"Hrm? Oh, hiya Zane!"
Miso sees the berries. "OMG! What kind are they? Are they the Healy
kind? Or the reducing damage kind? I HOP E THEY'RE THE HEALY KIND!
Can we plant them?"
The happy little fox looks expectantly at Zaneo.
Only... 200 levels left to go... YAY! Needs Mega stone!
"Sky Berries are berries that, when eaten, can heal wounds, and
possibly turn the eyes blue, although its a 20% chance for them to
change your eye color to blue."
Fighting for one's you love.
Fighting for one's who care.
suddenly Tiny jumps out from behind (something, idk) a rock and
greets them. "Hi! Sorry I went missing a while ago, I just have my
ways..." Tiny then looks at the berries and asks, "What are
"Aw yeah! Wound healing berries! Can I have one?"
Shifting to a slowpoke, Miso sniffs one of the berries.
"Oh, we should plant one, though. So I can grow into an awesome
Only... 200 levels left to go... YAY! Needs Mega stone!
"We would have to Plant them somewhere.. but not here. The battle
is coming soon and if we loose we wont have any fresh soil left
here, but until then we must keep them in a safe place. Serious
wounds can be treated with sky berries, so maybe put them in the
medicine den?" Ginger sniffed one of the berries and looked at
Fighting for one's you love.
Fighting for one's who care.