Forum Thread
Ditto on Prize Exchange?
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Rejected → Ditto on Prize Exchange?I had an idea; since you're able to get Raikou, Suicune, Entei and Manaphy (+ their Shiny forms) at the Prize Exchange, why aren't you able to claim a Ditto?
You could only be able to get a Ditto with a very high amount of Game Chips, maybe even more than a Shiny Manaphy costs, but you'd be able to get it.
But only a simple Ditto. A Shiny one would be.. nah. It wouldn't be special to own a Shiny Ditto anymore, and for a Shiny Ditto you'd have to collect veeery much of the Game Chips so you could get more than one and start chaining it, since you can't breed Ditto.
It would make things easier for us, and maybe more people would have more motivation on playing some Game Center Games.
Please share your opinion about this idea.
• woah-oh, higher, i'm going up over there •

• woah-oh, higher, i'm going to fly higher •
kinda neutral
it would't make Ditto that rare anymore, but again, Lab scavaging for Ditto is kinda unfair and boring.
That's just too much. I'd say a good price would be 100 mil Game Chips.
"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin color, your sexual preference or otherwise."
- Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
There are 3 ways to obtain ditto as of right now, Via Gem (Which is what I did and I find the 2nd easyest option to do) From the lab (which I find the hardest and the most luck to obtain) And from another player, buying it from 5Million PD worth and up. Which I find is the easyest to do. From selling so many worth items. I have had 2million before ((And spend it all on Normal gems )) One people have ditto that's don't find a worth in most gems any more and tend to sell them on for other gems.
So if you have another way to obtain ditto it would put this trade market all out of wack and make many gems even more worthless and unbale to sell because no one will want them.
So my answer is no. This should not be implerments because it would make it easier for other players to obtain. Plus the sense on acihvment will decress. Other items worth will decrease and everyone who is new will be slaving over the game center rather than interaction with everyone else which is the whole point.
After all there are plenty of ways to get normal gems, Heck I got a ditto in 3 months with 10k Normal gems.
I don't think it needs any more methods because you think lab hunting it is too "hard", "long", or to "boring". It's obviously going to be long and boring - reason stated above.
Besides, auto clickers are really easy to access, and I can guarantee you that there will be lots of issues with cheaters if Ditto was available in the Prize exchange.
Also I'm really not in favour of making it easier to obtain.
Instead of complaining and saying lab hunting is tedious or whatever, try saving up 10,000 normal gems? Nobody said you have to lab hunt to get it. The gem collector method was added to make it a little bit easier for people who don't sit on a computer 24/7, hoping to grab a Ditto egg from the lab~
[i]"Shinah. It means
As per all of know, ditto is one of the most rare Pokemon. So, getting it in the prize exchange would be easy. Most of the users would spend a lot of time in the Game center and they can get the ditto... Getting ditto like this wouldn't be fun. But, finding ditto in a lab or buying it from someone would be more fun.
Total votes: 68
Support ratio: 45%
Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
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