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Cirque de Gothique (Open and accepting)

Forum-Index Roleplay Cirque de Gothique (Open and accepting)
Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 11/12/2015 01:54 (8 Years ago)
Scrounge yawned as she watched the two interract, looking like two cat sizing each other up before a fight. At least she knew their names, just 'boy' and 'girl' was a little too vague for her comfort. "Honestly, why is it that I attract all the troublemakers?" She grumbled, but she wasn't paying very much attention to her own words. She could smell smoke and the strong scent of meat roasting. She wiggled her haunches and hopped down from her cage, before she could stop herself. "-though I guess I'm just as much of one, aren't I?" She murmured, licking her lips as she tried to locate the smell's source.

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Fri, 11/12/2015 02:06 (8 Years ago)
Az flashed a cheerful grin, her suspicions confirmed when Eli's eye color changed. She spun on her heel to face Scrounge when the feline spoke. "So, whose this pretty kitty? I gets the feeling that you're not sposed ta be here?" She inquired, making a guess. "I mean, you certainly don't look comfy in there. I bet you'd want a hand wit that, ja?" She asked, a sly grin spreading across her face. "I mean, I could prolly help a bit, as long as Mister Eli here doesn't snitch on us." She said, glancing at the incubus. "But I'm sure he wouldn't do that to us, right?" She said with a grin, her eyes flickering an array of bright colors before suddenly halting at a vibrant blue.
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Fri, 11/12/2015 02:23 (8 Years ago)
Eli: Youre doing this on purpose arent you //his eyes flickering to match the colors that she had before stopping at the blue/ And no, i wont snitch. One, im not that rude, and two, im in the same show biz that you are. //Eli scoffed
Who is your true family...?

Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 11/12/2015 02:39 (8 Years ago)
Scrounge rolled her eyes. "I could get out of this stupid cage anytime- if I wanted to." She huffed, glaring at the steel bars. "..I just don't normally see any point in doing so." She finished, glancing away angrily.

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Fri, 11/12/2015 02:47 (8 Years ago)
"Haha sweet," Az chirped, flashing him a knowing grin. "Thanks fer not being rude then!" She said with a small laugh, booping his nose with her finger. "Y'sure you don't want some helps? I mean, not to brag or anything, but these bars don't look like they'd last against me." She said, her left arm crossed over her chest and her right hand under her chin. "I guess you're prolly feeling awfully cagey right now, aren't ya?" She said with a silly laugh, refusing to pass up the opportunity to pun.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Fri, 11/12/2015 02:54 (8 Years ago)
Jinx flew into the room that she thought Ez went into-nope that was the wrong one. Flustered, she apologized for interrupting practice for one of the other circus members. Which one was it...? This one....?

"Ah HAH!" Jinx whizzed around the alp. "Ez! I just remembered that joke! It went like...why did the cat wear a top hat? Because he was feline sassy! Get it?! And...oh, there's an actual cat here, hi Kitty!" The pixie plopped herself onto the ground in front of the cat's cage and waved at it, distracted by the fact that there was a small animal in the room.

"Kitty! Kitty-kitty-kitty, good kitty! Mmmm I love kitties!"

(Ez is Jinx's mispronounced nickname for Az)

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 11/12/2015 03:05 (8 Years ago)
Scrounge blinked in slight confusion for a few seconds as she processed the joke- then proceeded to snort absurdly loud, and she had to cover her face with her paws as she chuffed and made other cat-like noises. As she calmed down, she glanced at the others slightly embarrassed. "Ah, well. That was-" she was cut off by the entrance of another person. Wasn't she popular today. She stared at the being in front of her, half-tempted to pounce on them as she listened to them prattle on.

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Fri, 11/12/2015 13:28 (8 Years ago)
"Ah! Jinxy, what are youse doing here?" Az said with a laugh, watching as her friend whizzed around her before becoming distracted by the feline in the cage. "Here, Jinxy, come back a lil bits. I'mma help Miss kitty here -what was youse name again?- with that cage issue of hers." She said with a mischievous grin, rolling up her sleeves. She cracked her knuckles as dark blue-black scales crept up her arms. As the scales met her elbow, her hands transformed into a large set of dangerous-looking talons as she got a good grip on the bars. The moment she placed her hands on the metal, she knew she was going to regret it later as her scales hissed, releasing smoke from her palms. Her grin faltered for a moment before she suddenly tore the bars she was holding away, discarding them as her hands returned to normal, vague burn marks on her palms. "Och, I hates iron. Why can't they make these stupid cages outta somethings else, ja?" She grumbled as she shook her hands out, agitated that the burning sensation hadn't faded away yet.
Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 12/12/2015 01:51 (8 Years ago)
Scrounge chirped, immediately hopping to the ground as soon as she could fit through the gap. "Well, firstly iron is quite cheap, and easy to buy in bulk. Secondly, it certainly keeps certain creatures locked in." She murmured, adjusting her feet against the ground. "Boy, it's freakin' great to touch dirt again-" she purred. She quickly leap towards Az, after a moment of thought, and rubbed herself against her leg, purring. "Ahem, so yeah. Thanks for, uh, that.I'm Scrounge, by-the-by-" she stated awkwardly, having retreated a few feet away.

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Sat, 12/12/2015 02:39 (8 Years ago)
"Well, Miss Scrounge, nice ta meetcha! Anyways, we'd better skedaddle before someone finds out I totally trashed your cage." Az said, starting to walk in the direction of the exit. "Youse wanna come to my caravan? Well, I mean, it's not really mine persay, but I'm the only one occupying it, 'less Jinxy here feels like visiting." She said with a grin as she led the group to the gates, glad that the guards still hadn't yet returned. She clambered over the fence, vaulting over the top and landing gracefully on her feet. "Youse better keep up though, don't wanna get caught. That'd be quite a predicament, wouldn't it? But really though, I don't want ta leave you on the fence." She cackled playfully.
Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 12/12/2015 02:58 (8 Years ago)
Scrounge snickered at the other's joke, easily jumping up on the fence, and flicking both her tails in amusement. "Are you kidding? This is the most fun I've had in years! I'm not about to just let some measly guards ruin my fun just yet-" she murmured. "And since I don't have any plans besides 'be free for as long as possible', I'm down for whatever kind of trouble we could get into." She added, hopping down from the fence, and twisting a few times before she landed. "Ah, I hope you don't mind- but would have happen to have any kind'a spare clothes I could borrow?" She asked, eyes glinting with planned mischief.

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Sat, 12/12/2015 03:23 (8 Years ago)
Az grinned at her new friend as she hopped down from the fence. "Of course! Youse always gotta have some spares for when some people steals youse hat!" She chirped, not giving any context on what she meant by that. "Anyways, lets hurry up, if we're fast enough I'll be able to snatch Baxter's lunch!" She said, referring to one of the other performers she enjoyed messing with. "I hope he has lady fingers or new potatoes!" She said more quietly, peering around the corner of a tent, proceeding when she deemed it safe enough.
Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 12/12/2015 03:41 (8 Years ago)
Scrounge tilted her head as she tried to figure out what the other was talking about. She shook her head as she gave up, somethings probably should just be left alone. She licked her lips at the mention of food, though. "I've never worn a hat before, but I think I get what'cha mean-" she hummed, following Az's lead. "What are those? I haven't really eaten anything besides squirrels and the popcorn those little brats throw at me in awhile." She asked, speaking a bit more auietly, as to not alert anyone nearby.

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Sat, 12/12/2015 05:15 (8 Years ago)
"Well you see," Jinx chimed in as she walked quickly to keep up with the other two. Her tiny feet were quiet, but someone with extremely good hearing would be able to hear the small pat pat pat of her bare feet against the ground.

"A potato's this round, brown thing. But it's white and mushy in the middle. It's a really good vegetable that a lot of people like, but personally they're kinda gross. Although I mean, if you put enough cheese and butter on it it tastes pretty good, and you can turn them into chips and fries and stuff. There's a lot more you can do with them too. But I mean, since I don't need to eat, I don't have to eat potatoes if I don't want to so it works out." She shrugged, staring blankly into space as she thought about it for a second. Yeah, potatoes are good, just not when they're actually served as potatoes.

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 1,954
Posted: Sat, 12/12/2015 18:09 (8 Years ago)
Name: Eudjinne
Age: around 15
Gender: Male
Species Genie
Appearance: in this picture he looks ugly because its still an concept art, gonna change later.
Personality: Eudjinne is an fun and funny person, always trying to make the visitors and the entertainers happy, but when he is inside his house/lamp, he prefers to not be called. He can also be very weird and random sometimes, talking non-sense things.
Occupation: Joker
Background information: He have Wi-Fi on his Lamp. Just don't ask why.
Crushes: none
Other: none
Questions/Concerns: nope
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Sat, 12/12/2015 22:48 (8 Years ago)
Az snorted at Jinx's explanation. "That's pretty accurate, but you forget all the different ways youse can cook and serve potatoes alone." She said cheerfully. "For example, new potatoes, which are cut and roasted with olive oil and stuff." She said as they approached a grouped area of caravans. "Oh mans, those things are heavenly." She said with a happy sigh, thinking about potatoes. "Oh! Here's mine!" Az chirped, patting the side of her faded mint colored abode. It was very plain and simple, with kudzu vines crawling along the side of the caravan, even coating around half of the roof. The plant was spattered with the beginnings of violet flowers, some of which Az had to shove out of the way to open the door. "This's my place! Don't worry about it lookin' small, it's bigger on the inside." She flashed the others a smile as she stepped through the door. True to her word, the inside of the caravan was much larger looking than had appeared from outside of it, though not by a lot. It was a very cozy -if not a bit dim- space, and felt to be roomier than it actually was. In one corner was a soft bed piled with plenty of soft blankets with no abundance of pillows. Along one wall was a plain vanity with plenty of shiny things piled beside the mirror, things that Jinx had unknowingly forgotten in her visits, as well as some trinkets Az had picked up. Beside the bed was the shuttered door to a closet stock-full of plenty of clothes for an array of genders, ages, and species. The walls were also lined with shelves of various objects, trinkets, and souvenirs. There was a single window beside the bed, with a small potted azalea on the window's ledge. "I kind of tend to collect things," Az noted, pulling out some beanbags from under her bed. "Help yourself to any of my clothes in my closet there." She said to Scourge with a grin as she gestured to the closet.
Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 12/12/2015 23:12 (8 Years ago)
Scrounge let out an appreciative chirp as she glanced around, mesmerized by the collection of shiny objects for a minute. "Well, whatever the heck they're cooked as, they're definitely better than what I've been having lately." She murmured, making her way to the closet as she spoke. She stared up at the clothing, sticking her tongue out as she concentrated. "This would be a whole lot easier with hands-" she declared suddenly, and with a mesmerizing desplay of smoke and fire (though completely harmless), changed into her human form. She stretched, letting her bones make that satisfying 'pop', careful to keep her back turned towards the others, before she stood up and quickly grabbed a a large plain-black sweater, and slipped in on. "It gets waaay too chilly without any fur-" she muttered, laying her still-cat ears back. She looked mostly human, with the only exceptions being her eyes, sharp-teeth, and claw-like nails. And also her obvious tails and the cat ears upon her head. "-you have any boxers in here?-" she called back, elbow-deep in clothing.
(Tfw u can't magically give urself clothes)

Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Sat, 12/12/2015 23:16 (8 Years ago)
(screeches bc idk what to do lol)
Who is your true family...?

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 1,954
Posted: Sat, 12/12/2015 23:16 (8 Years ago)
(not trying to be rude but...am I accepted?)
Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 12/12/2015 23:29 (8 Years ago)
(( @Em
Just be a creeper who followed them
Or just awkwardly stand around idk
@-Tails- sure!)