Forum Thread
Pokéradar $$$
Forum-Index → Discussion → Pokéradar $$$Getting a rare event and breeding it to sell in the auction house is also a good idea :) e.g. derpatung can sell up to 100k pd XD

Art credit: gelatin
I once spied One of Riako's post. I commented (just to express anger and misery, not to gain money) -:
"The pokeradar is so expensive! I wil never be able to afford it."
Next day, I opened PH. Before I had 5k PD but now I had the amount to buy a pokeradar! It had turned out that someone had seen my comment and made a gift. The
Erson was soooo nice. He didn't pester me about it. He didn't show it. He didn't even contact me again for asking for something or the other for free. Now I can earn loads of PD and I will always remember his kind deed. Too bad I forgot the username so that I could pay him back...
I dedicate my first shiny to him!

The Contrasting Berried Duo!
(The above artworks have been made by ChiipS and CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen respectively.)