Forum Thread
The darkness that consumes Sinnoh (no longer accepting)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → The darkness that consumes Sinnoh (no longer accepting)Tiger nodded absently, "Cyndaquil and I found it falling to the ground after we rescued Hoenn. We took it home, and Elm healed it" he began. Celebi laughed and flew in a circle around the small group, she then looked at Blaze. "Cyndaquil evolved" she said the Celebi sounded like a child. "I think she was newly hatched when we found her. Because she couldn't time travel. I think she's still very young" he said. He then looked at Celebi "no Cyndaquil is in the back, this is my friend Victor, and his Pokemon Blaze" he replied to the Celebi softly. The pixie nodded, and a door opened from the examining room, Joy walked out with all their Pokemon, minus the Starlt Tiger brought in.
"Hi, Celebi!" Victor said as he looked at the legend. "Nice to meet you."
Victor got a slight vision of an Arceus egg hatching, which soon faded. "Are you sure she can't time travel?" The boy asked.
Grotle looked at the Pokemon around him. What's wrong with me? Why can't I evolve? Everyone round me can, even cyndaquill can at his wish... And I was captured just after Blaze, and Blaze is level 100 from ages. I must be useless.
Grotle had a look of deep thought of him.
Title: Noticed its under 10 posts, can I join?
Age: 15
Looks: A skinny kid who is 5'7", light skinned, but a little tan, and has messy brown hair. His hair is grown out to the neck, and is a bit curly and untamed. He has a bit of a stubble on his chin, and has Teal-colored eyes.
Wears: A red hoodie(black shirt underneath) and cargo shorts(long, over the knees :T).
Friends: well... he has a Growlithe, but that's pretty much his only friend.
Legend (if guardian): Suicune
Team: Axel(Growlithe, Male, lvl: 23, age: 14)
Region: Jhoto(Olivine city)
Badges: none
Special ability: Can communicate with not just his pokemon, but with all pokemon.
Other: As his parents feared he was "special," he never got to leave home. However, Lewis got fed up, and on the week before his 15th birthday, he snuck onto a ship headed for Hoenn, and decided to try and start an adventure there.

Lewis snuck off the ship at Lilycove city. He wasn't supposed to be on the ship, and definitely wasn't supposed to be in the Hoenn region. He was lucky he remembered to turn off his pokegear/phone(whatever his parents called it), or it would have been blown up with messages on the ship, and he would've been discovered. He took out a pokeball from his pocket and felt it tremble in his palm. He had never really used it much, so his pokemon was probably ready to get out. He pressed the button on the ball, and Axel popped out. "Man!" the growlithe complained, stretching and moving his paws to get blood flowing, "It is cramped in there!" "Sorry..." Lewis said, "I needed it to be as quiet as possible, and, well, you're kinda loud..." "Id like to see you being cramped in a tiny ball for 36 hours and say that," Axel shot back. Lewis raised his hand in surrender. "Okay... I get it..."