Forum Thread
Censoring Usernames
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Censoring UsernamesExample of users that I am talking about
I believe I won't get any trouble with this because it is on PokèHeroes itself, and everyone can visit them, search their usernames and see them. However, if I am not allowed to link to them please tell me and I'll remove it.
edit– You'll need to turn off 'hide inactive users'
How should we censor them?
Even if the user are un-banned for certain reasons, why would we want them, users with profanitys in their username to roam around? They are not doing it by accident and they meant to do it.
This is the thread where Riako stated why users account cannot be deleted
Therefore this is not the answer
Perharps replacing their usernames with a symbol? Such as ▌
PokèHeroes are meant to be an all-age website and last time I checked, dropping f-bombs aren't family friendly.
If you want to go ahead and include something about 'Maybe hackers will change a certain user username to do this so that person will get insta-ban!'. Unless an actual hacker that isn't some kiddie-script actually cares about an adoptable website- I don't think that would ever happen. If someone close to them knew their password or guessed the person's password the user is to blame. It's an user responsibilty to take care of their password and not to tell anyone about it under any circumstances.
Not just profanitys
Also some slur/offensive words. Such as racial slurs and the so. I don't think I need to provide examples. The N word, R word and even the F word (british for cigarette f).
Suggestion by other users
The first suggestion by Navuso includes a warning for potential non-offensive username.
Example of how will this additional suggestion be useful if implemented
Some are profanitys, some are actual usernames.
Please voice your opinion on how to make this suggestion better.
Thank you for reading this and have a nice day
When voting 'this should't be implemented', please state your reasons.
Why would you not want this to not be implemented? This is useful for everyone, and as far as I can tell, there are no downsides.
I was thinking maybe just replace the swear words with *. Using examples from the list linked in that post: ****you, shutteh****up, etc. I also really support that additional suggestion.
Well, I was thinking using blocks is more neat ^^
Usually, **** means it was a swear word, which would make more sense but it's up to Riako and the mods to decide it if this is implemented
A simple script that checks for profane language in a username and when the user tries to change the name or select it as a name, this script would trigger a warning that the name wanted includes language that could be considered offensive and possibly warrant a lock on the account.
This way actual words won't be blocked by the script, which is an issue most websites have, and it then falls onto the user to be sure that what they are choosing is not against the rules.
The other thing that can be done is when an account is locked for a serious length of time, it gets changed to show up as blocks for the letters.
So, for example, if my account got perma-locked for whatever reason, instead of seeing Navuso, you'd see ██████.
This would have to apply to:
Searching for users
Pokemon owners and original owners
Friends Lists
Private Messages
Christmas, Valentines, and Sky gift messages
Forum Posts (Above the avatar, in the last post, and who created the thread, not within actual posts because that would be a bit more complicated, I do believe)
the Rank List
And any other social aspect of the site that I might be forgetting. It would probably require a little bit of coding in a lot of places for it to work, and the userpage would be unaltered, so if you knew their username you'd still be able to visit it or link to it, but people can already do this whether they know the user or not.
The reason I wouldn't want a script to block the words themselves from being added to the username is because if you stick to the actual words themselves, people will just start breaking them up with other characters, then the script will expand and block other words. One of the issues I had on another website, a long time ago, is that their script blocked the word porn. That's fine, except for when I was explaining to someone that I was published in Agapornis World [African Lovebird Society's monthly post], the whole thing was blocked.
And some pokemon names I used to use are now blocked because of the same reason in the official games.
So I think just throwing a warning in is enough to say "Hey, don't be stupid!" for those who are doing this for one reason or another, while those who unintentionally have one of the flagged words within other words for a name or something don't get punished when they aren't breaking the rules.
There was an account, if I recall. An account saying '****Riako' and the username was changed back to the said user's previous username because it offended the creator of the game, Riako.
Of course, there are others profanities but if this is ever implemented, hopefully Riako can find a way to not just implement it but to make sure it is fair. And not to just implement profanitys but offensive slur words. Maybe to prevent other users from viewing other users to visit the person's profile.
According to what you said we should rename those accounts with Offensive Words is'nt it ?
So don't you think only if they are lock it's more than enough ?
Than another statement by you that users can still visit him and now the answer to this will be that if users visit those with offensive name should have an intention is'nt it ?
I mean they can't directly open offensive word accounts they will have to search it so is'nt that they have bad thoughts...
I hope you understand it :|
Renaming as in censoring it with blocks or whatever so Riako chooses.
No, locking an user is not enough. Users can still view their profile.
Quoted from the rules itself.
We have childrens on this website. While it's true kids these days are weird, having them exposed to these words aren't very 'friendly' and you might aswell cuss to other people by sending them links to the userpages of these users.
One of my other points is that these usernames cause dramas and are sometimes used to hurt others. This user for example. The reason the account username was changed is to solely offend Ecco, while it's true the user had been banned, Ecco had been publicly offensively slurred and the account is only banned and other users could still view the page of the said user [and also their last action] If we prevent this from happening in the first place it'd be nicer.
And there's also this account, and this is Princess. Unlike the Ecco one this hasn't been changed, yet, at least. But it's still publicly cussing at someone.
Yes, one have to search for a certain word sometimes to find these users. They are intentional, but what is your point here? Just because someone knows a certain word and curiosity got the best of them it's their fault for being human? And what if they were linked by their friends or found the username on a pokemon of theirs? Or maybe saw a forum post of the said user? The user added them as a friend? You are saying that people should completely ignore these users who had done these for attention? Why don't you go outside and ignore racist namecalling towards your race then? And not stand up and actually do something about it?