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||Remnants Of A Forgotten Past||

Forum-Index Roleplay ||Remnants Of A Forgotten Past||
Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 404
Posted: Thu, 23/06/2016 20:59 (8 Years ago)

This is the main roleplay thread for the roleplay Remnants Of A Forgotten Past. The Sign-Up Thread can be found here.
Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 404
Posted: Thu, 23/06/2016 23:07 (8 Years ago)
Sage Ludicro

The airship landed onto the docks with a thump, Sage was leaning against one of the walls and teetered a little upon the impact. As the large door of the airship opened out onto the grounds of Beacon Academy, Sage noticed the dock they had landed on was a large, circular pad atop a huge cliff, overlooking the water below.

As Sage looked to his right, the first thing that caught his eye was the Cross Continental Transmit System tower. He had heard about it before, but nothing compared to how it appeared in person. There were four towers, one in each kingdom. These towers were the only reason people were able to communicate long distance, and if one was to fall, the world would be in darkness - scary thought.

On the path towards the school, a holographic AI projection was on a loop, telling arriving pupils to meet at the amphitheater for further instructions. On his way towards the main entrance, Sage observed the beautiful architecture of the school; great archways, stone paths, and the grand statue in the main courtyard. Glancing at some of the other students, Sage couldn't have seen more variety. Hair of everyone colour, glorious weapons; some concealed, some exposed. He could tell people didn't come to this school to mess around.

The walk wasn't going to be short, so Sage took the opportunity and opened the box attached to his belt and removed the camera to begin snapping pictures of the other students' weapons.

Hazel Honey

Hazel was nervous. The airships weren't exactly the most spacious, and there was a lot of people around. These people had years of preparation before enrolling to Beacon, and Hazel had no time compared to them. Their weapons outshone hers immensely, Hazel's were quickly made from the first thing she could think of, while the others students would have studied weapon craftsmanship before forging their own. Hazel knew these years were going to be tough.

Hazel began to play with her cat tail while waiting for the airship to land. She received a few strange looks from the other students, but she was proud of her tail, so she didn't care.

Hazel glanced out a window and saw that the airship was approaching the docks; the academy appeared magnificent from this view. While dazing out the window, Hazel heard a ticking sound from the other side of the airship, which was only a few meters away. She had originally thought it was apart of someone's weapon, clock based perhaps, but then she heard the sound; the loudest 'bang' she had ever heard. She turned away, but the pressure of the shock wave from the explosion pinned her against the window, before engulfing her in flames, and sending the airship into a tailspin heading directly towards the courtyard...

Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Fri, 24/06/2016 00:26 (8 Years ago)
Avani Peridotite

As the airship landed at the docks, Avani grew nervous. She wasn't use to the city and she hadn't seen so many people in one place, besides at the Ferry. She walked off as soon as the doors opened. She had pride on her step as she looked around the courtyard. She noticed many people with extraordinary looks from faces to clothing even down to their weapons.

"It's about time I got off that airship" thought Avani.

She begin to stretch out her body; the airship was crammed with people. As she stretched she noticed a few guys looking at her. She simply smiled and waved. She then notice someone taking pictures. She thought nothing of it and begin to walk to the Amphitheater as the AI instructed.

William Neptune

Will was bored. He had been on this airship for what felt like hours. He leaned against the wall of the airship and peered out of the window. Finally he had seen land as the ship was approaching the dock.That's when it had happened. He heard a strange noise and turned around to see flames. He shielded his face with his arms and walked blown back by the explosion. He was thrown on the ground with his head dizzy. He could feel the airship lose control and start to spiral. He knew that it was only headed for the courtyard.
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 785
Posted: Fri, 24/06/2016 08:29 (8 Years ago)
Yune Astrea

Yune excitedly looked out of the airships window. The view of the huge Beacon Academy broadened in front of her face. For a short time she followed with her gaze the many students that very already on a hurry to get in the school building.

Yune turned around to face her best friend Lute and asked from him "Hey Lute, shouldn't we get going already? ....Uh, Lute? Are you okay? ...You... Umm... Look kinda sick?" She waved her hand in front of his face as he looked like he would throw up soon.

Lute Einsbern

Lute looked at Yune, and shook his head. "...I think that ....I'm sick from the airship trip..." He could feel that the dizziness would only go worse if he couldn't get fresh air right now, so he started to walk to the airships doors direction, but he almost lost his balance as he swung from right to left a little, but Yune hastened to help him and grabbed his hand.

Yune Astrea

"How about if I help you out of this airship and take you to the nurse's office?" Yune asked from Lute that looked like he would faint soon. He nodded slightly as she started to walk him out of the airship. "Now then, we'd had to find the nurse's office from somewhere... but where? Hmm..."
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 76
Posted: Fri, 24/06/2016 09:26 (8 Years ago)
Josh Luteus

Josh looked bored on the airship window,still affected by his parent's death.He got out of the airship and tried to not interfere with too much people,then he walked slowly and quiet with the other students who came for the Academy.
Trainerlevel: 69

Forum Posts: 464
Posted: Fri, 24/06/2016 09:47 (8 Years ago)
Rot Juodi

Rot sat on one of the benches near the window in the airship. They were almost at the Academy, yet he still couldn't calm his nervous shivering. The guy trembled like a leaf, his hands fisted, turning white on his knees. Everything would be alright as long as he didn't ruin his first impression. If he left a good one, the rest would be easy, if not.. Well that wasn't a pleasant thought.

But there were so many things that could go wrong! He could trip on his way out of the airship and take some other students to the ground with him! Or his horns might get stuck in a doorway, making everyone annoyed with his stumbling around. Of course there was also a chance that everything would be fine till he'd open his mouth. Then he would start stuttering, so no one could understand his giberish..

Rot didn't get any further with his musings as a loud bang rushed through the airship. The force of the blow knocked him down from his seat, making his head ring. He could hear people starting to shout, probably panicing. The guy tried to stand up, but the ship wasn't stable enough.

Well, Rot really didn't see that one coming...
Trainerlevel: 68

Forum Posts: 1,284
Posted: Fri, 24/06/2016 11:55 (8 Years ago)
Amethyst Winstone

Amethyst didn't walk out of airship, she practically jumped from one step to another Maybe she seemed cheerful, but behind her mask were bunch of questions and worries. 'What if they don't like me? Or if I mess up initiation? I mean I was one of best students in my class, but this is only for best.'

Her eyes scanned the group of people standing around her. She was surprised at all the differences she could see. From height, colors of eyes and hair, clothes and weapons. Confidence flew through her and she honestly smiled for first time in long time. 'Everything will be fine.' She assurred herself. And looked better at group. She tried to see someone she could be in team with, but insted she saw boy taking pictures. It made her confused. 'Why is he taking pictures? He can't be visitor. So why? I mean he will be in this school for four years. Should I ask him?' She at the end heard instruction to go to amphitheater and she just hopped of to it whith smile on her face.
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Fri, 24/06/2016 13:22 (8 Years ago)
Lavender Holyrain

Lavender blinked groggily, just waking up. She was... on the floor? She'd been woken by a loud bang, and she was on the ground. She shifted, trying to stand, but she was dizzy. She got onto her knees, but fell due to the airship being unstable. Her head was spinning, and she placed her hand on the person next to her. Though it was an accident, she kept it there as she went through a coughing fit. She had her hand on a bull Faunus next to her, and she steadied herself enough to grip the wall and stand, balancing. She blinked, dizzy. Her head was pounding, and her heart was going a thousand miles an hour. She coughed, tears streaming down her face from her coughing fit. She looked at the Bull Faunus, before offering him a hand. She had thought it was over.

”Hello There! I am Alter Ego, your technological guide!"
Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Fri, 24/06/2016 14:24 (8 Years ago)
Arsen Magnus

Arsen aimlessly wandered around the airship he was confined on. He was kind of fidgety since he had nothing to do while they were still in the air. At such a situation, he would usually play with his dagger since that gave him something to focus on to pass the time but that was out of the question in a such crowded place. Accidentally slicing someone's neck open or stabbing some innocent passer-by in the eye was not a good way to start at the Beacon Academy. Not that he would be careless enough to slice and dice someone without meaning to, he didn't trust the masses of people not to walk on his dagger.

So walking around it was. Which wasn't that bad of an alternative, he got to see most of the 'competition' while he was at it. People his ages, with a variety of colors and weapons decorating them, few faunus here and there. He caught a glimpse of someone who was clearly uncomfortable with the attention he got from people due to his horse ears while another was just nonchalantly playing with her cat tail regardless of the looks she was getting. And then there was a guy with horns that downright trembled. But he didn't pay much attention to them as he walked through the mass of people, most of which were noticeably shorter than him.

However, his stroll was rudely interrupted by a ridiculously loud bang that was instantly followed by a blast that knocked him off his long legs and smacked him onto the floor on his face. His ears ringing, Arsen's hand flew up to his face to cradle his sore nose by reflex as he attempted to stumble back up, only to fall down on his butt. He didn't try to get up again. As he watched the occupants of the damaged airship panicking and trying to stay on their feet or staying down as he now was, the head splitting ringing in his ears started to subside. It was replaced by roaring flames, wailing alarms, and panicked shouts. Somewhere in the back of his head, Arsen registered that his nose would probably be broken now if it wasn't for his aura.

He was so not dying before even setting foot into the academy.
Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 404
Posted: Fri, 24/06/2016 15:41 (8 Years ago)
Hazel Honey

Hazel screamed in agony as the flames engulfed her body, and although her Aura prevented the fire from burning her skin, it didn't stop the pain. She had never experienced such intense heat before, and she could feel her Aura depleting under the pressure.

The initial blast had caused many of the other students to be thrown against walls and floors and ceilings, just as she had. Some of the students remained unconscious, and Hazel didn't know whether they were dead or alive.

The explosion had caused the interior of the airship to become a raging inferno; people were screaming, running for whatever covering they could find. The pressure from the blast had tore a hole in the side of the ship, thus causing the ship to lose control and fall into a tailspin, heading towards the Academy. Through the hole, the wing of the airship was exposed, and Hazel could see chunks of it breaking off and plummeting towards the school; the ship was beginning to tear apart.

Nyanza Wisteria

Nyanza was in the courtyard, making her way towards the amphitheater along with the many other students. She scoped out the competition, and knew instantly that she was one of the best pupils here; the competition was weak.

She had heard the explosion, and instantly turned towards it's source; one of the airships. The airship had caught on fire, and was beginning to tear apart as it approached the courtyard. The pieces that broke off the ship moved at a higher speed towards her location.

To protect herself from the debris, Nyanza would have to use her Semblance. She was pissed at this thought; she was planning on showing off her skills at the sparring matches tomorrow, but desperate times called for desperate measures. She vowed that if some idiot had set off some Fire Dust by accident, that she was going to kill them.

She removed her left arm from underneath her cloak, and waved it in the air in an anti-clockwise movement. A silver, circular glyph appeared at a 45 degree angle above her, shielding herself and a few individuals who had covered beneath it to protect themselves from the incoming debris. 'Such weaklings...' she thought to herself with a smirk on her face, 'They can't even protect themselves'.

Hazel Honey

Those who had managed to grab a hold of a chair or bench, were able to remain partially stationary. But many, alike Hazel, were still being thrown around due to the violent movements of the airship. More and more of the ship was tearing itself apart, and Hazel believed she had saw people falling out of the gaping hole in the side of the ship. She wasn't sure whether everyone was going to survive their first day.

The situation at the moment was dire, the airship was going to crash into the courtyard of the Academy, and there wouldn't be enough time to try and stop it. At this stage, everyone on the airship began to realise that it wasn't a case of stopping the ship from colliding with the ground, it was a case of bracing themselves for impact...

Trainerlevel: 69

Forum Posts: 464
Posted: Fri, 24/06/2016 17:18 (8 Years ago)
Rot Juodi

The heat in the airship was unbearable. He felt a hand on his back, but didn't have the stability to look whoms it was. After a few more seconds of this chaos the hand disappeared. Rot followed it with his eyes and saw a deer Faunus standing up and offering her hand to him. However, the guy couldn't take it as his eyes widened at the sight before him.

The glass of the window, where he had sat before, could no longer hold the heat, nor the strain of the fall. It shook, then broke into huge shards. Rot grabed the girl, draging her under him. He somehow missed the fact that she also had a protective Aura around. The glass fell around them like rain, the fires heat only getting bigger. This was true hell.

Through those few seconds he noticed that even this girl was taller then him. Not by much, but still. He felt tiny anger and envy begining to rise in his chest. The guy really didn't have any time for this. So insteaf Rot tried to look around, to see how severe the damage was. It seemed terrible, everyone was shouting or burning, some laying unmoving.

Rot felt no wish to join them, that's for sure. Instead he focused on his Semblance, maping out the airship and the damage in his head. Soon he found a safer spot, not by much, but it should be enough to live through the crash. The guy took the deer Faunus hand and quickly, with a lot of stumbling and even a few falls, lead them there to wait out this catastrophe.
Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Fri, 24/06/2016 17:40 (8 Years ago)
Arsen Magnus

The airship was falling and falling apart. Crashing to the hard unforgiving ground was unavoidable and just a matter of time. Arsen realized he'd rather not be inside the ship when that happened. The only way out was through the gaping hole on the side of the ship and it seemed like few people had already exited through it unwillingly. He did his best to ignore the deafening cacophony of sheer terror and destruction as he got on his feet again. He kept his stance wide and hunched low to stay more balanced so he didn't fall back on his butt again. It was no easy task though. And then he broke into an unsteady run towards the hole on the ship few meters away, stumbling and bumping into people on the way. Before he reached his destination, Arsen grabbed one random student after bumping into them to alleviate his guilt of abandoning the sinking ship and everyone in it. And then he was on the edge of the hole on the ship, the wind already trying to rip them into the air. Wrapping his left arm around his 'passenger's' waist, he only gave them one brief warning, "Hold on!"

And with that, he activated his semblance and leaped as far as he could. In a blink of an eye, he and his unwilling companion were free falling away from the burning ship. Not far away enough though, Arsen noted as a piece of debris slammed into his back. But they shouldn't get caught in the worst of the crash when the ship came down and that was the important part. With his left arm still wrapped around his fellow student, he reached his right hand behind his back and swiftly pulled out his dagger and pointed the tip towards the rapidly approaching ground. Activating the wind dust in his dagger with his aura, he shot a powerful gust of wind to the ground, effectively slowing their descend. But not enough, the ground was coming closer too fast. Too fast!

And then Arsen registered pain as he and his 'hostage' collided with the ground. He tumbled and rolled few meters before coming to a stop, his face meeting the ground with a smack. Thank heavens for aura, his face would've been busted by now otherwise. Aching and his hands trembling, Arsen pushed his upper body slightly off the ground as he watched the airship crash. As he stared with wide fearful eyes, wind ruffled his orange hair as his hood had fallen off his head at some point in the ordeal. He didn't notice it. Just like he didn't notice that he had lost his grip on his passenger and his dagger during their landing. At that moment, he didn't even fully remember grabbing some poor student on his way out.

Did he really just jump out of a falling and burning airship?!

(((If someone wants to be that poor person he grabbed, be my guest. If not, it's just some random student. And I hope this is fine. :,])))
Trainerlevel: 68

Forum Posts: 1,284
Posted: Fri, 24/06/2016 18:20 (8 Years ago)
Amethyst Winstone

Amethyst was put off of her path when she heard loud bang. It didn't take her much time to notice where it was coming from. She watched as airship was burning and falling apart. After few seconds of looking around she noticed one of the airship parts landing right where she standed and she didn't have enough time to move. She noticed that it was one of smaller parts and it was burning so she, as fast as she could, put Ice dust in one part of her spear and jumped. It was fast enough jump so she could 'freeze' burning part of airship.

Thanks to material of which airship was made, it fell apart because of quick change from burning hot to freezing ice. Amethyst was so proud of her achievement, she forgot for small amount of time what was happening. At least until small part of airship didn't hit her, soon she was angry for forgeting and she turned to destroying other parts with much more strenght and anger. Each time she got hit, she got a little bit more power thanks to her semblance.

Soon she was tired of trying to destroy parts and she understood her mistake. Instead of looking for shelter from danger, she was running straight into it. Soon she was full of negative thoughts torwards herself and she runned of to find someone who can be of actual help. 'What the hell was I thinking? This is not my way of handeling things. I normaly think things trought.' At the end she realised it must be because of adrenalin going through her body but she was still angry. And, as more time passes, she noticed scratches, cuts and burns on her body.
Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 404
Posted: Fri, 24/06/2016 18:45 (8 Years ago)
Sage Ludicro

Sage has managed to snap a lot of pictures on his journey towards the amphitheater. He'd captured some great weapons; Shotgun Gauntlets, A Double Dagger Spear, and then he captured some boring ones; A sword, a shield; 'How boring...' He thought.

When Sage noticed what was happening in the skies above him, he did what everyone else was doing, and dived for cover. He managed to conceal himself behind a pillar of one of the large archways that surrounded the main courtyard.

Hazel Honey

Hazel was stumbling across the airship in hopes of finding somewhere to brace herself for impact, when some maniac, in a very stylish blue jacket, tackled her through the hole in the ship, and decided to drag her along in his suicide attempt.

Hazel's back was to the ground as herself and guy in blue fell to their demise. The roaring winds were blowing her green pigtails into her face, covering her vision. From what she could see, the airship was about to make contact with the ground, and it wasn't going to be pretty. A stray piece of debris was heading directly towards them. Hazel was too worried about the debris colliding with her that she allowed for it to hit the guy. 'Oops...'

The guy reached around with his free hand and removed the dagger from behind his back. She was unable to see what he was doing with it, but she could feel her descent beginning to slow. 'I see. At least he was smart enough to use some Air D-' The idiot obviously hadn't used the Air Dust effectively and the two slammed onto the ground. Her tail hurt from where she landed on it, but overall, she had escaped unscathed.

She turned to look at the guy in the blue jacket. While still rubbing her tail, she spoke only one word, 'Idiot.'

Sage Ludicro

As Sage watched the aircraft draw closer, he noticed more and more bodies falling from the ship. Whether these people were jumping or falling, he was unsure. He looked over to the main pathway and saw the girl with the double dagger spear from earlier. She was in the heat of battle, destroying as much debris as possible before it came into contact with the Academy.

'I should be helping. not cowering behind a pillar.' As Sage went to run over to the girl and help, the main body of the aircraft smashed through the giant archway to his left and crashed into one of the fountains within the courtyard, leaving behind a large hole in the ground. Bodies and rubble and water and flaming pieces of debris flew everywhere. What was left was no longer an airship, but a huge scrap of twisted metal. Sage would be surprised if anyone could have survived an impact like that.
Trainerlevel: 69

Forum Posts: 464
Posted: Fri, 24/06/2016 20:56 (8 Years ago)
Rot Juodi

"I LIVE!" a loud shout was heard from the carcass of the broken airship. "I live, I live, I live, I am alive!!" more joyous shouting could be heard in the silence that streached after the accident.

Rot was going out of his mind, that's how proud he was that his plan has been successful. Of coutse if not for their Auras, they would have been dead meat. Those few beams that fell over the two could have dealt fatal harm, but as it stands they held the other derbis from crushing them.

Rot was so happy, he completely forgot about the girl that had been with him in their hiding place. He was in heaven, just because he managed to save his own butt with his own strengh. And from such a crash, no less!

Right after impact, when everything setteled down, Rot pushed away a rod blocking his way and ran off, leaving the deer Faunus behind. Of course the fire was still there with its horrid heat, but there was also some water now taming it. The guy gleefully ran through the damages beyond repair airship, screaming his lungs out.

That didn't last for long as his horns ironically got stuck in a hole leading outside. He immediatelly shut up. He got annoyed in a matter of seconds, sometimes his horns where more trouble then anything else. Rot backed away, ripping them free. Looked at the hole for a moment, trying to awkwardly angle his head to fit. When he got it somewhat right the guy passed through. Once again he felt happiness swell in his chest as he reached for the sun with his hands.
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Fri, 24/06/2016 22:13 (8 Years ago)
Lavender Holyrain

Lavender followed the bull Faunus, thanking him excessively in her mind. She sprinted to him, smile on her lips, and tears of relief trailing down her cheeks. "Th-thank you! Thank you!" She shouted, being meters behind him. She caught up to him, and forgot her insecurities. She hugged him from behind, being an awkward little Faunus. "Thank you..." She whispered, looking down. Her tears dropped onto the ground, and she suddenly became red-faced. She backed up and let go, saying "I'm sorry, that was inappropriate behavior! I-I'll go..." She scampered past him, embarrassed and flustered. 'You are an idiot. You don't hug random people, no matter what they do for you! You are an idiot... Idiot...' She repeated the word in her head, being the self-insulting girl she was. She tapped her pointer fingers together, walking slowly. Her small feet skimmed the ground lightly as her eats twitched gloomily.

”Hello There! I am Alter Ego, your technological guide!"
Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Fri, 24/06/2016 22:56 (8 Years ago)
Arsen Magnus


That one suddenly spoken word made Arsen flinch slightly, mostly from surprise. Tearing his eyes away from the utter catastrophe that was the wreck of the airship on the courtyard, he pushed himself to his feet and located the source of the insult. A faunus girl with long green pigtails with her tail in her hands. He had seen her earlier on the airship. Probably.

Oh right, he grabbed someone before jumping off that death trap. Must've been her.

Wait a second, did she just call him an idiot? After he more or less saved her from certain death. Arsen gave the girl a small frown before looking back at the wreckage they were aboard just moments ago and the few students that didn't have as successful of a landing as he did. Yes, he was certainly an idiot for saving both their butts. "You're welcome," was his offhand reply as he stared at the destruction.

The ungrateful faunus quickly faded from his mind as he brought one still shaky hand up and ran it through his hair as his brain processed what the heck had just happened. He realized two things: Someone just blew up an airship full of teenagers, and he wasn't wearing his hood. He quickly pulled the hood over his head again before checking if anything else was amiss after that little trip through the sky. It turned out his weapon wasn't on him, which wasn't that much of a shock since he was holding it during the not-so-graceful landing. He'd kill himself if it was lost though.

Arsen made a quick sweep around the area with his gaze, slightly alarmed, and not long after, he did spot his tiny weapon lying abandoned on the ground a bit further away. He jogged over to it and sweeped it up from the ground and into its sheath behind his back with an effortless fluid movement. He had his dagger, he was alive. Everything went better than expected.

And now, he didn't know what to do. Arsen helplessly gazed towards the thing that used to be an airship as some sort of shouting reached his ears. It certainly didn't sound like the shouting of a person in utter agony, quite the contrary. But he'd still rather not go see just how many people that were supposed to be his classmates were broken and dead.
Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Fri, 24/06/2016 23:12 (8 Years ago)
William Neptune

William looked around and saw less and less people on the airship. People where jumping and falling off. He stood up, barely recovering from the intense heat of the fire. He grabbed his hoverboard and jumped out of the hole in the airship. Falling freely he placed his hoverboard underneath him and barley landed on the ground of the courtyard. He looked back at the ship. He knew something had to be done.

Avani Peridotite

The loud noise from the explosion caught Avani's attention. She turned around quickly and saw the massive hole in the airship. She immediately began to remember the day her father almost died. With this thought in mind she quickly ran to the courtyard.
"Everyone out of the way!" she shouted as she cleared the courtyard. She put on her gauntlets and place her feet firmly on the ground. She closed her eyes as her aura around her began to glow. Slowly she started to gain control over the airship. Like mimicry, she began moving her arm and the airship too moved. The weight of the airship was beginning to be to much and the toll was beginning to show on her body. In a last effort, Avani steadily lowered the airship to the courtyard. After it had landed she collapsed onto the ground.

Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 785
Posted: Sat, 25/06/2016 13:34 (8 Years ago)
Yune Astrea

Yune had helped Lute inside the school building, but suddenly she heard a loud explosion sound from the airships direction. She glanced out of the window and noticed that the Airship was on fire and the surrounding area had airships parts scattered all around. "Oh my god! Lute look, the airship has exploded!" She screamed and covered her mouth.

Lute Einsbern

Lute was sitting on the ground next to Yune that had helped him inside the school building when he had become a little sick from the flight, but now he started to feel a little better when he had gotten out of the unstable floor of the airship. But then suddenly Yune screamed that the airship was on fire. Lute slowly rose up from the floor and set his sigh on the airship that was engulfed by the flames. "How did this happen? And we were there just a moment ago..." He looked at the other students that were shocked from what just happened and some of them were also relieved that they had gotten out of there in time.
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 76
Posted: Sat, 25/06/2016 17:31 (8 Years ago)
Josh Luteus

Josh made just a step in the school building when he heard a very loud explosion,he went outside and saw that the airship crashed and is burning."Gosh,this is so bad,I can't let other people die" said to himself,and even it was risky,he went to try checking the airship and if anyone is alive.