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'Most Likely Malgus.
"Really unlikely since he <SPOILERS>
Died a final death in SWTOR Shadow of Revan expansion.
Lately I've also been seeing a lot of theories about who Rey's parents are. Some of them are pretty crazy.
Personally I think she is either a Skywalker or a Kenobi. It seems weird to me that she wouldn't be connected to anyone at all, especially since Finn and Poe likely aren't. (And sure, Kylo is a Skywalker, but he's not really a hero of the story at the moment haha...)
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about Snoke, he may also be Vitiate/Sith Emperor. But I'll stick with him being Malgus. Darth Maul- Not Rey's father and Not Snoke. Rey is not Zabrak, even less Dathomirian Zabrak. Maul is still alive on Malachor, while Snoke is likely on Moraband/Korriban. Also, Snoke doesn't have horns.
Kylo is technically as much Skywalker as he is Solo. So, the scary thing is, if Rey doesn't turn out to be a Skywalker, then Kylo is the only one in this generation. :D
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I've also heard the ones about Jyn. I'm too lazy to find this tweet, but somewhere one of the creative executives for Lucasfilm said Jyn is definitely not Rey's mom. I can see why people came up with that theory though, because they do look similar.
@Superior: That's a good point about Finn. I hope we'll get to find out more about his past and his family, even though the focus seems to be on Rey for now. I'm also really hoping that Finn will turn out to be Force sensitive, but I'm not too sure if that's going to happen. ^^;
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Username: enderknux
Nickname: You can call me anything, really, but just ender is fine.
Light side, dark side, or neutral? Probably dark.
Who is your favorite character? Oooh, tough. Maybe Phasma or Princess Leia.
Also, I'm up-to-date on episodes 4-6, and of course 7. However, I need to re-watch 1-3, since I last watched them when I was about, 6 or 7. I'm one of those people who is always afraid to say the wrong thing, so just letting you know! <3
@enderknux: Accepted! I'm on my phone right now but I will add you when I can get to my computer. Phasma and Leia are both so awesome! I'm really excited for the book that is coming out next week that is about Leia's life in between Episode 6 and 7.
And don't worry, I say the wrong thing all the time so I probably wouldn't notice haha <3
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Just to let everyone know, I'm going to have a raffle for clan members soon, probably on May 4th, since that's unofficially Star Wars Day!
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Nickname: -
Light side, dark side, or neutral? Dark Side!
Who is your favorite character? Darth Vader but I like Luke Skywalker and Han Solo as well >.>
I remember seeing the trailer to Star Wars: Rogue one when I was watching Captain America: Civil War. My brother thought it was the Star Wars VIII Trailer XD.