Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Suggestions → ClansClans are composed by a group of people, who usually share the same goals and are good friends with each other. Each clan might set a different goal depending on its members, but normally they goal is to be best. In other Pokemon games for example, there are clans, which focus on collecting Pokemon, others in achieving first place by having high ranked members, others to have the best pvp players and others to form a group of friends and enjoy the game together. Clans usually have access to their own chat, which only their members can use and have their own events/rewards for its members. Also, an important part of a clan is that there different ranks. There is usually the founder, who has the total control of the clan, then there are leaders, who make sure everything works according to plan and have access to all the features of a clan (moderate chat,have access on the profile of the clan, have the ability to mass pm everyone etc) and then there are the members. Of course, the most important thing is that someone has to be invited in order to join a clan, but everyone can create his/her own if he/she wishes.
If clans would be more for site wide contests like which clan hatch most shinies in x time etc.
It would show which clan is best and it would be fair ,because ppl would be at random clans (depends from their answers in quiz) without option to move between clans or if they pay nuggets to move to other clan. (Ik i wrote it a bit wrong)

Clans is a cool feature on its own, but what made it special on other games is that they were important part of the game. Players had one more thing to set as a goal! I experienced the clan feature while I was on Omega and I was amazed how much they affected the game. They helped in many aspects and made the game more competitive.
Of course, Pokeheroes can put its own twists and perks in the feature to match the gamestyle of the game. Clans don't have to necessary work in a specific way, that's the interesting thing about them.