Before I start quote on quote ranting, I would look to say I have
never made a discussion form. I am just going to make this quick so
people are not bored with an EXTREMELY long post. I have been
noticing that old users (Users who are experienced with roleplaying
due to their amount of experience) and high skilled users (Users
who can make good, detailed post without dragging it on) have
started to disappeared. I am not trying to offend and any new users
but recent roleplay's just flat out are bad. I am not gonna sugar
coat it.
They are bad, unoriginal, and so lazily made. Some of some even
have stupid rules. I am not gonna get into that post. If you would
like to argue or agree, please be my guest. But my hope is that
these inexperienced or new users, will get better. Why? Because my
first roleplay I was in and the first I created, was AWFUL.
Completely awful! But now I have greatly improved over the course
of a year I have continued to improve. Anyway, that's just my
While I don't RP anymore (partly because I cannot find a topic that
actually interests me), the first few RP posts I made were horrible
one-liners without much coherence, and I improved a lot thanks to
the help of a few other experienced RPers. When I look at the RP
forum these days, the only things I see are either continuations of
long, boring RPs or those with uninspired topics.
Rage || More
rage || Ultimate
rage"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about
something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin
color, your sexual preference or otherwise." - Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
@teius My point exactly. I swear that 90% of all roleplay post now
a days are just one liners. @~Hatoko~ Same here. Most of the topics
are either generic or are just poorly done.
Agreed! All of my RPs get no one except me or Murasaki to join, and
the reason must be because they're Semi-Literate. It's not common
for any of my RPs to get anyone else to join, thus resulting in the
RP never becoming active. I mean, I once made an RP that would
help other users improve but no one joined except me.
I'd love to see more Semi-Literate and Literate RPs. Now that I mention it, one of my best RPs (and my oldest) never
even had one-liners. Or, it was uncommon.
@-TheSans- Same here. A lot of roleplays do not get joined even
though the idea is different, but because they are quote on quote
"too long". The head post of one my most recent roleplays is only 2
Tbh , I have never tried an RP in which they write a paragraph
I mean, I could try writing a big para or two. But I don't think I
have the experience yet. :/
@ImmatureGuy I am not saying you NEED to write a paragraph. But try
to at least stop making one-liners. An example is this "Bob walked
around.", Jim waved goodbye. That kind of stuff.
Tbh I can't say im a semi/lit roleplayer.
I mainly post stuff like what Draco mentioned but I try to make it
in a few sentences.
Oh yeah and people who post things like
1.People make Rp that interested them not others (5/100) would
probably join. Example: A newbie Rpers they would probably
make Warrior clan RpS Like really there are so many of them
2. Personally for me I'm one of these (20/100) would this. They are
analyist they would Probably make a poll of "which Rp do
people wanna Rp in?" Other would analyz people's behavior or rants
of RpS.
3.People in generally or lazy and mean. (NO OFFENSE) They would
probably join an Rp with their friends, they'll post for a while
and then stop without any warning. Please TELL THE RP CREATOR THAT
because they'll have to hunt you down and ask you. (Had to get that
out there =^•^=)
@The_Great_Gary That's understandable, but in my opinion an rp
should rarely be in a situation like if their is conflict amongst
the roleplayers. And yes, those are lacking but that's because they
are generic in my opinion. They almost always are the same thing,
and even they are different they usually end up being like the
@Fennekinandcelebi That's already a feature. It's called
roleplaying over a long period of time with experience roleplayers
to help increase your skill.