Forum Thread
Jewelry Crafting
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Jewelry CraftingMy suggestion is to have a crafting bench. There, jewelry can be crafted by combining certain combinations of Gems and other items, like Relic Gold and Star Pieces. Said jewelry can then be exchanged for items (or possibly points to buy items).
Relic coins may be old, but the metal in them is still precious. With a set of forging tools and a bit of skill, they will make some fine jewelry.
A few extra possibilities:
-A few very hard-to-craft pieces could become form-change items. (Pokemon with bling, anyone?)
-This could be a potential method of obtaining
In the mountains north of Emera Town resides a lonely princess. If you ever visit, bring a gift fit for royalty.

I'm liking this. This is a cute way to make the Relic items have some purpose (and star pieces to have.. more purpose)
And I like how this could potentially be linked to obtaining Carbink and Diancie. It fits
I support this! I'd like to see a feature like this implemented *^*
[i]"Shinah. It means
What if for the Forme-Change items, we could obtain Cosplay Pikachu via certain items?

[FlightRising] ☆ [Adopts] ☆ [Doodles] ☆ [Characters]
This is another way to make use of the relics that have no uses at all (other than selling them), and a revolutionary way of playing PokeHeroes while interacting with more of its items that are rarely ever used, compared to other items.
Probably the best original suggestion I have seen yet.
This also gives Riako opportunities to make PokeHeroes what it really stands out for, and not just a simple Pokemon fan-game. I believe he can truly make 100% use of this suggestion, in his own personal but viable ways.
bc this suggestion
is amazing
alsooo this might be off-topic bc Magearna is made out of ores and not gems, but maybe Magerna could be get from this too?