Forum Thread
The Fire Fox Clan
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → The Fire Fox Clanusername: CarpetMonster
favorite type (don't lie): Poison
favorite Fox pokemon: Espeon, though Delphox is REALLY close
why do you love this pokemon? I'm not really sure. I suppose it's partly because I think Espeon is really cute and like its design, and partly because Pokémon Heroes was one of the first Pokémon movies I ever watched (and though Espeon was owned by the antagonist, I found its Psychic powers to be amazing). Delphox is close behind, because I picked Fennekin in Y, and Libra the Delphox (if you know why I named him that, you shall win a virtual cookie) was the first Pokémon I ever raised to Level 100.
password: Pepsi
If you are confused about something, feel free to ask Me, WaningGrimalkin, or Cynderrocks78
Additionally, check the first post once in awhile for new topics, or to see if there are any new members. There is also a link to the RP on the first page as well, so you can check that out if you want