Username: Sylva
Name: Sylva
Pokémon: Umbreon
Gender: Male
Kind Of Pokémon: Freed shadow Pokémon, neither light nor dark.
Pokémon Rank: Healer for those in trouble whether they are in light
or dark. Does not get involved within major disputes between the 2
unless they affect him (like one side taking over the other,
leaders of either party dying or dead)
Picture: (umm don't have one so lets go description) Midnight black
fur, originally neon blue rings but they retained the shrouded in
black/shadow flames from being a shadow Pokémon. Has a scar running
down from about 2 inches above his right eye to about 1 inch below
it. His eye is completely sealed shut, the other eye is an empty,
blackened socket from where it was burnt out in a fight against a
Shadow Typhlosion. He relies on his hearing (a version of sonar)
and developed psychic awareness to tell where people and objects
are. He however can't see in proper colours, more of an inverted
colours and greys (sonar telling the brain where everything is in
black and white and the psychic telling the brain what psychic
aura's differnent things give off. So a painting could appear harsh
red with the lines being a deeper red if it were painted in
(lots of detail :D. Although I don't know whether I can be accepted
at this stage :()
I am already an umbrean with red rings. (#beatyoutoit)
If life isn't fair, how do we laugh? If life isn't fair, how do we
win? How do we smile? Just admit it. Life is fair, and you just
want an excuse to be pessimistic. >:) -Xerneas][/url]
Enity: "my shadow lord! Mewtwo has betrayed his own men and
(nearly) killed me! He is not to be messed with."
(Good popint)
If life isn't fair, how do we laugh? If life isn't fair, how do we
win? How do we smile? Just admit it. Life is fair, and you just
want an excuse to be pessimistic. >:) -Xerneas][/url]
If life isn't fair, how do we laugh? If life isn't fair, how do we
win? How do we smile? Just admit it. Life is fair, and you just
want an excuse to be pessimistic. >:) -Xerneas][/url]
Username: Forest Train
Name: Moony
Pokémon: Emolga
Gender: Female
Kind Of Pokémon: Ghost-Like Shadow Pokemon
Pokémon Rank: Hunter
Picture: Her Yellow parts are Red,Her Black parts are same,And
white parts are Dark purple. Her wings look teared up and She has
the Giratina tentacles on her back.
interact with my sentret i want her to
become big n strong tumblr: chuckpanozzo (more active
Moony looks at her from above with quiet eyes as a third eye looks
into other worlds.She Struck lilly from above and when she was done
with the attack,she held her up with a tentacle."Why are you here?"
Moony asked to the light queen.
interact with my sentret i want her to
become big n strong tumblr: chuckpanozzo (more active
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Username: Leptro
Name: Zoril
Pokémon: Zorua
Gender: Male
Kind Of Pokémon: Dark (but secretly wants to be light)
Pokémon Rank: Trickster/spell caster
I am new to RP so tell me if I am doing anything wrong.