Forum Thread
[OPEN]zap10's Pokemon Shop + boxes,keys and
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Trade Shops → [OPEN]zap10's Pokemon Shop + boxes,keys andI sell all pokemon in This and This boxes you can offer for any other of my pokemon if you like but I might not sell them. You can offer how much you want but it has to reasonable.
I can also breed pkmn from my boxes but not when im in a shiny hunt but my assistants can also help if im in a current chain. Swablus are free.(Y) You can request any pokemon you like and me and ShinyGallade AND Galcionthegreat will try and breed you that certain pokemon.
We also have a variety of rare items.

Cold rock- out of stock
Electric fan 2x
Star piece - 1x
Root fossil- out of stock
Old Amber- out of stock
Hollow Space Map- out of stock
DNA Splicer Black- 1x
Thunder Stone- 2x
Electric fan 2x
Star piece - 1x
Root fossil- out of stock
Old Amber- out of stock
Hollow Space Map- out of stock
DNA Splicer Black- 1x
Thunder Stone- 2x
Boxes are all 5k each and keys are all 3.5k each apart from gold keys which are 5k each

Brown box- out of stock
Pink box- out of stock
Red Box- out of stock
Purple box- out of stock
Green box- out of stock
Green Key- out of stock
Light blue key- out of stock
Purple Key- out of stock
Gold key- 1x
Brown box- out of stock
Pink box- out of stock
Red Box- out of stock
Purple box- out of stock
Green box- out of stock
Green Key- out of stock
Light blue key- out of stock
Purple Key- out of stock
Gold key- 1x
Gems vary depending on the type so please offer.

Bug gems-
Electric gems- AVAILABLE
Fighting gem- AVAILABLE
Flying gem- AVAILABLE
Grass gem- AVAILABLE
Normal gems- AVAILABLE
Poison gems-AVAILABLE
Rock gems- AVAILABLE
Water gems- AVAILABLE
Dark gems- AVAILABLE
Fire gems- AVAILABLE
Ghost gems- AVAILABLE
Psychic gems-AVAILABLE
Steel gems- AVAILABLE
Fairy gems- currently out of stock
Dragon gems- 8x
Electric gems- AVAILABLE
Fighting gem- AVAILABLE
Flying gem- AVAILABLE
Grass gem- AVAILABLE
Normal gems- AVAILABLE
Poison gems-AVAILABLE
Rock gems- AVAILABLE
Water gems- AVAILABLE
Dark gems- AVAILABLE
Fire gems- AVAILABLE
Ghost gems- AVAILABLE
Psychic gems-AVAILABLE
Steel gems- AVAILABLE
Fairy gems- currently out of stock
Dragon gems- 8x
Simply comment below on what you want (use the form!!) subscribe and pp me the price you will pay and then ill pp you when its ready. Then pay me the agreed price. Ill accept and voila! You get what you want! :P
Also if you have not sent me pd or replied to me or ShinyGallade in 3 days we shall decline your offer and let the items/pokemon go to someone else. You are welcome to re-offer though!

I would like:
Extra comments:
I would like:
Extra comments:
We are proud to run a reward system.
For every 10k pd you spend you get a free item, it could be a gems or boxes too!
Once you spend 10k we will pp you and send you the item.
Make sure you subscribe or you wont win anything!

Jingler- 500pd
CharlesXavier69- 30k pd
zhybry- 100k
~The_Darkling_Mod_Wolf- 20k
ShyreniaRose- 100k
Palki10- 10k
Jingler- 500pd
CharlesXavier69- 30k pd
zhybry- 100k
~The_Darkling_Mod_Wolf- 20k
ShyreniaRose- 100k
Palki10- 10k
ShinyGallade 8)
Glacionthegreat ;p
All PH rules apply
Don't rush me
You get 3 warnings before you are banned
Please forgive us if we make mistakes
We may not always be online but we'll try to get your orders to you ASAP
THe password is awesome
If you dont use the form we wont accept
Fighting gem- 42x
Flying gem- 5x
Water gems- 36x
Dark gems- 19x
Fire gems- 9x
Ghost gems- 26x
Ice gems- 23x
Psychic gems- 39x
Total: 202 gems
Offering 90,900 pd
let me know :)