Forum Thread
Item Shop Confirmation
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Item Shop Confirmationi dont know if you mean it by a small pop up to make sure you want to sell the item, but i got a bit better idea.
This may be rare but someone might still accidentally press "yes" to confirm, so intstead how about having a new area where it shows all the items you have sold (Recently, maybe like 1 month) and you can re-buy any item you didnt want to sell for the amount you got for it.
You sold a dragon gem for 50pd and when you go to the page you need to pay 50pd to re-buy it.
Just my opinion but i still support your idea.
@Skar- That's a great idea for the rare case that you still sell an item you didn't want to, but I don't know how easy that would be do actually implement. Also to clarify what I meant was not just a small pop-up but a confirmation page will show up afterward titled Please Confirm your Order. It will have a picture of the item and the item name next to the picture like Delibird, making it hard to sell something by accident :)
(Which is what pops into my mind everytime I go through the Clicklists >.<).
"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin color, your sexual preference or otherwise."
- Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
But yes, I support the original suggestion~
(Just not Cliff_Armor's modification. Sorry!)
i had accidentally sold one item because i jumped to the false line of an item
I sold a mystery box (golden (!) ) instead an Evolution item which i did not need..
When i got a golden key from the rumble Areas, i want to open the box but i didn't find it and saw that Evolution item which i wanted to sell..
i was angry about myself~~

Probably everything has a safety mode here, but the item shop sells the things even if you're just typing in the amount of items and you're getting on the enter key. This happened to me before and was more than just frustrating.