I'm a new spriter, but I'll try my best! :D Will try to submit some
Absol or some other awesome Pokemon goodness! :D
Rage || More
rage || Ultimate
rage"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about
something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin
color, your sexual preference or otherwise." - Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
I've send my entry ^^ I'm really curious what other entries look
like! I hope the ones that didn't win to be an event distribution
would be posted here, so we can all see them ^^
I have at least a couple ideas but I don't know if I'd be able to
make them in time for May because I can be a slow spriter.
Would you be planning to do this again in the future so say if I
don't get my idea(s) done in time that maybe I could enter it again
at a later date for another even distribution?
I have no idea if you do these a lot since I'm new to this place
still so I thought I'd ask. If so I think I'll try making it anyway
even if I won't get done in time for this one.
Give me a popsicle. Ich bin ein Eis am Stiel.
This is my little baby and her boyfriend.
I'm a Kamen Rider fan and a cosplayer~ Please refer to me as male
if you must and go ahead and call me Ankh, the guy I am using as my
face claim/to represent me and will always be in my
It would be cool if there would be something like a gallery... You
know, every day one of the staff could show one of the not-needed
sprites. And if everyone could comment the daily sprite... Then it
wouldn't be useless if the sprite wasn't good enough... I like this
Hi! I'm from Germany, please forgive me my bad English ;)
I'm guessing the sprites are all going to be judged at once, and
the sprites that didn't make it will be shown at the end of the
competition (or after all of the events have been released, so
people don't spoil them and say stuff like "Hey! Mine isn't listed,
so it must have made it! The event is this, guys!" or anything).
Yosh! Almost done. I just need to make them transparent and come up
with some clever pokedex entries. My masterpieces are gonna blow
Riako's socks right off! >:3 ....Or not. It kinda depends on
whether Riako's wearing any socks or not. :p
I've sent second entry. I hope at least one person says 'It looks
nice' even if in the end any of them won't be a Distribution xD
And now I'm even more curious how other entries look like :3
Finhawk you made me wanna see yours xD
And I have an idea how to make both sides happy with showing
entries: If there would be like 5 rounds of choosing, then we would
see the one's that didn't make to round 2 first, then after some
time (like a week) we would see another part that didn't make to
round 3 and so on. That way we would see some pixelarts and we
wouldn't know too much to spoil which ones have won ^^
I sent in something a couple of days ago, but I'm much more curious
what other people came up with than what kind of reaction my sprite
will get tbh ^3^
i am so nervous^^ entered with 3 ideas... only one has a little
chance to be realized, i think :P but it was fun and i hope we can
see all suggestions or at least some of them here after may!