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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Kash.
Posted: Sat, 03/03/2018 08:47 (7 Years ago)
Hello Danuwa! I want to participate in your Lottery.
Items I am sending:50 water gems

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Posted: Thu, 19/02/2015 03:55 (10 Years ago)
Any1 answer me

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Posted: Thu, 12/02/2015 14:22 (10 Years ago)
hello will any1 do my order?

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Posted: Thu, 12/02/2015 14:17 (10 Years ago)
Amount of tickets I want to buy:1
Choose a number for your ticket(s):1

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Posted: Wed, 11/02/2015 10:16 (10 Years ago)
Shiny I want:pidgey
User to breed it:any 1 who can do it now or after their hunt
Pm or pal pad:any
Other:if a mega-able comes out i would like to trade it with my mega able gengar.if a shiny mega able 150000pd + mega able gengar

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Posted: Thu, 11/12/2014 11:07 (10 Years ago)
When will the battles begin

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Posted: Thu, 11/12/2014 10:43 (10 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 07/12/2014 06:05 (10 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 07/12/2014 05:50 (10 Years ago)
I want a shiny!
Shiny i want:pidgey
PalPad or Pm:both is fine
User to breed it:anyone
Offer(this is if you don't have enough PD):-

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Posted: Sun, 16/11/2014 02:20 (10 Years ago)
i will post 1 as an example
Ur ticket(s)numbers and letters(like i told u before):1f5s6,5r6s1

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Posted: Mon, 10/11/2014 11:07 (10 Years ago)
Greeting everyone!
In this shop I will be holding lottery once a month and will be drawn at my ph birthday(it was19.10.2013).So if u want to be in all u have to do is buy tickets.
Prices for each ticket(it can be changed from time to time)
2 Normal for a ticket(there is no limit)
This is different from the game center's lottery.i means u don't have to choose pkmn but u have to choose a couple of numbers and letters(for instance:1number1letter1number1letter1number:5g6k7)
Thr prizes are:if u match all:100000pd+a starter plushie/3 numbers or 3 letters match:75000pd +a pkmn(may be cranidos)/2 numbers or 2 letters match:50000 pd
The form to buy tickets is
Ur ticket(s)numbers and letters(like i told u before):
well thats all folks and if u are not clear u can pm or pp me because i am not so good in english thanks

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Posted: Sun, 09/11/2014 02:09 (10 Years ago)
so when do we start

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Posted: Sat, 08/11/2014 16:12 (10 Years ago)
Username: Kash
Which Class: Lava Red
Favorite pokemon :Chimchar

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Posted: Wed, 22/10/2014 09:18 (10 Years ago)
Bash wants to train with someone so he is asking 'who will like to train with me?'

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Posted: Tue, 21/10/2014 12:34 (10 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 21/10/2014 12:30 (10 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 20/10/2014 10:10 (10 Years ago)
its ok i even have 3 of them and i can lend u male and female but pls give them back ok

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Posted: Mon, 20/10/2014 09:58 (10 Years ago)
I want a shiny!
Shiny i want:Scatterbug
PalPad or Pm:PalPad
User to breed it:LordLucarios
Offer(this is if you don't have enough PD):I can give 150k

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Posted: Wed, 10/09/2014 10:37 (10 Years ago)
in the kanto dex i need
well thats all for now.there are a lot more.

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Posted: Wed, 10/09/2014 10:05 (10 Years ago)
so we will start from the kanto dex ok

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