Star chirped and looked at Luke, "Who will I battle?" Luke
replied, "We'll have to find out but don't worry." He then began
walking in the grass before spotting an Elgyem, "There! Star use
wing attack!" Star's wings began to glow as she flew at the Elgyem,
striking it with her wings. It fell backwards before using Psybeam.
The colorful attack hit Star, causing her to fall down from flying.
Star quickly got up and screeched at the Elgyem.
"Star, use tackle!"
The Starly roughly tackled the Elgyem, sending it flying. Once it
hit the ground, it fainted. "Good job Star!" Luke exclaimed.
(It's alright I'm making dinner now so I'll be afk in a sec)
Dragonite sighed, "it's alright to be afraid. I mean he was eleven
at the time yes, but it seems it's your first flight to right" the
dragon said dryly.
Lewis entered the building. It was huge, and covered with
fossils.(srry don't remember what it looks like) "Woah..." he
muttered. "Excuse me," a lady asked, "Are you here to visit?" Lewis
shook his head. "Do you know where the fossil regeneration lab is?"
he asked, "Or whatever it's called. Im not really from around here,
so I don't really know..."
Soon, Lewis walked out of the building with a new pokeball in his
hand. "I cant belive it- HEY!!" He had walked out to see a bunch of
kids surrounding Dragonite, throwing pokeballs at him while he was
sleeping. (gtgbye)
Dragonite opened one eye and yawned, he watched as the pokeballs
bounced off of him. "Hey children I'm already caught" he said lowly
slightly getting irritated.
Victor also flew to Rustboro (or wherever that building was, I
don't remember exactly). He landed just in time to see Dragonite.
He jumped off Flare.
"Wait! He's caught!" Victor said, standing in front of Dragonite.
Victor tried to send all of them away.
(I guess it wouldn't have been OK to say that he really sent
the kids away as they are ThatOneGeek's characters)
"Are we ready to atatck?" Sara asked. Taking rounds in the air as a
shiny Pidgeot.
"I guess you should fly to tiger. It's not safe for you here."
Victor whispered, afraid of raising chaos if he mentioned Tiger
The boy saw as some kids from kalos were in visit to the area.
"Look, isn't that Victor? The one who defeated Diantha?"
"Yes! He even managed to defeat her mega gardevoir...How?"
"He used that mysterious typhlosion, who can mega evolve..."
"Stupid! He can't mega evolve. It's the old myth..." The children
were whispering. The pulled themselves closer to Victor and looked
at Blaze.
"But that's not fair. Mega Gardevoir didn't have any special
power..." One whispered.
A child had enough pluck to throw a Masterball at Blaze.
"That typhlosion will be mine!" He said childishly, not knowing
that Masterball will jump off because Blaze was already
Blaze broke the Masterball in half using a low power wild charge.