"Then I guess you wouldn't mind us going all out.... Yuric now"
"Alright fine" Yuric sighed as he transformed into the longbow.
Gale then shot the arrow at the right time needed to open the dome
long enough for them to get out. Immidietly after getting behind
Kaze to strike her "Your gonna be the target of my revenge, for
"Hey wait for me, uh Gale you ok with handling this on your own?"
"Yeah sure, have fun" "K thnx, I do not want to chill in a mini war
zone" Yuric followed the others. "Why so early is my question."
After 20 seconds Gale checked the trees and focused on the air
pressure finding any shapes that weren't the trees,branches,leaves,
and other natural things.
Gale found the cave and decided since it would be too difficult to
find somebody by senceing them in a place with multiple edges. So
he went inside keeping to the walls to find his way.
"Yeah... It's way too early. But I guess we need to keep an eye out
for anything. It's our job." Ria replied. "It feels weird being
able to turn into a weapon." She added, looking up at the sky.
Alexis heard something running around. "I hear something..."
Name: Ken Age: 18 Gender: Male Race: Half-elf Weapon Soul: Mikako History: To be rp'ed Personality: He can be the hard to talk to kind of person
sometimes, otherwise he's quite friendly, he has a strong sense of
justice and wants to help others Magic/Skills: He can talk to people through mind and his
words have an effect that his words put pressure on the one he's
talking to's mind and the person will be forced to obey him, but it
works to only a certain extent, if the person has a weak will then
only they will be manipulated otherwise he can talk normally in
their minds. Crush: Open Other: He doesn't use his power much because of the
pressurizing side effect.
Name: Kyoya Age: 17 Gender: Male Race: Human Weapon Soul: Rikako History: To be rp'ed Personality: He doesn't like to talk much except for times
when he's interested and the desire to talk to someone overcomes
him, he's really nice at the inside Magic/Skills: Creating magical red coloured barriers, but
the barriers can sometimes be weak if he's not focusing enough and
when he's totally in rage or determined, they can be
super-magically strong. Crush: Open Other: He doesn't talk much because he thinks that talking
to him or him talking to others will only cause trouble.
Name: Mikako Age: 16 Gender: Female Race: Fairy Weapon Type: Lance Weapon Form Appearance: Partner: Ken History: To be rp'ed Personality: She is quite similar to Ken but she doesn't
like battling too much, she's gotten used to it for specific
reasons and she is the happy-go-lucky type. Special Abilities/Skills: When in Lance form she can boost
the user's statistics by 10% Crush: Open Other: She doesn't change to Weapon Form except when
practicing or in battle. She is Rikako's younger twin sister,
they're fraternal twins. Her and Rikako's wings are almost
transparent but if one focuses the light grey diamond patterns
pattern on her wings can be seen.
Name: Rikako Age: 16 Gender: Female Race: Fairy Weapon Type: Spear Weapon Form Appearance: Partner: Kyoya History: To be rp'ed Personality: Unlike Mikako, she is the serious, kind and
focused type of person and is very understanding. Special Abilities/Skills: She can lower the opponent's
magic/ skills power by 5% for half an hour if she hits the weapon
once. Crush: Open Other: She doesn't change to Weapon Form except when
practicing or in battle. She is Mikako's elder twin sister, they're
fraternal twins. Her and Mikako's wings are almost transparent but
if one focuses the light grey heart patterns pattern on her wings
can be seen.