Forum Thread
Kayoko's Local Shop
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Item Trades → Kayoko's Local Shop

♪ "We are selling lots of awesome items here! Gems and Stuff too! Buy, and Master Kayoko will be happy!!! Please, buy it! We love it seeing her smile! ♪ - Rin and Rio, the shocking happy-makers

Rule #1: Have a friendly tone and state the price with all zeros. Makes it sound more serious for her.
Rule #2: Don't do it per PalPad. PMs are fine though.
Rule #3: If it happens, that you two are arguing over one specific item, there are two solutions: Either we three go to HeroChat and do a small 'Live Auction' there, or you state one final offer and the higher one should win.
More will be included in the future, but for now, these are them. Follow or your offer won't be recognized, even if you should offer a Ditto. - Victor, the rule-nerd

I would like to buy:
Fire 9
Ice 2
Grass 431
Rock 4
Steel 106
Dark 29
Ground 6
Fighting 16
Flying 10
Poison 2
Ghost 53
Psychic 2
(that would be all Gems exept Normal, Fairy, Dragon, Bug)
These are 670 Gems if I didn't calculate it wrong, so that would be 268k PDs in total if you like to trade let me know :D

♪ "Wow! Kimie will surely make Kayoko happier than ever! Nobody ever purchased that much from her! Hihi! ♪ - Rin and Rio





Phyrnn's offer is then 76,400 PD below the actual price...
And Kilejna, you would need 168 Nuggets to offer.
Wow, that sounds like nothing! - Aki, the price convertionist
