Forum Thread
Fishing Energy Time
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Fishing Energy TimeHowever, I was gone most of the day (Left the house at 8:15, so was off of PH before 8 AM. Didn't get back until after 4 PM. For those who don't want to math, that means EIGHT HOURS of offline time)
Now, that doesn't seem like a big deal, and you may be wondering what that has to do with the fishing energy.
Here's what they have to do with each other:
8 hours offline
Energy was down to 3% when I left (Too tired to fish)
When I got back home and back on my computer, I had 54% of energy.
That's ~6% per hour.
With that in mind, it currently takes 15-16 hours to go from 0% to 100%
Even with the availability of the food and drinks, I think that this is just a bit long. Seriously, if I am busy for 5 hours, it would be nice to come back to 75% for fishing, or when I am gone all day, that I have 100% when I get back home.
So my suggestion is to double the rate which energy is regenerated. (12% per hour. 8 hours to get 100%)
This is still a slow rate of gaining energy, but it's more reasonable. And if most people sleep for the 6-8 hours they are supposed to, they can go to bed tired and wake up at 100%. -coughsyesthatisreferringbothtosleepandthefishingcough-
TL;DR version:
Half the time for regenerating energy. From 16+ hours to 7.5-8 hours to go from 0% to 100%
Other suggestions:
This seems like it could be a wonderful solution to the problem. Especially if people are concerned that fishing is taking away from the interaction count.
the beach is something i havent touched much of, and mostly because of this reason.
it has deterred me from really enjoying it because i feel like i can only play it every other day ;;
waiting 7-8 hours seems more reasonable than over a half a day wait lmao

Maybe interacting can increase the rate at which your energy bar increases?
For me I'm not very active at the moment and I'm perfectly fine with the rate that it revives my fisherman.
However for people who are very active on the site, an interactions count could be used as means to increase the revival rate.
Just a thought for debate?

To be honest, I probably made more interactions while I was fishing than I do when I'm doing other non-main site stuff. (Like watching anime, Talking to friends, watching movies, drawing, etc)
So using interactions as an excuse to not increase this isn't exactly valid in my case.
@Bourkey : I'll copy that into the first post as an idea =3 It wouldn't be a bad one, either.