I won't finish things in order, in the time I do something shaded, I would most likely get out 5 chibis.
Now that that's out of the way:
What I can do!
Sketchy: 5K pd x x x
Lineart: 10K x x x
Flat color: 15K pd x x x
Sketchy: 10K pd x x x
Lineart: 25K pd x x x
Flat color: 75K pd x x x
Shaded: 150K pd x x x
Maybe later x'D
I'll draw whatever in chibi - humans, dragons, pokemon...
BUT anything non-humanoid is going to be a challenge for me in any other style.
Luca, Luca! can I get a [u]drawing[/u]?
[b]Character: [/b]
[b]Style: [/b]
[b]Pose: [/b]
[b]Payment: [/b]
[b]Anything else? [/b]
[b]Character: [/b]
[b]Style: [/b]
[b]Pose: [/b]
[b]Payment: [/b]
[b]Anything else? [/b]
Character: Here please add a link to the reference of the character/s you want
Style: Chibi sketchy, bust flat color...
Pose: Just put here what you want them to be doing, I will try to follow this the best I can :'D
Payment: Self explanatory.
Anything else? you want the sketch of x color? want a flat color without lines?
Note to self: Get more examples, seriously
and the like!
example: x x x
prices are whatever you want to pay!
Luca, Luca! can I get a [u]graphic[/u]?
[b]Image: [/b]
[b]Type: [/b]
[b]Theme: [/b]
[b]Animation? [/b]
[b]Payment: [/b]
[b]Anything else? [/b]
[b]Image: [/b]
[b]Type: [/b]
[b]Theme: [/b]
[b]Animation? [/b]
[b]Payment: [/b]
[b]Anything else? [/b]
Image: Here please add a link to the image and proof I can use it for a banner
Type: a banner, a signature, a whatever!
Theme: a color, a feeling a whatever!
Animation? Yes or no, if yes, an explanation of how.
Payment: prices are whatever you want to pay! If you asked for it to be animated, I might charge you a little more.
Anything else? size and maybe for what exactly you need it
note to self: better form, more examples.
Anything, really!
Found a nice gif you want as an avatar? is too big? want also a border in there? or you want to take that background out of an image? or need to cut an image in a tons of tiny ones? don't worry, I will do it for you ;D
Luca, help! D:
[b]Image: [/b]
[b]Edits to do: [/b]
[b]Anything else? [/b]
[b]Image: [/b]
[b]Edits to do: [/b]
[b]Anything else? [/b]
Image: a link to the gif/image
Edits to do: make it avatar sized, add a border,make it lighter/darker, cut in x way, render, idk, whatever.
Anything else? :P
I will ask for payment if it takes me more than it needs to take.
I'm to lazy to update this so
Finished orders!
x x x x
Thanks for coming!
Hope to see you back!
Luca, Luca! can I get a drawing?
Character: Hakuryuu! (the character, not the dragon, sorry) ;v
Style: Bust - Flat color
Pose: IDK?
Payment: Base + huge tip depending on my mood at that moment (can be really high)
Anything else?

Grumpy Rogue (my fursona) by Navuso
Character: Kelpie~
Style: Chibi - flat color ;w;
Pose: Up to you~
Payment: 25k PD
Anything else? Take your time~
Luca, Luca! can I get a drawing?
Character: Bitey
Style: Chibi flat
Pose: artistic freedom
Payment: 15k+
Anything else? have fun with her

I almost forgot the blushies |'D
ooh I love the design! a ton of fun to draw

I had a ton of dificulties thinking in an interesting pose and not out of character
Character: My Minccino Pokesona. (THere's also a gijinka in the folder if you prefer human things)
Style: Chibi-Flat
Pose: Feel free to do anything ^-^
Payment: 15k + tip
Anything else? Nope~
So wich one should I finish? I could also try to make a new one~
Luca, Luca! can I get a drawing?
Character: My love
Style: Chibi, flat coloring
Pose: In whatever you want 'v'
:0 You can get more :u
Anything else? Nothing more u v u