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Pokemon Go
Forum-Index → General Discussion → Pokemon GoI'm having a hard time for PokeStops though!
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I found a lot of pokestops, but I can't get all of them because there is no wifi;(
Yesterday I went to an art museum but I only got 3 of them
Thanks ;)
so what's your favorite/strongest pokemon so far, guys? i got a pretty good tauros using an incense, and a random pikachu that i want to evolve. since i live near a lake, i get a bunch of goldeen and poliwags, too. cx
So far my best Pokemon is my Vaporeon. <3

❄ Journal || Flight Rising ❄
Have heard that the pokemon that you can find will vary with the location. Do the available pokemon also change with time of day and weather?
Do the pokemon still have attributes? Are there still shinies and megas? Are the legends wild and out there all the time or are they just going to be special event type releases?
Have heard that the trainers have levels in this game. So does this mean that all the pokemon that you catch will level up as you do?
Is battling still the main way to level up or can you also level up by collecting stuff or taking a certain amount of steps?
Does your trainer level affect the type of pokemon that will show up?
Read at the site that once you are a certain level you can join a team and defend or attack gyms. Is this true? Has anyone made it that far yet?
Have heard as well that they plan to add trading. Will that be regular style or wonder trading, does anyone know?
Can you play this game if you actually have your phones privacy settings turned on? Or do you have to be willing to let them track and share your info more or less constantly? Is that why the game is free?
Also: is it true that the game can cause your phone to overheat?
Thanks in advance for any relevant answers. Am just curious. Want to know more about what the options will be before I choose to invest time into it.
Courage. Peace. Kindness. Happiness.
All are contagious. Pass them on. =D
Do the pokemon still have attributes? Are there still shinies and megas? Are the legends wild and out there all the time or are they just going to be special event type releases? No Shinies and Megas. Last time I heard about Legends was there were going to be event type, or tournament prizes or something.
Have heard that the trainers have levels in this game. So does this mean that all the pokemon that you catch will level up as you do? The more your catch, and level pokemon, the more your trainer levels. It doesn't work the other way around. As your trainer level increases, chances of higher CP will be found. Your pokemon don't gain levels as you level, only be candies given to them.
Is battling still the main way to level up or can you also level up by collecting stuff or taking a certain amount of steps? Battling is one way. Catching and Transferring Pokemons are another.
Does your trainer level affect the type of pokemon that will show up? Only CP levels.
Read at the site that once you are a certain level you can join a team and defend or attack gyms. Is this true? Has anyone made it that far yet? Yes, everyone has. There's a ton of posts about it on social media.
Have heard as well that they plan to add trading. Will that be regular style or wonder trading, does anyone know? At least regular trading was announced lately. Wonder trading could be a possibility, but I don't see it for this game, but who knows.
Can you play this game if you actually have your phones privacy settings turned on? Or do you have to be willing to let them track and share your info more or less constantly? Is that why the game is free? You just need Wifi and GPS. You'll have to let the app know your location. Any other info isn't needed, another than a GMAIL account.
Also: is it true that the game can cause your phone to overheat? I heard about this, but this seems rare. My phone doesn't overheat.
Thanks in advance for any relevant answers. Am just curious. Want to know more about what the options will be before I choose to invest time into it.
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One more question: if you assign a pokemon to a gym then do you ever get it back?
Courage. Peace. Kindness. Happiness.
All are contagious. Pass them on. =D
I dont go out us much since its winter here and the rain and sun arekinda battling every 5 mins so i tend to go iut when my parents go out
and it's honestly just an exercising game
but that's just my opinion
Yato The God of Calamity Out!

About me:
Favorite Game: Roblox
Favorite roleplays: Eeveelution camp 2, The new world.
Mood: Calm
Favirote pokemon of all time: Mew
Favirote animal: Capybara
Ocs: shiny Shinx with a scarf and a santa hat