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Pokemon X and Y

Forum-Index General Discussion Pokemon X and Y
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 87
Posted: Wed, 21/08/2013 23:17 (11 Years ago)
Incase anyone wanted to know, I'm picking X and choosing Froakie~

But, I just wanted to say something. A thought came to me a number of days ago about Sylveon. How in the world will eevee evolve into it? I thought about it, and came up with 1 theory. A moon stone. Mostly because Clefairy uses a moonstone to evolve into Clefable (as does Jiggly into Wiggly). But I mean, i'm really anxious to know how to get a Sylveon!
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 1,169
Posted: Wed, 21/08/2013 23:19 (11 Years ago)
I've been wondering about that as well Garry :)

And I think your theory is correct! Unless they release a new evolution item that we don't know about yet
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 87
Posted: Wed, 21/08/2013 23:29 (11 Years ago)
I am absolutely in love with the new Fairy type, for many reasons! First, it's basically the kawaii version of pokemon! I'm all about anything super cute and kawaii~ And, one of my favorites, I lovelovelove how it's supereffective against dragon! I can finally torture the people who think they're so bada** with the powers of cuteness!! <3 The addition of fairy type made me like pokemon fifteen times more than i originally did. Although i was hoping for the light type, i found that i like fairy even more <3 Thank you, creators of X and Y, for making my dreams come true ;u;
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 54
Posted: Thu, 22/08/2013 09:45 (11 Years ago)
It would be interesting to have a Fairy/Dragon type, actually. I'm hoping for Altaria to be that, but who knows~
Avatar made by Zak in a Box on PF. Originally known as Reshiram and Renegade.

-I like pianos. And bee2. Haha, I'm kidding. I do like pianos though. And Klavier Gavin, though that's kinda irrelevent.

-According to the Homestuck God Tier Test, I'm a Heir of Doom.

Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 1,488
Posted: Thu, 22/08/2013 10:13 (11 Years ago)
Altaria going from Flying to Fairy? Probably not going to happen, but that would be interesting. It would be more realistic for them to make a new Pokemon dragon/fairy. Maybe even Dratini and Dragonair. I can see that happening.

Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 180
Posted: Fri, 23/08/2013 00:47 (11 Years ago)
ok here is my opinion on things
1) Please can someone explain to me how a normal type pokemon that has no chance against a dragon goes into something that is super effective against dragon
2)what moves are going to be fairy type Metronome
3)How is a deer a fairy?
4)they better not change my Laprus into a fairy
sorry if this makes anyone mad
any ways i plan on getting the fox pokemon i forgot what its name was
(Man some of these names are going to be hard to remember)
sprite made by KevinXDE

help me by clicking them please? i'll die if it doesn't grow up
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 1,169
Posted: Fri, 23/08/2013 00:52 (11 Years ago)
1) Same as how a Grass type Pokémon, who has no chance against a Fire type Pokémon, is super effective against Water types, who are super effective against Fire types.
2) We'll find out when they release the game.
3) How is a chicken a Fire type?
4) I guess you'll find out when it's released.

Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 180
Posted: Fri, 23/08/2013 01:13 (11 Years ago)
on my first comment was how does it change into not the whole type thing
sprite made by KevinXDE

help me by clicking them please? i'll die if it doesn't grow up
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 1,169
Posted: Fri, 23/08/2013 01:18 (11 Years ago)
Since Fairy is a new type it hasn't really changed.
Normal type's effectiveness against it has just been added.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Thu, 29/08/2013 23:50 (11 Years ago)
1) MAGIC. And because I know you won't be satisfied with that answer, SUPER MAGIC.
2) I think Metronome will remain a normal type, but the moves Moonblast, Draining Kiss, Fairy Wind, and Geomancy (All fairy moves revealed so far) will be a Fairy type. I also think that the move Moonlight (healing move) will be made a Fairy type, but that's just one opinion on one move.
3) Fairies don't have to be all Tinkerbell and pretty princess. Definition of Fairy: an imaginary supernatural being, usually represented in diminutive human form and characterized as clever, playful, and having magical powers. Emphasis on usually. It doesn't have to be a tiny person, or have that generic personality. So in essence, even the Forest Spirit from Princess Mononoke could be considered a Fairy, although it's normally called a spirit.
And in the book Artemis Fowl, there are pixies, sprites, centaurs, gnomes, and elves that all are classified as FAIRIES. Yes, even centaurs. So why not a magical foresty deer?
4) Ahem, does Lapras look ANYTHING magical and fairy-like to you? No. Didn't think so.

The fox Pokemon is Fennekin. Easy considering it's based off of a fennec fox, one of my favorite animals.

I hope that answers your questions.

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 180
Posted: Fri, 30/08/2013 11:52 (11 Years ago)
ok something i don't understand WHY IS FAIRY GONNA BE SUPER EFFECTIVE AGAINST DRAGON!?!?!?! i mean fairies are usally small magically creatures but dragons are large magically creatures WERE IS THE LOGIC!?!?!?! yes i know nothing in pokemon is logical but the types are logical until they add fairy. I just wish the fairy type made more sense to me.
sprite made by KevinXDE

help me by clicking them please? i'll die if it doesn't grow up
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 1,169
Posted: Fri, 30/08/2013 12:12 (11 Years ago)
Types were logical? Not at all.
Why is Ice effective against Dragon?
Why is Dark super effective against Ghost and Psychic?

Type effectiveness hasn't been logical, since generation one. And even then it was still a bit iffy.
The only reason that you can't understand it, is because you don't like it.
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 180
Posted: Fri, 30/08/2013 12:14 (11 Years ago)
dark against pysicic logical same with ghost(also dark was not in gen 1)
ice against dragon DRAGONS ARE REPTILES
sprite made by KevinXDE

help me by clicking them please? i'll die if it doesn't grow up
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 1,169
Posted: Fri, 30/08/2013 12:16 (11 Years ago)
Dark against Psychic, is not logical, not unless you expand the definition of both Dark and Psychic. I was not saying that Dark was in generation one, please do not treat me as if I am an idiot.

Not all dragon types are reptiles, Swablu for example.
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 180
Posted: Fri, 30/08/2013 12:22 (11 Years ago)
swablu is normal flying
sprite made by KevinXDE

help me by clicking them please? i'll die if it doesn't grow up
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 1,169
Posted: Fri, 30/08/2013 12:24 (11 Years ago)
Which evolves into Altaria, a dragon type - explain that :)

There IS no logic to it. Which would be my point.

And since Fairy types are already a done deal.... You should just get used to it.

Trainerlevel: 127

Forum Posts: 5,596
Posted: Fri, 30/08/2013 12:51 (11 Years ago)
Speaking non-Pokémon-wise ..
Both, dragons and fairies, are all fictional characters so you can easily link them to each other. Also, dragons are said to be weak against magic. So yes, a tiny little fairy can indeed summon massive magical power to even defeat a dragon.
(I do agree that it probably looks a little odd seing a Jigglypuff pwning a Haxorus, though.. but hey, a Pikachu also can easily defeat a Kyogre by using the right moves .. and yeah .. that doesn't look better at all. xD)
Plus, like Kira already said, you simply cannot explain all types and their relation among each other logically.

.gif above ©Haikyuu!! official anime

Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 54
Posted: Fri, 30/08/2013 21:21 (11 Years ago)
After first hearing that Fairy was super-effective against Dragon-types, I was a bit amused. They do say in Eragon that dragons are creatures of magic, and that they also need magic to fly, but that's not my point.
Ultimately, Pokemon is messed up in logic. That's a bit, but not much. You can fly on a tiny Pidgey! There's cannons coming out of Blastoise's back! There's a ICE-CREAM Pokemon! Walking through Viridian forest only takes a few minutes in real life and 2 weeks in the anime! etc.
Of course, logic would make it too realistic, in my opinion. Those Flamethrowers...
Avatar made by Zak in a Box on PF. Originally known as Reshiram and Renegade.

-I like pianos. And bee2. Haha, I'm kidding. I do like pianos though. And Klavier Gavin, though that's kinda irrelevent.

-According to the Homestuck God Tier Test, I'm a Heir of Doom.

Trainerlevel: 53

Forum Posts: 1,269
Posted: Sun, 01/09/2013 04:24 (11 Years ago)
You know what?


This is Pokemon, where a couple of leaves can hurt a Pokemon like Suicune. Where Ash has been 10 years old for 14 years. Where fainted Pokemon fly you to cities miles away. Where no one knows where eggs come from and don't even bother studying it. Where Gastly and Wooper can use Thunder Punch and Ice Punch (respectively). Where FAIRIES. RULE. OVER. DRAGONS.

Get with the program, people xD
Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 123
Posted: Sun, 01/09/2013 07:23 (11 Years ago)
Don't forget that bubbles can actually cause damage, and no one bats an eyelash at someone having a Pokemon that's been extinct for millions of years. And, you know, there are fire-breathing, rock-throwing, poison-spitting creatures that should be killing everyone...but aren't.

In the end, it's just an anime/card game/video game. It needs no logic as long as it still entertains people. :3

But I still think it's hilarious that Jigglypuff can beat up Dragonite, now. xD;

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