Time Dragon Leone Nagasama at your service!
I care for all people, no matter who or what they are.
Due to past experience, I've come to grow fond of taking care of
other people, and I will try my best to keep all life pure and
If you'd like to contact me, message my Discord! Jonzy
5-This person did a lot of research on the zodiac and symbols,
combining them with Pokémon that could represent each animal.
7-A lot of Asian materials (and sushi) are in here. They represent
a good Asian culture.
9-Shows 3 different Asian cultural/traditional clothing.
1 - Because it just looks amazing! Good use of color, and all the
space is used too. A lot of hard work and planning obviously went
into this.
6 - I like the use of traditional art, and this painting (I think
it's painted...) is to a high standard. An original idea that was
well thought out.
7 - I like all the different elements to this, the drawings, the
use of the plushies and figurines, the food. Also the overall
layout is balanced and makes an interesting photo.
This was soooo hard to choose, all of the pictures look great! No
wonder the number of winners has been changed to 5! Good luck to
all the artists, you should all be very proud of your masterpieces!