Just as the two girls were about to leave, a knock came from the
doorway. Hopping forward, Hanamaru opened the door, only to be
doused with a bucket full of water. Standing there, soaking wet,
Hanamaru and Ryu heard cracking of laughter, as a Zoroark stood
there, laughing her head off.
Yohane "Yoshiko" Knightwing, cone here for a sec." Ryu said
dangerously, and the Zoroark gijinka gulped. "I'm outta here!" She
yelled, running off. Growling, Ryu shot of after her while Hanamaru
just sighed, went back inside to change her cloths and throw a
towel over her shoulder. Once that was done, she walked to Milo's
place where Ryu was waiting with Yohane trapped in her arms.
Yohane looked around her unfamiliar surroundings. "Um... Ryu, can
you set me down please?" She asked she asked with a nervous smile.
"Nope" Ryu bluntly refused. "This little fool dumped water into
Maru when we were going out." Ryu explained, as Hanamaru just
"Anyway, you're at the Gijinka Beach Resort. And this place isn't
public and the only people that can get in, are people with special
permission such as us, of when one of us brings another person. Aka
you. Also, I'm Draco." Draco said, smiling and put his hand out.
"Y-y-yoshiko." Yohane muttered. She allways stuttered when she
wanted to say her real name, so she did everything she could ti
cross it out. Shaking Draco's hand.
Draco and Alex cleaned their plates after eating and thanked Mio.
Draco and Alex started walking back home. "You have a crush on her,
don't you?" Alex asked
Draco and Alex got back home and Draco noticed that Ryu and Hana
were helping Yohane pack. He walked over to them "You need some
help unpacking?" Draco asked