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The Rise of an Army (Pokemon)

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP The Rise of an Army (Pokemon)
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Tue, 30/08/2016 00:38 (8 Years ago)
Thorax growled at Proffesor for last time bafore he looked at Katniss . Katniss smiled "Yeah , Route 1 sounds like good idea , we need to train , right Thorax ?" Thorax guickly nodded and then they both followed Ask but then Egg bumped into him and Thorax wanted to growl at him but he helped him to get up instead

(Can pokemons speak with other pokemons ? Of course - in theird language)
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 180
Posted: Tue, 30/08/2016 00:42 (8 Years ago)
(Sure, but I'll only let your starter and one othr Pokemon talk other than in battles and stuff)

The route was pretty calm. There were now more people there now thst the parasitic kid was gone, but none were trainers. There was grass for training instead.

(NOTICE - PCs don't exist here. You can't release Pokemon, so if you catch one, it's on your team forever)

Pokemon on this route-


I mostly go on Smogon and Twitter nowadays.

Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Tue, 30/08/2016 00:47 (8 Years ago)
(Okay , thank you ! :3)

Katniss looked around , there is a nice wind here . She will miss this place "Okay Thorax , can ..." She looked around , Thorax wasnt there "He is propably still in lab , i will wait for him . I just need to be carefull and dont go near tall grass."
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 327
Posted: Tue, 30/08/2016 00:48 (8 Years ago)
Duchess looked around for her second Pokemon.As she sat,she saw a Zoura. (Can it be a shiny zoura?)

*throws ds at wall*

Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 180
Posted: Tue, 30/08/2016 00:51 (8 Years ago)
(No, a Shiny Pomemon will be found later.)

I mostly go on Smogon and Twitter nowadays.

Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Tue, 30/08/2016 00:55 (8 Years ago)
Thorax finnaly found a way to Route 1 and he waved at Katniss and Katniss waved back . "So Thorax , there isnt really any pokemon that i want so can we train ?" Katniss asked and Thorax nodded and he jumped in tall grass , suddely a wild Rattata appeared "Okey Thorax , Use quick attack !" She said and Thorax attacked ratata
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 327
Posted: Tue, 30/08/2016 00:57 (8 Years ago)
(Oh ok.)She saw a male zoura eating berries."ok this is my chance...go vixen!"she threw her ball then vixen came out."fen!"The zoura growled at duchess and vixen."ok vixen.use ember!"vixen used ember and it hit it.the zoura felled easy since it was a bit weaker than vixen.she threw a poke ball at the zoura.one....two.....three!!it worked!!

*throws ds at wall*

Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 180
Posted: Tue, 30/08/2016 00:59 (8 Years ago)
Budew began using Extrasensory or Absorb on random stuff. "This is fun to watch." Ask was eating a PBJ sandwich while making sure it wasn't getting hurt.
I mostly go on Smogon and Twitter nowadays.

Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 327
Posted: Tue, 30/08/2016 01:02 (8 Years ago)
Duchess ran to the others."guys guys!i got a zoura!"duchess was so happy.

*throws ds at wall*

Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 180
Posted: Tue, 30/08/2016 01:03 (8 Years ago)
"Nice job! What are you naming it?" Ask was curious while being happy for his friend at the same time.
I mostly go on Smogon and Twitter nowadays.

Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 327
Posted: Tue, 30/08/2016 01:04 (8 Years ago)
(Also duchess might have a full dog like team.)"I might name it....shadow!!"duchess was happy to have a another Pokemon.

*throws ds at wall*

Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Tue, 30/08/2016 01:06 (8 Years ago)
Thorax already defeated second Ratatta . It wasnt really hard becouse Rattatas are usually really weak wih low levels like this . Then Lillipup appeared "This is going to be harder ! Be carefull Thorax and use Blaze Kick !" Thorax used Blaze Kick but he missed and Lillipup used leer "Okay , dont worry Thorax ! Try it again !" She said and Thorax defeated Lillipup with single blaze kick becouse it was super effective . "Good Job Thorax ! Oh , thats great Duchess ! " Katniss said "I dont really want to catch any pokemon here .."
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 327
Posted: Tue, 30/08/2016 01:07 (8 Years ago)
(I am gonna ditch lilpup.)"come out vixen and shadow!!"

*throws ds at wall*

Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Tue, 30/08/2016 01:13 (8 Years ago)
(You should check Lilipups attack and stats first , remember that you will never be able to remove him/her)

Thorax just defeated a Patrat and Katniss hugged him "You are great , Thorax ! I guess its good time to eat something . I am hungry like wolf ! What do you think ?" Katniss asked and Thorax nodded . Katniss sit under tree and Thorax next to her , she gived him a blueberry protein bar and she was eating a apple
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 327
Posted: Tue, 30/08/2016 01:19 (8 Years ago)
(I didn't catch a lilpup.)
Duchess petted vixen and shadow and gave a bowl with pokebits.They nom it up and shadow walked to a stomp and sat there.

*throws ds at wall*

Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 105
Posted: Tue, 30/08/2016 01:25 (8 Years ago)
After listening tot he professor Cassidy walked out with Ask and the others. It seemed everyone had their own agenda when they reached Route 1, so Cass walked around looking for some wild pokemon. She heard others attacking and training their pokemon already, but Osha still seemed a bit timid after what happened. A rustling in the bushes next to her had her moving in closer to look. She would be very careful though- she didn't want another mushroom parasite run-in.

There was a sharp whimper that even got Osha's attention. "Hey, are you okay?" She asked, as she moved the branches finding an shinx caught in some barbs. "Oh, ok. Just relax I'll help you out." She smiled and even Osha came to move some of the branches. Once free the shinx limped out, still looking at them wearily. "You are really small... did you get lost? Oh! Your all scratched up." Cass pulled a small cloth out of her back pocket, "Osha can you use water gun to wet this so we can clean this bad wound?" Osha nodded and used it to help out. Cass cleaned up the shinx and his paw, which was still making him limp. Osha handed his scarf to her, and she wrapped it up. "That should do it for now..." The shinx rubbed against her hands, getting up to leave, but stopping to look around. He looked so sad. "Would you like to come with us? We are just headed out on a journey with our friends... it's always nice to have a new friend." Smiling she held out a pokeball. After a few moments the shinx smiled and nodded.

Finding the others she held her new shinx in her arms, Osha was under her hat again and from the sound of it, snoozing. "Hey, you found a zorua! That's great! Are you guys not catching anything here?" She looked around again, "Where should we head to first Ask?"
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My little Egg Family!

^^Made By Argentis^^
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 180
Posted: Tue, 30/08/2016 01:27 (8 Years ago)
Ask was napping, but woke up suddenly and abruptly. "Hnuh!? Oh. Up past that gate is a big city in a valley if you wanna go there." Ask pointed down to a small building with a big elevator in it.
I mostly go on Smogon and Twitter nowadays.

Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Tue, 30/08/2016 01:31 (8 Years ago)
(Oh , yeah . Sorry , google failed me once again )

When Thorax finished his food he decited to train more , Katniss was still eating apple . He moved closer to tall grass and wild zorua appeared . He used Blaze Kick but he wasnt able to defeat Zorua with single blow and Zorua used scratch and Thorax got hit but then he used quick attack CRITICAL - Zorua fainted .

Katniss shaked her head "I dont think that Thorax likes any pokemon that is here so i am not going to catch any . " Suddely Thorax runned closer to Katniss and he looked at other pokemons " Well , i must accept thet they are strong " He said for himself
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 327
Posted: Tue, 30/08/2016 01:37 (8 Years ago)
Duchess took out her sleeping bag since it was night.Shadow and Vixen were in their pokeballs.

As Duchess was asleep,Vixen somehow got out then went to a berry bush to gather berries for breakfest.Vixen put them on a rock then went to her pokeball to rest.

*throws ds at wall*

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 320
Posted: Tue, 30/08/2016 16:45 (8 Years ago)
Hey, Duo! Can I join?
Username: Gale_Akolt
RP Name: Gale
Character Description: Gale has light blue hair, bright red eyes with a purple t-shirt and a green jacket on top and grey shorts with red and blue striped shoes.(gosh this would be terrible for camouflage xD oh well)
Favorite Type?: dragon and dragon (why not put and/or :P)
Other: does yew yew say anything (if nobody gets that....) and no questions