Pidgeot watched from the trees, he then sent off a warning chirp to
the Kalos children.
Sky walked outside and looked around. The Dialga that was
terrorizing Sinnoh was away now. The boy then threw a pokeball and
let his Talonflame out. "If we leave now we'll have a chance before
Dialga wakes again" he said quietly.
Just when Blaze had broke the pokeball, the children went away.
Victor recalled Blaze. "You're not safe. And the news of mine
defeating Diantha has spread like fire..."
Sky jumped onto Talonflame, he and the Pokemon took to the sky.
Pidgeot sighed, and muttered "so did Tiger's death...what would
happen if" he began he then heard some trainers nearby. "That wimp
wouldn't be able to live he didn't have his Lugia with him" a
trainer said to a younger child. The trainer had been arguing with
it, "he did too. Tiger saved my friends and me and he has to be ok"
the kid replied yelling. "Face the facts kid trainers like him
wouldn't make it out alive. That Pokemon would have made him food
by now" the older boy said, and let a Pokemon out. The Pokemon was
a mudkip it then went in to warn the kid to be quiet. "You can't
make a Pokemon attack a human" the kid said in fear. The trainer
then laughed and nodded to the mudkip, who went to use tackle.
"That's enough" Pidgeot snapped and got in between the mudkip and
the kid.
Victor sent out Blaze again, just in case. We really need to make the news channels broadcast that Tiger
was found safe and sound.
Meanwhile, the news channels began to show... Breaking news
New Pokemon discovered! Three Pokemon were recently photographed by
a Pokemon observer. Unfortunately, he only managed to get vague
silhouettes of them. One is catlike with flame like whiskers, other
resembles a round owl, and the third resembles a sea lion. They are
said to live in a strange new terrain....
The channels continued.
The mudkip shied back in fear. Pidgeot then noticed that this
trainer was a new one. "Attacking a child. Trainers like you make
me sick" Pidgeot growled, and used a sand attack. The trainer then
got hit and returned mudkip. The two fled in fear, and barely being
able to see. "What a waste, I mean you won't be able to save him.
Tiger is gone forever" the trainer said to Pidgeot before fleeing.
Pidgeot looked at the kid, "are you alright" he asked the kid
kindly. The boy then blinked and ran off in fear, Pidgeot then
sighed and looked around.
Victor phoned to a news channel. "Listen up, a scoop for you. We've
got news. Tiger's safe and sound, and kept at a secret location. No
interviews with him for now." He said, without waiting for an
answer. He hung up.
"This should straighten out some things. I'm sick of hearing
tiger's dead when all the time he's roaming round us." The boy
said, putting his poke gear down.
"Well, I guess it'll be better to deal with tiger alone. So
what I say is that, we capture tiger, and you disguise like
tiger and stay there. We'll get a bit of their plans to us, too
then." Mike said to sky.
Pigeon saw Victor and flew over. "Hey Victor what's up" Pidgeot
asked kindly.
Sky sighed, "I look nothing like Tiger though...Snow did" he said
curtly reminding Mike. "What we need is to wait until Tiger is
alone, draw him out by himself then we can strike." He finished
"Well, I just told the news channels to broadcast Tiger's alive."
Victor said. He sent some money through the bank to news channels
so that they could hurry up.
"Easy to fix that." Victor said, sending a security footage of the
Pokemon centre in which they were. It had the time written on it,
which was some evidence.
Pidgeot nodded, and looked at the trainers around the center. He
then heard a news update from one of the nearby pokenav plus. "This
just in Tiger is alive. As of this moment we have no clues or even
any interviews but we will keep you updated as this story and
events unfold.
The weak spot opened creating a hole for them to escape, it began
to close up slowly.
"S-sorry..." Lewis said, a bit scared that the pokemon he ended up
annoying was going to be carrying him through the sky.
Nevertheless, he got on Dragonite's back.