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12 Seats of Power [SignUps] [SemiLit] [OPEN]

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up 12 Seats of Power [SignUps] [SemiLit] [OPEN]
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Wed, 12/08/2015 09:52 (9 Years ago)

*Click on the image to go to the roleplay thread*

Every year the gods compete to earn one of the 12 titles of Zodiac.
These are the titles that every mythical and legendary Pokemon vies for. Acquiring such a title grants them heightened power, as well as dominion over the the element and abilities of that sign. Any legendary Pokemon with this title is set apart form the others with a shiny coloring, but loses it when the cycle restarts and new Zodiacs are chosen.

"I said inverse the loop flux of the continuum!" Giratina shouted over the constant noise of reality folding and tearing apart. Having the ability to travel between dimensions, they were currently acting as a messenger for Palkia.

"I am but it's NOT WORKING!" Dialga roared. The time god would have stomped angrily had there been ground to stomp on.

"We're running out of options! Find me the timeline Scorpio is strongest in!" At this, Dialga's eyes grew even more worrisome.

"You might not be able to come back if you do this," they said solemnly.

"What other choice do we have?! It's a risk I have to take! If we don't, we'll both be gone anyways!" Giratina shouted amidst the turmoil. They began to gather power, preparing to unleash it in order to combine both Dialga's and Palkia's dimensions. Dialga obeyed, and guided the thread of time to Giratina, whose power rose drastically.

There was a huge pulse of energy and suddenly, Palkia was present, who promptly gasped, "Giratina!" The Pokemon in question was slowly deconstructing, and it looked as though bits of them were pixelating before floating away.

"Do this quick, before I lose any more power," Giratina said. The other two gods nodded. Time and space became one with the power of distortion keeping them intact, together but separate. With the ancient trio combined, they were able to unravel the universe back to a fixed point in time: the day Arceus vanished. Unfortunately, without Arceus, fate could not be truly changed. The trio could only hope that this time around they would be able to locate Arceus and stop fate from choosing the same course twice.

Extra RP info
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-Patron: A legendary Pokemon that chooses a human to share some of its power with temporarily.

-Champion: A human that a legendary Pokemon has chosen to sponsor/ally with. There can only be one per legendary. New ones come into play on the last day of the reign of Pisces. After a new Champion is chosen, the old one loses any special powers granted to them. Legendaries have the entire year to choose a future champion for the next cycle, but they can only grant the new champion powers when the cycle resets.

-Special powers are tied to the legendary Pokemon that granted them, but if their legendary wins a title, they gain an additional power related to the sign their patron legendary won.

-Despite the name "Champion", winners are actually chosen based on the human's highest affinity towards certain signs. This isn't calculated merely by birth month but actually a number of things, personality being one of them. The name might be misleading but there is no actual fighting involved.

-Champions and patrons can communicate telepathically at any time.

-Any legendary can have any Zodiac title, but certain legendaries have more affinity towards certain signs and are more able/likely to get those titles. For instance, one from the Tao Trio is more likely to get Libra or Gemini than to get a sign like Sagittarius or Scorpio, so when you pick a patron and sign please pick ones that match. There's more than one right answer, but not all answers are right.

-I would imagine that any genderless Pokemon uses genderless pronouns, as such legendaries will be using they/them or even it pronouns as compared to Latias and Latios who would use her/she and he/him respectively.

-During the time that a sign is "active" the legendary will have a glow/shine to them, usually faint but they can increase it at will or when emotions fluctuate. This is during the sign's month.

-The timeline of this world is currently messed up, so signs will randomly become active and inactive, although they are inactive most of the time. Becoming active/inactive can randomly trigger or be triggered by an occurrence like something happening to a champion/patron, energy shifts (especially those caused by natural disasters), or even extreme emotions of a champion/patron.

-It has been known for two legendaries to both win the same title in the same year and share it, but this is rare because the power buffs given to them for being a Zodiac are lessened. The only legendaries who consistently manage to pull it off are Latias and Latios, usually under the title of Gemini. (Certain signs also have higher chances of getting double-legendaries. In order of highest to lowest chance, it goes Gemini, Libra, Pisces, Capricorn, Cancer, Aquarius, Cancer, Virgo, Leo, Taurus, Scorpio, Aries.

-Each of the signs correspond with one of the four basic elements, and Champions are granted an affinity for this element if they didn't already have it before. (Such as being more relaxed or stronger around this element.) This also applies to their patrons typing. If a champion is in an area that relates to their sign's element or their patron's typing, their physical and mental abilities are slightly strengthened.
Here's a list of what each of the types get bonuses from:

Normal = the moon (power increases as the moon waxes and also as it gets higher in the sky)
Fire = fire/flame or a hot temperature
Water = water, such as rain/rivers/the ocean
Grass = areas where plant life is abundant, such as forests
Electric = electric currents or static electricity
Psychic = daytime (strongest at high noon)
Dark = nighttime (strongest at midnight)
Ice = snow or a generally cold temperature
Fighting = being engaged in combat
Flying = wind or high places
Ground = the ground/earth
Rock = areas with high elevation, such as mountains (doesn't count if not on/near ground)
Poison = dead things or poisonous things
Bug = the outdoors, particularly in areas with lots of bugs and especially if cicadas are screaming
Ghost = invisible ley lines
Steel = metal, especially if refined
Dragon = around other dragon types, power increases as more dragons gather
Fairy = flowers and gemstones

If you have any questions about something I may have forgotten to add, let me know and I'll explain it.

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-This is a semi-lit to literate RP. Please type at least 2-3 good paragraphs, unless you absolutely have no choice. I expect zero one-liners.

-The newest cycle has only lasted for 4 days so far.

-You cannot claim a Zodiac or legendary that has already been claimed, but you may opt to be a champion of a legendary that did not win. (Put "none" in the Zodiac Title spot on the form, in which case, said legendary would be banned from being a Zodiac due to it being taken.)

-The secret code is "Farquad Star Squad"

-As always, no Gary/Mary-sues, OP characters, taking control of other characters, etc. I'm going to assume everyone knows basic RP etiquette considering this is at the very least a semi-lit RP.

-Most of the characters will likely be similar to gijinkas, but mainly in appearance only. Your character is free to look like a normal human, but it is recommended to share some sort of physical trait similar to your patron. (Gijinka appearances can be considered a Champion perk. When the cycle ends, they will go back to how they originally looked.)

-Arceus cannot be taken not only due to the fact that they're missing, but also because they never take part in the Zodiac competition.

-Please remove the secret code when I have accepted you.

-One character is allowed for now until I say otherwise. I intend on letting existing members have a second character later.

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[b]Zodiac Title:[/b]
[b]Secret Code:[/b]

It's now ok to post.
Please note that Giratina is reserved for plot centricity.

Accepted characters

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Name: Morana Jones
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Asexual/Aromantic (*slams down the ace card once again* I PROMISE THE NEXT ONE WILL BE DIFFERENT)
Patron: Yveltal
Zodiac Title: Scorpio

Death Touch: Can make a living organism die or drain its life by touching it. She uses the life force to increase her power.
Regeneration: Abnormal healing power that lets her heal wounds and even regrow limbs almost instantly.
Personality: Morana is a very detached person simply because she was the victim of constant emotional abuse growing up. However, she still has a tendency to be ruled by her emotions. Often she follows her feelings and instincts more than logic, even more so than a normal person will. Hers is a black and white world, with hardly any room for gray tones. If she has an idea set in her mind, it's hard to change it after it takes root. Sad things usually don't bother her, and she's not bothered by things such as death at all. She will hold a grudge until the end of time, and it's very hard to regain her trust once lost. In her opinion, anyone who hurts her or her friends specifically are dead to her. Possible literally speaking thanks to her newfound powers.
Crush/Interest: None, please and thank.

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Name: Bellatrix
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi
Patron: Mew
Zodiac Title: Leo
Appearance: Well, her base appearance is somewhat like this:

Shapeshifting: Can shapeshift into the form of pretty much any pokemon or person.
Telekinesis: Can move objects and people with her mind. (She also uses this ability to fly)
Telepathy: Can see into a person's mind to a limit, accessing their thoughts and memories, etc.
Personality: Bellatrix is very optimistic and upbeat, and is incredibly spontaneous and unpredictable. She's actually pretty smart, but her far-too-cheerful-for-her-own-good personality may cover that up. She has a violent temper and be quite rash at times. She tends to think herself closer to people than she actually is, and can be a bit clingy at times.
Crush/Interest: Open

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Name: Levia Hawthorne
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Patron: Kyogre
Zodiac Title: Pisces

Weather control: She has the ability to create and maintain very powerful storms, and the severity of the storm depends on her emotions. The stronger emotion she feels, the more savage the storm.
Hydrokinesis: She can create, shape and manipulate water, though currently the most she can do is manipulate already existing water, and only for a short time.
Personality: She's a very passionate, and generous person, though she has very idealistic views, which often leaves her disappointed in the world, though she does her best to 'fix' things the way she feels they could be. She quite easily can fall into despair and self-loathing over a simple mistake, due to this.
Crush/Interest: Open

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Name: Eilian
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Asexual/Aromantic
Patron: Celebi
Zodiac Title: Virgo

Time Travel - Eilian has the ability to travel through the past, present, and future without the added consequence of time paradox.
Regrowth - A side-effect of time travel--Eilian's appearance after time travel can cause forests to bloom and flourish.
Personality: Eilian is a very reserved young boy with wisdom well above his years and an air of dignity that commands a certain amount of respect in his presence. Despite this, he expresses a wealth of empathy for those around him and is often a go-to for people from all walks of life seeking advice. While he is patient and understanding, he is also self-loathing and constantly doubts his abilities as a Champion. This can lead him to long days spent alone with his thoughts as company, distancing himself from friends and lashing out at any attempted contact.
Crush/Interest: Not Interested

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Name: Jack Sterling
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay, but definitely a little bit demisexual
Patron: Darkrai
Zodiac Title: Gemini
Appearance: I guess something like this, but it's not my art:

I'm not super great at drawing, but I'm going to try later. But for now, he is a tall, barrel chested blond guy, like stereotypical bully look for Disney cartoons. He generally wears fairly athletic clothes like lettermans or wind-breakers. Has a misshapen nose from a break in the past. Possibly his Champion-ness gave him a large swath of white hair.
Invisibility: Can freely become completely invisible. Works better at night and in shadow because people who have seen him disappear are still able to see his silhouette.
Sleep Induction: Can make others fall asleep.
Personality: He is large and in charge; he pretends like he knows what he's doing. He likes to be the leader of many of the situations he is in and considers himself one of the popular members of the group. VERY extroverted. Craves attention to a fault. Takes to the idea of being a champion well. He is fairly macho, total jock at his school but he is forthright about his sexuality. Although he is fairly smart and albeit a little cunning, he really doesn't understand why he is Darkrai's champion. However, he is very grateful for the title.
Crush/Interest: Single, ready to mingle ; )))))

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Name: Vannister Kräkalenge
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Asexual
Patron: Xerneas
Zodiac Title: Sagittarius

Regeneration: He can cause living organisms around him to exhibit rabid cellular repair, healing from cuts and bruises in seconds. The larger the wound, the more effort it takes. The process has the capacity to revive recently dead beings, but the repercussions would be severe. The exception to this power is wounds caused by Yveltal or it's champion. It does allow him a slight resistance from those sources.
Geomancy: Should several jewels be in close proximity, he can focus his energy through them, effectively doubling his strength. This can take several minutes to preform however, so it is difficult to use in battle.
Personality: He is quiet, speaking only when necessary. Being the champion of life itself has swollen his ego a bit, but he can usually control his arrogance. He dislikes the company of people, especially champions, but has come to tolerate some of them. He has even gained a certain amount of respect for Celibi's champion, given her connection to the forest. Though he can often come off as cold, he has a kind heart, caring greatly about the wellbeing of others. He is very compassionate, especially towards children, and can often be seen playing with them. His greatest flaw however, is his temper. It bubbles beneath the surface, with a ferocity to match that if Groudon. He will lash out, not caring who or what gets in his way, and it can take hours for him to cool down. Even with this, he has embraced his role as Champion of Xerneas.
Crush/Interest: Open
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Wed, 12/08/2015 10:17 (9 Years ago)
Name: Ryuu Sozumo
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Patron: Rayquaza
Zodiac Title: Capricorn
Power(s): I guess he can control the power of the wind?
Personality: Very calm and stoic like. Hes really patient and a well disciplined martial arts master. He finds ignorance in others a huge bother. (gonna add more later)
Crush/Interest: Open
Secret Code:
Who is your true family...?

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Wed, 12/08/2015 10:20 (9 Years ago)
Accepted, I'd like a little more filling on the personality area but it's 4:00 and I'm not judging and you can always edit it later. Plus you seem to be a decent RPer so I'm letting it slide for now as long as you remember to use good grammar when the RP starts. XD

Just finished my character so I'm putting her in the first post. Also I'll put your form up when it's complete and such. (Even though he doesn't know his powers you still need to list them.)

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Wed, 12/08/2015 13:31 (9 Years ago)
Name: Bellatrix
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi
Patron: Mew
Zodiac Title: Leo
Appearance: Well, her base appearance is somewhat like this:

Power(s): Shapeshifting: Can shapeshift into the form of pretty much any pokemon or person.
Telekinesis: Can move objects and people with her mind. (She also uses this ability to fly)
Telepathy: Can see into a person's mind to a limit, accessing their thoughts and memories, etc.
Personality: Bellatrix is very optimistic and upbeat, and is incredibly spontaneous and unpredictable. She's actually pretty smart, but her far-too-cheerful-for-her-own-good personality may cover that up. She has a violent temper and be quite rash at times. She tends to think herself closer to people than she actually is, and can be a bit clingy at times.
Crush/Interest: Open
Secret Code: Farquad Star Squad
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Wed, 12/08/2015 19:32 (9 Years ago)
~Accepted! I'll add you to the first post and don't forget to edit out the secret code ;)

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 12/08/2015 20:33 (9 Years ago)
Name: Levia Hawthorne
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Patron: Kyogre
Zodiac Title: Pisces
Power(s): Weather control: She has the ability to create and maintain very powerful storms, and the severity of the storm depends on her emotions. The stronger emotion she feels, the more savage the storm.
Hydrokinesis: She can create, shape and manipulate water, though currently the most she can do is manipulate already existing water, and only for a short time.
Personality: She's a very passionate, and generous person, though she has very idealistic views, which often leaves her disappointed in the world, though she does her best to 'fix' things the way she feels they could be. She quite easily can fall into despair and self-loathing over a simple mistake, due to this.
Crush/Interest: Open
((I'm currently trying to make another (male) character, but its surpringly hard to think of anything rn ;w;)

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Wed, 12/08/2015 20:58 (9 Years ago)
Accepted! Don't worry, it takes a bit of time getting used to roleplaying the opposite gender, but it gets pretty fun after a while. I started RPing boys because they were always way outnumbered by the girls, and I like to have a bit of variety and balance. Usually my RP characters end up being guys by choice at this point but they happened to be female this time. uvu

I might start the RP soon, but I'll probably wait until one more person joins. <3

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 12/08/2015 21:09 (9 Years ago)
((It's uh, not exactly the opposite gender, for me.
Anyways, I've done a fair amount of my rps with a male character or two, I'm just blanking out with this particular rp owo )

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Wed, 12/08/2015 21:21 (9 Years ago)
Oh sorry, you use a female icon though so I guess that's what I assumed. I hope it comes to you eventually, writer's block is nasty.

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 12/08/2015 21:22 (9 Years ago)
Writer's block will be the end of me one day, ybh)

Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Wed, 12/08/2015 21:57 (9 Years ago)
Who is your true family...?

Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 12/08/2015 22:05 (9 Years ago)

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 316
Posted: Thu, 13/08/2015 02:41 (9 Years ago)
Name: Eilian
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Asexual/Aromantic
Patron: Celebi
Zodiac Title: Virgo

Time Travel - Eilian has the ability to travel through the past, present, and future without the added consequence of time paradox.
Regrowth - A side-effect of time travel--Eilian's appearance after time travel can cause forests to bloom and flourish.
Personality: Eilian is a very reserved young boy with wisdom well above his years and an air of dignity that commands a certain amount of respect in his presence. Despite this, he expresses a wealth of empathy for those around him and is often a go-to for people from all walks of life seeking advice. While he is patient and understanding, he is also self-loathing and constantly doubts his abilities as a Champion. This can lead him to long days spent alone with his thoughts as company, distancing himself from friends and lashing out at any attempted contact.
Crush/Interest: Not Interested
Secret Code: ----
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Thu, 13/08/2015 03:03 (9 Years ago)
Accepted! <3 Just make sure that you edit out the password later. I might not have time to add you in right away because i'm working on finishing Alastar's lineart but I'll have it done hopefully tonight or sometime tomorrow, along with the role-play thread. ;)

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Sat, 15/08/2015 07:01 (9 Years ago)
The roleplay thread is up! <3

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Mon, 17/08/2015 21:33 (9 Years ago)
Quote from Waddlenohara(I'm a bit confused as to where each champion should be, like- do they all gather in one place or?
If so I'll need to change some stuff [also I hope all this OOC isn't a bother!)

Answering this in the signup thread because I don't have time to write a post atm and I don't want to make an entirely OOC post. OOC is fine, by the way, as long as it isn't just purely that. I'd say as long as your amount you post as OOC doesn't exceed the amount you post as roleplay, you should be fine just putting in OOC in the rp thread.

Your character can be anywhere in Lumiose (or heck, even on the way to it), but currently the most activity is in Lumiose Plaza, what with all the setting up for the festival and we already have a few champions gathered there.

I *probably* won't be able to post until I get back, considering that I don't want my character to start interaction with the others for a while if all I'm going to have to drop out of it, but semi-lit/lit RPs tend to be a bit more slower-paced because you have to type more content and such so I'm not particularly worried that it will go in some sort of crazy direction without me. Basically all that's going on right now is that everyone's just about to get to know each other. When I get back I'll start throwing a bunch of stuff into the mix, but for now it's pretty calm.

Just know that if you try to start up something with my character, chances are I won't respond to it.

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 27
Posted: Wed, 19/08/2015 16:38 (9 Years ago)
Name:Jack Sterling
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay, but definitely a little bit demisexual
Patron: Darkrai
Zodiac Title: Gemini
Appearance: I guess something like this, but it's not my art.Here
I'm not super great at drawing, but I'm going to try later. But for now, he is a tall, barrel chested blond guy, like stereotypical bully look for Disney cartoons. He generally wears fairly athletic clothes like lettermans or wind-breakers. Has a misshapen nose from a break in the past. Possibly his Champion-ness gave him a large swath of white hair.
Invisibility: Can freely become completely invisible. Works better at night and in shadow because people who have seen him disappear are still able to see his silhouette.
Sleep Induction: Can make others fall asleep.
Personality: He is large and in charge; he pretends like he knows what he's doing. He likes to be the leader of many of the situations he is in and considers himself one of the popular members of the group. VERY extroverted. Craves attention to a fault. Takes to the idea of being a champion well. He is fairly macho, total jock at his school but he is forthright about his sexuality. Although he is fairly smart and albeit a little cunning, he really doesn't understand why he is Darkrai's champion. However, he is very grateful for the title.
Crush/Interest: Single, ready to mingle ;)))))
Secret Code:
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Sun, 23/08/2015 21:02 (9 Years ago)
Accepted! I'll add Jack to the list and feel free to post in the RP whenever you feel ready.

As you guys may have noticed, I'm back from vacation and ready to RP now that I finally have wifi again. ^^ Woo!

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Mon, 24/08/2015 15:01 (9 Years ago)
Name: Vannister Kräkalenge
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Asexual
Patron: Xerneas
Zodiac Title: Sagittarius
Regeneration: He can cause living organisms around him to exhibit rabid cellular repair, healing from cuts and bruises in seconds. The larger the wound, the more effort it takes. The process has the capacity to revive recently dead beings, but the repercussions would be severe. The exception to this power is wounds caused by Yveltal or it's champion. It does allow him a slight resistance from those sources.

Geomancy: Should several jewels be in close proximity, he can focus his energy through them, effectively doubling his strength. This can take several minutes to preform however, so it is difficult to use in battle.

Personality: He is quiet, speaking only when necessary. Being the champion of life itself has swollen his ego a bit, but he can usually control his arrogance. He dislikes the company of people, especially champions, but has come to tolerate some of them. He has even gained a certain amount of respect for Celibi's champion, given her connection to the forest. Though he can often come off as cold, he has a kind heart, caring greatly about the wellbeing of others. He is very compassionate, especially towards children, and can often be seen playing with them. His greatest flaw however, is his temper. It bubbles beneath the surface, with a ferocity to match that if Groudon. He will lash out, not caring who or what gets in his way, and it can take hours for him to cool down. Even with this, he has embraced his role as Champion of Xerneas.
Crush/Interest: Open
Secret Code: ---------------
Welcome To The Family
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Mon, 24/08/2015 19:39 (9 Years ago)
Accepted! Adding you to the list as well. ;) At last, I have a yin to my yang, bwahahahaaa.

i have fists for hands and fire for fists