I want to suggest that the Limit of writing different stuff in
'About Me' should be expanded. I really want to write down many
things but the Character Limit always stops me so I want to expand
the Limit of 'About Me' by 250-500 characters more!
Edit: The 'About Me' space is mostly used to decorate with some
Links, Donation Boxes,Pokemon IDs, Personal Clicklists, Fan Club
pics etc. so these things take a lot of space due to long URL so
this feature could come in handy!
Support or No Support?
I'm always a bit cautious about changing a character limit for
things, usually because they're a certain length for a reason. But
this I think I can support, mainly because, and I am being honest,
our about me's are normally filled with things we want to show off:
links to art threads, links to pokemon, links to donation boxes,
links to sprites we've made, links to trading threads, etc.
These links can take up quite a bit, and then we try and squeeze in
just a bit about ourselves along with it the about me becomes just
a bit short. Maybe a little bit longer of a character limit would
be okay.
300-400 words single spaced is about half a page of writing,
depending on the font used and other variables. Considering the
About Me box is rather small in size you'd have to account for how
many words could fit in the box. If someone were to write 400
words, half a page of text, that might run off the About Me box and
look messy. Then the size of the About Me box would have to be
enlarged or made longer in order to account for the more text that
shows up.
Which is something Riako would have to do. So I am kind of hoping
he'll say how easy or difficult it would be to make this
Or, the box could scroll down, keeping it the same size, and making
a scroll bar for the added text if that is easier. I am not a coder
haha so I am not sure if these things are even problems or
a larger about me limit would be kind of nice - some people like to
decorate their about me with images, which i think is also a part
of how people tell about themselves (knowing people does not always
have to be through words)
many people also like to put their hunts/links to
friends/particular pokemon in their about me, and lots of other
things, it gets confining to try to work under the current limit
I actually had a major issue with the limit earlier today. All my
images are hosted on Deviantart, so are quite a long url, and I had
to re-do the whole thing at least fifteen times to try and get it
short enough to include everything I currently have there. And I
don't like to use url shortening sites for the actual link codes
because I like for those who are clicking the links to know where
they are going instead of hoping it's not a link to a strange or
unwelcomed site.
So full support from me, because of images and the like.
I don't think this should be included for signatures. I've yet to
run into a problem with it, and typically if you go over the
character limit, you're going over the allotted size limit as well,
putting a scroll bar that most users won't check through anyway.