Forum Thread
The Rise of an Army (Pokemon)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → The Rise of an Army (Pokemon)Budew jumped off of Ask's back. "I think we have no other choice. We have to fight." Budew was hit by a Scratch. "And we have to fight quickly."
(There's one for you, don't worry :^)
Cassidy and her new pokemon walked around the town, her pointing out places and people, he was so excited to meet everyone. "Wow- he is so cool!" Her brother said when she finally got to her neighbors. "What kind of moves does he have?"
"Not sure, we haven't done any training yet." Cass thought about it a second, "Do you know the special egg move you have? I remember Ask saying something about it..." Oshawott thought about it and got a huge smile. He jumped back, taking the seashell from his stomach and slicing it throughthe air. "Cool! You know Air Slash! You must have had a strong flying type parent..." Cass watched as her brother and pokemon played when she heard the sound of a pokeball opening.
"Hm? Maybe someone else picked theirs. C'mon, let's go check it out!" She said, running in the direction of the sound. She came up to Ask, Duchess, Katniss, Purple, their pokemon and two young boys. Well, one young boy, and what seemed like a boy and his paras. The paras leapt and attacked Budew, "Hey!" She yelled. Everyone seemed ready for battle. "Looks like we're up to Osha!" She said and he sprang forward with the rest of them, using his Air Slash on one of the other paras.
My little Egg Family!

^^Made By Argentis^^
"good job Thorax !" Katniss said , Thorax smiled , he is tired . He started walking toward Katniss "Pokemons owned by trainers are stronger than wild pokemons , right ?" She said with smile and she hugged Thorax
"Well, that just happened..." Ask stood there in awe, while his Budew began happily circling around him. The sad little boy ran off into the distance,
My little Egg Family!

^^Made By Argentis^^
Afterwards, Ask went back outside to see if his friends were still there.