Forum Thread
Blacky's Journal
Forum-Index → Diaries → Blacky's Journal

Hello, nice to meet you~
i'm just another old weird dog from germany 8)
Some random facts about me:
- i'm not very talkative
- i'm not shy - just careful
- i'm sometimes really weird
- i'm afraid of heights
- i do what i want - not what others want
- i don't like romantic movies
- i don't like zombies
- i don't like "Twilight" or something like that ( i prefer traditional vampiric stuff)
- i don't belong to any religion
- i don't like cheaters
- i don't like any kind of racism
- i don't like mosquitos and roaches
- i don't like sea food (but fish is okay)
- i don't like social networks
- i can't swim
About nicknames
Allowed Nicknames:
- Blacky (short version of my username)
- Blacky-san
- Blacky-chan
- Black Dog
- Dorky Dog (believe me, you'll have enough moments to use it)
Custom Nicknames - Names given by other users:
- Fishy-san (thanks to my crazy, lovely dorks <3)
Not allowed Nicknames:
- bruh, bro, sis... (don't use those names, if you're a stranger for me)
- honey, hun, chick, cutie, sweetie or bunny, bun ... e.c.t
Favorite meals: meatballs, pasta, pizza, soup, salad, cookies...
Favorite fruits: strawberries, oranges, apples and cherries...
Favorite flowers: roses, lillies, gerbera.
Favorite colors: black, grey, red, white, blue, purple.
Favorite animals: rodents, dogs, foxes, cats, birds, Sharks, lizards.
Favorite music : rock music, metal music, dark ambient, and some anime ost's.
Favorite bands : ASP, Subway to Sally, Eisbrecher, Slipknot, Disturbed, Pantera, Rev Theory...and many more
Favorite anime series: One Piece, Naruto (Shipuuden), Noragami (both seasons), Gangsta., Soul Eater, Mirai Nikki, Hellsing(+OVA's), Inu Yasha, Blood Lad and some more ^^
Favorite Anime charas: Arlong, Chew, Hacchi, Trafalgar Law, Pain/Nagato, Jiraya, Kurama, Minato, Yato, Kofuku, Yukine, Nora (aka Reiki, Hiiro...), Worick Arcangelo, Nicolas Brown, Soul Evans, Shinigami, Minene Uryu, Alucard, Sesshomaru, Staz...
Other things i like: Thunderstorms, redheads, blue eyes, cooking, baking, comedy and good jokes, black humor, sarcasm, gardening (herbs and vegetables), shopping (books, music, hats, jewelry...), Digimon, RPG Maker games...and some other things ;)
See ya soon, Blacky

Title: Some extremly important rules
1. Don't ask me, to fight your fights for you.
2. I'm not online here 24/7 - so please, be patient.
3. If i don't answer instantly it's because i'm afk or busy with other stuff.
4. Don't take me into your personal dramas.
Do's ✔:
- friendly and polite behavior
- creative messages
- fair play
- helping each other
- comment on feeds
- nice (and also random) talks
- gifting plushies and unwanted items :P
Dont's ✖:
- Random friendrequests
- Battlerequests in general.
- rude and selfish behavior
- simple hi's, hello's or stupid nicknames...
- spamming, scamming and breaking PH rules
- betraying me or my friends
- call me a friend (we should talk first)
- begging for Pokemon or Items that are not for sale
Title: Helpful Links
Title: Missing Dex entries

#057 Primeape
#081 Magnemite
#082 Magneton
#091 Cloyster
#105 Marowak
#106 Hitmonlee
#107 Hitmonchan
#125 Electabuzz
#132 Ditto
#144 Articuno
#146 Moltres
#150 Mewtwo

#185 Sudowoodo
#199 Slowking
#201 Unown (B, C, D, F, G, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, U, W, X, !, ?)
#213 Shuckle
#233 Porygon2
#237 Hitmontop
#239 Elekid
#250 Ho-Oh

#290 Nincada
#320 Wailmer
#321 Wailord
#324 Torkoal
#336 Seviper
#348 Armaldo
#350 Milotic
#351 Castform Heat, Rainy, Sunny
#358 Chimecho
#378 Regice
#379 Registeel
#383 Groudon

#390 Chimchar
#391 Monferno
#392 Infernape
#421 Cherrim Sunny forme
#438 Bonsly
#462 Magnezone
#466 Electivire
#467 Magmortar
#474 Porygon-Z
#479 Rotom (all formes)
#480 Uxie
#481 Mesprit
#483 Dialga
#486 Regigas
#487 Giratina
#488 Cresselia
#490 Manaphy
#492 Shaymin - Sky forme
#493 Arceus
Under Construction:
Last update on 24th October 2016
Title: Shiny Project List 2016 - Done
#1 Carvanha/Sharpedo
Started: 7th July
Ended: 5th August
My Goal: 1 male Carvanha, 1 male Sharpedo
Hatched Eggs: 195
Shinies: 2 males
Mega-ables: 1 female
#2 Remoraid
Started: 28th August
Ended: 23th October
My Goal: 1 male Octillery
Hatched Eggs: 388
Shinies: 2 female, 1 male Remoraid
Mega-ables: -
#3 Mantyke - Done
My Goal: 1 male Mantine
Started: 24th October
Ended: 20 January 2017
Hatched Eggs: 208
Shinies: 1 male
Mega-ables: -
#4 Qwilfish
My Goal: 1 male Qwilfish
Started: 5th August
Ended: 19th August
Hatched Eggs: 105
Shinies: 1 female, 1 male
Mega-ables: -
Updated on 2nd Febuary 2017
Title: Blacky's Art Dump
Please, don't claim them as yours. Thank you. :)
My beloved ninjapiggies
Draw with MS Paint
Draw with my hands
Title: September 2016

Rewards and Goals:
- Got a new badge (evil magikarp) on 7th September
Items i found:
- Blue Orb
- Dragon Gems
- Fist Plate (for sale)
- Stone Plate
- Relic Gold
- Fire Gems
- Ice Gems
- Mind Plate
- Relic Silver
- none
Breeding (Event):
- none
Shiny Hunt:
- Remoraid (started on 28th August)
(updated on 30th September)
- Got a new badge (evil magikarp) on 7th September
Items i found:
- Blue Orb
- Dragon Gems
- Fist Plate (for sale)
- Stone Plate
- Relic Gold
- Fire Gems
- Ice Gems
- Mind Plate
- Relic Silver
- none
Breeding (Event):
- none
Shiny Hunt:
- Remoraid (started on 28th August)
(updated on 30th September)