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DND - Pokemon Edition. ((Closed))

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up DND - Pokemon Edition. ((Closed))
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Mon, 25/04/2016 21:44 (8 Years ago)

Welcome, welcome!

What is DND?: DND, or Dungeons & Dragons, is a fantasy tabletop role-playing game. However, this version will consist of Pokémon instead of the usual Elves, Dwarves, Humans, etc!

Create your Character

1: Browassup - Tyrunt (Paladin - Rock)
2: FaeKat - Froakie (Cleric [healing] - Water)
3: Dadchi - Goomy (Wizard - Dragon)
4: Porygon-Z - Riolu (Fighting - Barbarian)
5: viki123 - Shuppet (Ghost - Shaman )

~All PH rules apply.
~Your character starts at level 1 and the first evolution.
~You may not be a legendary, special, or event pokemon.
~Password - Put this in your form. The password is any word starting with the last letter of the username above you (Example - Honey=Seraph.)[/I]


Electric - Warlock. A warlock is a male practitioner of magic.
Fighting - Barbarian. A barbarian is a human (or in this case, pokemon) who is perceived to be uncivilized or primitive.
Flying - Ranger. They are hunters, skilled woodsmen, and often live reclusive lives as hermits.
Grass - Druid. Druids have a unique ability that allows them to change into various animal forms, and various other qualities that assist them in natural settings.
Dark - Rogue. Rogues are capable of finding and disarming many traps and picking locks. The rogue also has the ability to "sneak attack" enemies who are caught off-guard or taken by surprise, inflicting extra damage
Normal - Fighter. A fighter is a versatile, weapons-oriented warrior who fights using skill, strategy and tactics.
Poison - Monk. A D&D monk is a fantasy martial artist, specializing in unarmed combat.
Rock - Paladin. The paladin is a holy knight, crusading in the name of good and order, and is a divine spellcaster.
Water - Cleric (healing). These clerics are powerful healers due to the large number of healing and curative magics available to them.
Ground - Sorceror. A sorcerer is weak in melee combat, but a master of arcane magic, generally the most powerful form of D&D magic.
Dragon - Wizard. A wizard uses arcane magic, and is considered less effective in melee combat than other classes.
Fire - Mage. Like wizards, the mage focuses on a primary and secondary school of magic.
Ghost - Shaman. They are monsters who cast clerical or druidic spells.
Ice - Cleric (fighting). With divinely-granted abilities over life or death, these clerics are able to repel or control undead creatures.
Psychic - Mystic. A D&D mystic is a fantasy martial artist, specializing in unarmed combat.
Steel - Thief. A thief is a versatile character, capable of sneaky combat and nimble tricks.
Fairy - Bard. The bard class is versatile, capable of combat and of magic. Bards use their artistic talents to induce magical effect.

Ability scores Roll this die to see what stats you get! Roll the d6 3 times for each ability score. In other words, roll a 6 sided die 3 times, add the numbers you've rolled, and that's your number for your ability score.

Strength - Strength is a measure of muscle, endurance and stamina combined. Strength affects the ability of characters to lift and carry weights, melee attack rolls, damage rolls (for both melee and ranged weapons), certain physical skills, several combat actions, and general checks involving moving or breaking objects.
Dexterity - Dexterity encompasses a number of physical attributes including hand-eye coordination, agility, reflexes, fine motor skills, balance and speed of movement; a high dexterity score indicates superiority in all these attributes. Dexterity affects characters with regard to initiative in combat, ranged attack rolls, armor class, saving throws, and other physical skills. Dexterity is the ability most influenced by outside influences (such as armor).
Intelligence - Intelligence is similar to IQ, but also includes mnemonic ability, reasoning and learning ability outside those measured by the written word. Intelligence dictates the number of languages a character can learn, and it influences the number of spells a preparation-based arcane spellcaster (like a Wizard) may cast per day, and the effectiveness of said spells. It also affects certain mental skills.
Charisma - Charisma is the measure of the character's combined physical attractiveness, persuasiveness, and personal magnetism. A generally non-beautiful character can have a very high charisma due to strong measures of the other two aspects of charisma. Charisma influences how many spells spontaneous arcane spellcasters (like sorcerers and bards) can cast per day, and the effectiveness of said spells.
Constitution - Constitution is a term which encompasses the character's physique, toughness, health and resistance to disease and poison. The higher a character's constitution, the more hit points that character will have. Constitution also is important for saving throws, and fatigue-based general checks. Unlike the other ability scores, which render the character unconscious or immobile when they hit 0, having 0 Constitution is fatal.
Wisdom - Wisdom is a composite term for the character's enlightenment, judgment, wile, willpower and intuitiveness. Wisdom influences the number of spells a divine spellcaster (like clerics, druids, paladins, and rangers) can cast per day, and the effectiveness of said spells. It also affects saving throws and linked skills.

Starter Items Keep in mind that your strength determines whether or not you can carry a heavy load or not. You get to choose how many items you get.

1000 Copper
1x Rations (1 day of food) - 1 lbs
Bedroll - 4 lbs
Chain armor (light) - 25 lbs
Leather armor (light) - 25 lbs
Half-plate armor (med) - 50 lbs
Full plate armor (heavy) - 75 lbs
Backpack - 2 lbs
Blanket, winter - 3 lbs
Waterskins - 4 lbs
Lantern - 2 lbs
Minor healing kit - 3 lbs
Net Weight : 44-XXX lbs (depending on your armor and number of items you get)
You get your first weapon in the first mission.

Pokémon : (+Class)

Ability Score results :

Items :


My Form:
Pokémon: Lvl 1 Zorua (Dark - Rogue)
Ability Score results :
STR- 15
DEX- 16
INT- 15
WIS- 10
CHA- 11
1000 Copper
5x Rations (1 day of food) - 5 lbs
1x Bedroll - 4 lbs
1x Chain armor (light) - 25 lbs
1x Leather armor (light) - 25 lbs
0x Half-plate armor (med) - 0 lbs
0x Full plate armor (heavy) - 0 lbs
1x Backpack - 2 lbs
1x Blanket, winter - 3 lbs
2x Waterskins - 8 lbs
1x Lantern - 2 lbs
5x Minor healing kit - 15 lbs
Net Weight - 90 lbs
Password: Read Rules.

Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 126
Posted: Mon, 25/04/2016 22:06 (8 Years ago)
May you please explain the form so I can see what to put as my character?
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Mon, 25/04/2016 22:38 (8 Years ago)
Form has been updated. :)

Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 126
Posted: Tue, 26/04/2016 14:30 (8 Years ago)
Thank you!

Pokémon : Tyrunt (Paladin=Rock)

Ability Score results :
STR- 13
DEX- 14
CON- 10
INT- 8
WIS- 9
CHA- 12

Items :
1000 Copper
1x Rations- 1lbs
Leather Armor- 25 lbs

Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Tue, 26/04/2016 20:41 (8 Years ago)
You're accepted :)

Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 312
Posted: Tue, 26/04/2016 21:24 (8 Years ago)
Pokémon :Froakie (Water healing)

Ability Score results :

Items : 1000 Copper
1x Rations 1lb
Bedroll - 4 lbs
Leather armor (light) - 25 lbs
Backpack - 2 lbs
Waterskins - 4 lbs
(if thats too much tell me
Password: Hoopa
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Tue, 26/04/2016 22:10 (8 Years ago)
Nope, that's perfect! You're accepted :)

Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Thu, 28/04/2016 01:21 (8 Years ago)
Pokémon : Goomy (Wizard - Dragon)

Ability Score results :
STR- 18
DEX- 15
CON- 16
INT- 11
WIS- 8
CHA- 13

Items :
1000 Copper
5x Rations (1 day of food) - 5lbs
1x Chain Armor (light) - 25 lbs
1x Leather Armor (light - 25 lbs
1x Backpack - 2 lbs
1 Blanket, Winter - 3 lbs
1x Waterskins - 4 lbs
4x Minor Healing Kits - 12 lbs
Net Weight: 76 lbs

*idk if that's too much :o Just let me know if it's okay*

Password: Honesty
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Thu, 28/04/2016 01:51 (8 Years ago)
Nope, that's perfect! You're accepted. You rolled the dice and got exceptional strength, so you can actually carry more like 150-200 lbs, whereas somebody with 3-10 strength could carry 50-90 lbs and somebody with 11-15 strength could carry 90-150 lbs.

Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 225
Posted: Thu, 28/04/2016 06:21 (8 Years ago)
Pokémon : Riolu (Only if it's possible to evolve him) (Fighting-Barbarian)

Ability Score results :
STR- 10
DEX- 15
CON- 7
INT- 9
WIS- 5
CHA- 8
(Those stats)

Items :
1000 Copper
1x Rations (1 Day of Food) - 1 lb
1x Bedroll - 4 lbs
Chain armor (light) - 25 lbs
Backpack - 2 lbs
Blanket, winter - 3 lbs
Water skins - 4 lbs
Lantern - 2 lbs
Minor healing kit - 3 lbs

Password: Hugs
Trainerlevel: 68

Forum Posts: 1,284
Posted: Thu, 28/04/2016 08:23 (8 Years ago)
Pokémon : Shuppet (Ghost = Shaman )

Ability Score results :
STR- 18
DEX- 10
CON- 19
INT- 6

Items : 1000 Copper
Minor healing kit
Blanket, winter
Leather armor

Password: Zebra
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Fri, 29/04/2016 01:45 (8 Years ago)
Both accepted :) please join the RP here.