Ginger looked at the ground. "Well.. yes it is.. but ever since our
last medicine fox, kumanji died.. he never had an apprentice to
fulfill his rank as Medicine fox. and.. not to make you mad but..
being blind would lack in your battling skills.. so you cant be a
Fighting for one's you love.
Fighting for one's who care.
Ginger nodded and smiled. "then we have a new medicine fox!" Ginger
ran up to a Tree in the center of camp and climbed up it. "Every
fox, gather together to share some news!" She sat down on a branch
as the clan gathered beneath the tree and started chatting.
(this is when there is important news to be shared, she lets the
clan chat about recent happenings and she usually announces her
news last.)
Fighting for one's you love.
Fighting for one's who care.
"Can I have one now? Caus'a my leg?" Miso shifts back into a fox
and hops a few feet, looking at the wound in her leg. She sticks
out her tounge at it. "Bluh."
Only... 200 levels left to go... YAY! Needs Mega stone!
" Yay! Thanks for the food~" \r\nMiso snarfes down a berry.
Swallowing, she licks her lips and looks up at Ginger. \r\n"I was
walking in the woods a few days ago, when. I got a little lost. I
think I maaaay have shifted into a seviper, and this zangoose was
all like "bring it!" and I was scared so I skedaddled. But he hit
me as I ran, and I tuned back into a Zorua. He kinda freaked and
was all like "sorry bro!" And I was all it's cool, but he was a
loner so he could give me any healy stuff. Oh, and he also said
that if I needed help with something, then he'd help me. Sooo if
the clan needs food or more arms, we can ask him for help prolly.
But don't approach him as a serviper." \r\nThe little fox looks
mildly perpelexed and a little regretful. "I prolly shoulda told
you this eairlier...
Only... 200 levels left to go... YAY! Needs Mega stone!
''A few days ago I went traveling into the forest and.. well.. The
Shadow woods are growing, I found a huge patch of Shadow plants on
a clearing!" Ginger looked at Miso and turned her head to the
direction of the Shadow woods, worried.
Fighting for one's you love.
Fighting for one's who care.
(whats weird is in warriors, the medicine cat never gets
Ginger sniffed the air in the den, it smelled of mint and pine.
"your always welcome to sleep in your usual den if you like. but
here is where the herbs and healing berries are stored."
Fighting for one's you love.
Fighting for one's who care.
Ginger nodded. "if you wish, come on lets go back to the meeting."
Ginger padded outside the den and back into the group of foxes
gathered at the center of camp.
Fighting for one's you love.
Fighting for one's who care.