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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Kimie.
Posted: Fri, 21/03/2025 20:39 (6 Days ago)

Hunting: Zamazenta

Hunt started: 21/03/2024 -- Hunt ended: ??/03/2024
Total hatched: 88 -- Shiny Chance: 2.75 %

_ _ _ _





A shiny hatched out of one of your eggs!

#64 - #

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Posted: Thu, 20/03/2025 22:55 (7 Days ago)

Hunting: Dwebble

Hunt started: 20/03/2024 -- Hunt ended: 21/03/2024
Total hatched: 88 -- Shiny Chance: 2.75 %

_ _ _ _





A shiny hatched out of one of your eggs!

#86 - #87

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Posted: Sun, 16/03/2025 18:15 (11 Days ago)

Hunting: Unown ?

Hunt started: 16/03/2024 -- Hunt ended: 20/03/2024
Total hatched: 78 -- Shiny Chance: 2.75 %

_ _ _ _





A shiny hatched out of one of your eggs!


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Posted: Fri, 14/03/2025 19:59 (13 Days ago)

Hunting: Dewpider

Hunt started: 14/03/2024 -- Hunt ended: 16/03/2024
Total hatched: 152 -- Shiny Chance: 2.75 %

_ _ _ _





A shiny hatched out of one of your eggs!

#40 - #151

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Posted: Wed, 12/03/2025 15:19 (15 Days ago)

You have 75,000 GGCs at the moment.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Bug Gem 372
Rock Gem 241
Grass Gem 343
Water Gem 283
Flying Gem 250
Ground Gem 395
Normal Gem 290
Poison Gem 329
Electric Gem 291
Fighting Gem 324
_ _ _ _ _
Ice Gem 11
Dark Gem 21
Fire Gem 11
Ghost Gem 11
Steel Gem 9
Psychic Gem 17
Fairy Gem 3

Poké Ball 5615
Rare Candy 217
Game Chips 424,397

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Posted: Wed, 12/03/2025 14:52 (15 Days ago)

Hunting: Pineco

Hunt started: 12/03/2024 -- Hunt ended: 13/03/2024
Total hatched: 147 -- Shiny Chance: 2.75 %

_ _ _ _





A shiny hatched out of one of your eggs!

#119 - #146

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Posted: Sun, 09/03/2025 14:56 (18 Days ago)
Sure one moment, thanks :D

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Posted: Sun, 09/03/2025 14:49 (18 Days ago)
Hi :)
I am fine, thanks. Hope you are also feeling well :D
15k for both together okay with you?

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Posted: Fri, 07/03/2025 20:17 (20 Days ago)
@King_Lucario: That is because none had time to write it yet. I will try to do so next month when I have more time and mind to do so.

@Riako: Added, thanks :D

@Jacharias: Don't know why it has a wondercard... I deleted it now, thanks XD

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Posted: Wed, 05/03/2025 08:02 (23 Days ago)
Sure, will send you the trade, one moment and thanks :)

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Posted: Wed, 05/03/2025 08:01 (23 Days ago)
Hi :)
300k PDs okay with you for them all together?

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Posted: Tue, 04/03/2025 20:39 (23 Days ago)

Hunting: Wurmple

Hunt started: 04/03/2024 -- Hunt ended: 11/03/2024
Total hatched: 130 -- Shiny Chance: 2.75 %

_ _ _ _





A shiny hatched out of one of your eggs!

#43 - #62 - #76 - #85 - #115 - #117

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Posted: Sun, 02/03/2025 15:35 (25 Days ago)
Sure, one moment and thanks :D

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Posted: Sun, 02/03/2025 15:33 (25 Days ago)
@SourApple: Sorry for the confusion >_< 150 nuggets + the feather

@Celebier: Hi :) I had a nice day so far, thanks; hope you do so also :D
At the moment I don't have any available shiny hunts here (doing Unown hunts and the moment and try to get to 50% gem discount). I don't know how updated the hunts of the others are. Maybe have a look at their profiles also or ask here. I need to update my part as I am announcing any hunts for rent in my feeds currently.
Don't know if this helps you ^-^''

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Posted: Sun, 02/03/2025 13:28 (25 Days ago)
150 nuggets + the father?
150 nuggets x 2800 pds = 420k pds (I would be ok with that)

120 is a little low in my opinion.
425k / 120 nuggets = 3542 pds per nugget

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Posted: Sun, 02/03/2025 12:20 (25 Days ago)
That would be: 550k - 125k = 425k
Or do you have more than one Grey Feather?? :D

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Posted: Sun, 02/03/2025 12:05 (25 Days ago)
Hi :)
All Pokémon together would be 550k PDs.
I would gladly also take the Grey Feather as payment [125k] =D
If this is okay with you, just set up a trade / let me know so I can set it up ;)

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Posted: Sun, 23/02/2025 12:59 (1 Month ago)
That also works, if you like you can set up the trade 😄

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Posted: Sun, 23/02/2025 12:03 (1 Month ago)
Hi :)
Sure, let me have a look...

Shaymin 25k each, so 50k for 2 Pokemon
Heatran also 25k
Darkrai 135k

would be 210k PDs in total in PDs - if you take them all, I would also be okay with 200k in total.
Hope that's okay with you :D

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Posted: Sat, 22/02/2025 22:30 (1 Month ago)

Hunting: Unown E

Hunt started: 22/02/2025 -- Hunt ended: 04/03/2025
Total hatched: 118 -- Shiny Chance: 2.75 %

_ _ _ _





A shiny hatched out of one of your eggs!


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