Forum Thread
-The Apple Kingdom-
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → -The Apple Kingdom-

Population: 26
Hello there, I'm Finhawk, the King of this Apple Kingdom. In here, we have dedicated ourselves to the magnificent Apples, the only true fruit.
We only have two rules here:
-You must abandon all of the other false fruits and let yourself be guided by the light of the Apples.
-You mustn't question The Apple King's right to rule as he is your one and only king.
Spamming and double posting along with being rude is also not tolerated.
!-Don't be an Apple racist. Red, green, rotten, sweet, bitter or juicy, we don't care about that here-!
If a citizen breaks these rules, they will get an official Apple-Warning. If a citizen gets 3 A-Ws, the Apple-Police will escort them to the Apple-Jail and they will not be a citizen of the Apple Kingdom anymore.
To become a citizen of this Kingdom, simply fill out the form below:

[b]Apple or Orange?:[/b]
[b]Who is your king?:[/b]
[b]Apple or Orange?:[/b]
[b]Who is your king?:[/b]

The King of Apples:
Finhawk [Fin]
The Duke of Apples:
Harkness [Jack, Swan, The Captain, Best Companion]
Ufimtsev [Fim, Yarly, "Get off this planet!" or whatever else you can think of. ^^] -Granted a Golden Apple-Medal of honor on February 28th
CometandAqua [Comet, Aqua, Pokey]
CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen [Cynda or Cynnamon]
Frozenfire [The god of apples]
Zombrie [Princess Cider from the neighboring Fuji Kingdom]
123ash [Suhayb]
Book [Dat Space Book is awesome. (Or whatever you wanna call it^^)]
the_Jewish_Blobfish [blob, mud, whatever, ambereyes, derp...the list goes on.]
Blackscorpion2 [Scorp or Scorpio would be fine :3]
ForestTrain [Forest, Train, Apple]
foodslover [Shadow, Shade]
Zorgedlikesfroakies [Zorged]
dinosonzii [Zee]
JustMe4031 [JustMe, K9]
SealVsGaming [Seal, SVG, GamingSeal]
amadea [dea]
Redd [Rylie]
WhiteAndBlack2 [WB2]
Finhawk [Fin]
The Duke of Apples:
Harkness [Jack, Swan, The Captain, Best Companion]
Ufimtsev [Fim, Yarly, "Get off this planet!" or whatever else you can think of. ^^] -Granted a Golden Apple-Medal of honor on February 28th
CometandAqua [Comet, Aqua, Pokey]
CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen [Cynda or Cynnamon]
Frozenfire [The god of apples]
Zombrie [Princess Cider from the neighboring Fuji Kingdom]
123ash [Suhayb]
Book [Dat Space Book is awesome. (Or whatever you wanna call it^^)]
the_Jewish_Blobfish [blob, mud, whatever, ambereyes, derp...the list goes on.]
Blackscorpion2 [Scorp or Scorpio would be fine :3]
ForestTrain [Forest, Train, Apple]
foodslover [Shadow, Shade]
Zorgedlikesfroakies [Zorged]
dinosonzii [Zee]
JustMe4031 [JustMe, K9]
SealVsGaming [Seal, SVG, GamingSeal]
amadea [dea]
Redd [Rylie]
WhiteAndBlack2 [WB2]

None so far. Let's not give too much
work for the Apple-Police in the future either.

May 21st
Our King got married!

Great news Kingdom! Your king got
married~! Meet the Kingdom's new duke. Join the
celebration on this glorious day. Apples for everyone!
Awwww. Look how happy they are.

Awwww. Look how happy they are.

Older news:

February 28th
-The King has granted a Golden Apple-Medal of honor to Ufimtsev![/center]
[spoiler]The King has granted a Golden Apple-Medal of honor to Ufimtsev for still unknown reasons. The Apple-Press asked about this sudden and early mark of respect from the King but only received this obscure reply:
"As the King of Apples I may or may not grant medals to citizen as I see it fit with or without good reasons. I have been impressed with Ufimtsev's level of loyalty to Apples and her kindness towards his King."
It seems like there is no certain criteria for obtaining a Golden Apple-Medal of honor as our peculiar King does as he pleases. Furthermore, it is unclear whether there is even a change to obtain this medal of honor in the future or whether this is the only one. Seems like only time will tell.
February 28th
-Rumours state that our King is planning to host a ChatQuiz about Apples in the near future!
We still haven't confirmed these rumours to be true and the King hasn't given us an official statement concerning these rumours. Stay tuned as we investigate this.
February 27th
-The King of Apples is looking to hire an Apple-Police!
It was announced that the King would hire an Apple-Police to reduce his own work load. A quote from the King himself: "Well, I can't do everything myself. Kings have duties, such as visiting other countries forvacation diplomatic reasons and eating
apples checking the quality of the apples."
The duties of an Apple-Police would consist of patrolling the Kingdom and making sure citizen follow the rules of the Kingdom. If a case of citizen breaking a rule would surface, the Apple-Police would hand out Apple-Warning or in extreme cases, escort the citizen into the Apple-Jail.
The Apple-Police would also accept new citizen who fill the requirements to the Kingdom in case the King was too busy with other duties.
The King is taking applications for the job through Apple-Mail.
-The King has granted a Golden Apple-Medal of honor to Ufimtsev![/center]
[spoiler]The King has granted a Golden Apple-Medal of honor to Ufimtsev for still unknown reasons. The Apple-Press asked about this sudden and early mark of respect from the King but only received this obscure reply:
"As the King of Apples I may or may not grant medals to citizen as I see it fit with or without good reasons. I have been impressed with Ufimtsev's level of loyalty to Apples and her kindness towards his King."
It seems like there is no certain criteria for obtaining a Golden Apple-Medal of honor as our peculiar King does as he pleases. Furthermore, it is unclear whether there is even a change to obtain this medal of honor in the future or whether this is the only one. Seems like only time will tell.
February 28th
-Rumours state that our King is planning to host a ChatQuiz about Apples in the near future!
We still haven't confirmed these rumours to be true and the King hasn't given us an official statement concerning these rumours. Stay tuned as we investigate this.
February 27th
-The King of Apples is looking to hire an Apple-Police!
It was announced that the King would hire an Apple-Police to reduce his own work load. A quote from the King himself: "Well, I can't do everything myself. Kings have duties, such as visiting other countries for
The duties of an Apple-Police would consist of patrolling the Kingdom and making sure citizen follow the rules of the Kingdom. If a case of citizen breaking a rule would surface, the Apple-Police would hand out Apple-Warning or in extreme cases, escort the citizen into the Apple-Jail.
The Apple-Police would also accept new citizen who fill the requirements to the Kingdom in case the King was too busy with other duties.
The King is taking applications for the job through Apple-Mail.
The King of Apples hopes you will not face any problems as a citizen of the Apple Kingdom and wishes you a great day filled with juicy Apples.
Nickname(s): Comet, Aqua, Pokey (That last one is for sentimental reasons from a different forum website)
Apple or Orange?: As Holo the wise wold would say, "Apples."
Who is your king?: You are,

Nickname(s): Cynda or Cynnamon
Apple or Orange?: I like oranges, but I LOVE apples! X3
Who is your king?: I have arrived your applesness! (The king of apples)

Rumours state that our King is planning to host a ChatQuiz about Apples in the near future!
We still haven't confirmed these rumours to be true and the King hasn't given us an official statement concerning these rumours. Stay tuned as we investigate this.