Forum Thread
Dawn of the Dragons [Gijinka RP/Sign Ups/ACCEPTING]
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → Dawn of the Dragons [Gijinka RP/Sign Ups/ACCEPTING]
For a long time, Dragon type were among the most powerful of all Pokemon, practically on par with elusive Legendaries. They were feared and respected, and few trainers ever had what it took to properly raise these creatures. The lore of many regions was filled to the brim with these majestic monsters, stories of both love and fear. However, with the introduction of Fairy types to the world, they quickly began to lose their influence. What was a great and powerful Dragon if it couldn't even touch a 6 inch tall Fairy riding a flower?
Soon, the Dragons became harder and harder to find. Their power was practically forgotten to time.
Some, however, couldn't forget. Few trainers strove and succeeded to tame the beasts. Many of those were rallied together under one strange leader, a well spoken scientist by the name of Professor Redwood. He told them of reclaiming the future for Dragons, proving to the world what he could really do. Many donated DNA to his research, even a few eggs. Yet if you asked them, no one truly knew what exactly he was doing with all of it.
You are a strong trainer from the nearby Trainer School in Jubilife City, Sinnoh region. A mysterious letter has summoned you to a strange research facility outside of any city limits, without any known routes to or from. It offers a large sum of money and a mysterious surprise, so for whatever reason, you accept. What you never expected was that you would be signing up for genetic experimentation.
Roleplay Thread

As stated above, your character was a trainer at the Trainer School in Jubilife City, Sinnoh region. After receiving a mysterious letter, they decide to accept the invitation to visit a mysterious lab off the beaten path within what you might call the "mystery zone". There experiments Professor Redwood, who they may or may not have heard of. Unknowingly by showing up, they agreed to a bit of genetic experimentation. Essentially, they're gassed and knocked out, and while they're under they are given the genes of a Dragon pokemon, and their own pokemon are "confiscated" or rather, stolen and kept as leverage.
The crazy idea of the professor is to create the ultimate life forms, pokemon human hybrids known as "gijinkas" or "pokehumans". Your characters task is to break out, stop whatever crazy plan Professor Redwood has that may or may not endanger the entire universe, and hopefully save their pokemon and maybe even become human again. You game?

-This is a literate to advanced literate RP, meaning I expect well thought out, neatly written posts with at least a paragraph about the size of those in the description above. Writing more than that is always appreciated. I understand grammar and spelling are rarely perfect for everyone, so I don't mind mistakes here and there as long as they don't make the post hard to read.
-No "god modding" (creating invinsible, all powerful characters). It is understood that many of the characters here will be quite powerful, but no one can dodge every attack thrown at them.
-No "power play". Basically, don't control other people's characters in your own posts. Leave that to them to prevent mischaracterization.
-Yes shinies are cool. However they are not common. While I will accept one MAYBE two shinies, please, let's not have a whole big team of shiny pokepeople.
-The password is Zwei. Please remove it once I accept you.
-If you have a problem with someone else or someone else's character, for the love of Arceus don't just ignore their posts, don't call them out ooc or ic where everyone can see you, and don't go about doing everything in your power to kill off their character. Please work out your problem civilly with them out of character, and if problems can't be solved between the two of you I may be brought in. I reserve the right to remove characters and roleplayers if the need arises.
-Yes your character must be A DRAGON. One dragon. No legendary dragons, Mega X Charizard (sorry, it's not a dragon when it isn't mega), and no crazy Flygon-Altaria-Hydragon hybrids.
-I highly suggest 1 character per person. If you think you can handle it, and REALLY want a second character, you may have up to 2, but try to make sure you don't limit yourself to interacting just between your two characters.
-Characters may be part of the lgbtqa+ community, I am totally okay with gay, queer, trans, bi, pan, ace, aro, etc. characters. Please not too many of these, although I won't limit this like I will shinies. And if possible, please avoid discriminating against these characters. I understand some characters may not know how to react or may be less understanding, but I ask that we try to avoid that for the comfort of some here.

[b]SEXUALITY:[/b] (more like romantic orientation because we aren't getting dirty here)
[b]POKEMON:[/b] (what pokemon are they mixed with)
[b]APPEARANCE:[/b] (pictures or description, but give credit to others where its due)
[b]MOVES KNOWN:[/b] (can be more than 4, please pick moves that the pokemon is capable of learning)
[b]ABILITY:[/b] (use bulbapedia or other informative sites if necessary to pick abilities that your pokemon is capable of)
[b]PERSONALITY:[/b] (this should be in paragraph form)
[b]HISTORY:[/b] (anything we should know about your characters past that may affect who they are)
[b]PASSWORD:[/b] (delete this once you are accepted)
[b]OTHER:[/b] (anything else I should know about you or your character)
Title: Character Forms

NAME: Dililah Gidalgo or Di for
AGE: 20
GENDER: female
APPEARANCE: Di stands about 5'5" at current, with olive skin and unnatural eyes, black where they should be white and fushia irises. Her hair is kept short relatively for a girl, but her long bangs sweep across her eyes and the back is an untamed mess a tuft on the back of her head looks something like a cow lick, but is actually a small bone lump. She wears a long, oversized blue sweater the color of a Deino and black shorts, though they get hidden in the massive shirt. Her shoes are plain black vans, rather beaten and worn with time.
MOVES KNOWN: Headbutt, Dragon Breath, Roar, Cruch, Work Up, Dragon pulse, Slam
PERSONALITY: Di is quiet for the most part, a bit soft spoken until she gets mad or flustered. She's smart though, with plenty of good ideas that just need to get spoken instead of kept to herself. Overall a kind and understanding person, she seems to attract people to talk to her when they're upset or feeling down because she will listen quietly and never judge you. However, if you hurt her she doesn't get over grudges very easily, if at all. Although she won't sit and stew or make sure everyone knows her grudge, she'll make it blatantly obvious to you that she's angry with you. If you really piss her off though, like Professor Redwood has, you should probably sleep with one eye open because she's willing to take out her revenge
HISTORY: Dililah grew up running with the boys and practically self teaching herself gymnastics, making her quick and limber. She started at the trainer school around age 16 and decided to stay there and train with her Abra until he was capable of four moves and not just Teleport, which took her two years of saving up money for a TM and quite a few double battles. She was just starting to explore the area around Jubilife as she helped train a few younger trailers than her when she received the mysterious letter.
OTHER: Di isn't exactly the most likely leader of a group of dragon misfits, but she has no problem stepping up and taking charge if that's what others want.
AGE: 20
GENDER: female
APPEARANCE: Di stands about 5'5" at current, with olive skin and unnatural eyes, black where they should be white and fushia irises. Her hair is kept short relatively for a girl, but her long bangs sweep across her eyes and the back is an untamed mess a tuft on the back of her head looks something like a cow lick, but is actually a small bone lump. She wears a long, oversized blue sweater the color of a Deino and black shorts, though they get hidden in the massive shirt. Her shoes are plain black vans, rather beaten and worn with time.
MOVES KNOWN: Headbutt, Dragon Breath, Roar, Cruch, Work Up, Dragon pulse, Slam
PERSONALITY: Di is quiet for the most part, a bit soft spoken until she gets mad or flustered. She's smart though, with plenty of good ideas that just need to get spoken instead of kept to herself. Overall a kind and understanding person, she seems to attract people to talk to her when they're upset or feeling down because she will listen quietly and never judge you. However, if you hurt her she doesn't get over grudges very easily, if at all. Although she won't sit and stew or make sure everyone knows her grudge, she'll make it blatantly obvious to you that she's angry with you. If you really piss her off though, like Professor Redwood has, you should probably sleep with one eye open because she's willing to take out her revenge
HISTORY: Dililah grew up running with the boys and practically self teaching herself gymnastics, making her quick and limber. She started at the trainer school around age 16 and decided to stay there and train with her Abra until he was capable of four moves and not just Teleport, which took her two years of saving up money for a TM and quite a few double battles. She was just starting to explore the area around Jubilife as she helped train a few younger trailers than her when she received the mysterious letter.
OTHER: Di isn't exactly the most likely leader of a group of dragon misfits, but she has no problem stepping up and taking charge if that's what others want.

NAME: Rune Zollinger
AGE: 22
POKEMON: Noviern

*Credit to holbix on Deviantart
MOVES KNOWN: Dragon Pulse, Boomburst, Supersonic, Hurricane, Acrobatics, Psychic, Tailwind
ABILITY: Infiltrator (I was going to go for Telepathy, but Infiltrator rates slightly higher on the coolness scale.)
PERSONALITY: Rune is an ambivert, meaning that he loves to be around people but often needs alone time to "recharge" himself. If there's one thing he loves, it's friends and everything about them. He loves making friends, being friends, learning about his friends, spending quality time with them, etc. People tend to mistake his friendliness (especially towards girls) as him trying to pick up dates or as a sort of sexual/romantic attraction, but really he just enjoys platonic love.
To Rune, he regards everyone as a good guy until proven true or false, and is a huge believer in the whole "anyone can change" idea. It's very easy for him to forgive and forget, as it's his personality to go with the flow. He's generally rather submissive in decision-making unless he's with a friend that riles him up or makes him excited, but has an attitude that says "you wanna go bro fight me right now." In reality he's a cream puff that will leak strawberry filling if he actually fights. If one of his close friends is insulted or hurt, he'll "joke" about bringing back the severed head of the offender. (No one knows if he's joking or not, and no one's given him the chance.)
HISTORY: Growing up, Rune had both depression and anxiety until in trainer school he made friends with two boys his age named Cord and Bradley. After becoming friends with them, his anxiety lessened and his depression went away completely. Slowly, he began to grow braver and more headstrong as his friend's personalities began to rub off on him, until he and his Banette worked up enough courage to follow the mysterious letter that he got in the mail.
OTHER: He can "fly" by using strong air currents and sound repulsion. (Think of it as a sort of mix between Storm/Banshee from X-Men.)

NAME: Minori
AGE: 18
GENDER: Female
POKEMON: Dragonair
APPEARANCE:(credit to kaytseki)

MOVES KNOWN: Dragon Pulse, Water Pulse, Thunder Wave, Ice Beam, Toxic, Dragon Dance, Slam
ABILITY: Marvel Scale
PERSONALITY: Minori is very timid and shy, refusing to talk to ones she doesn't know very well. Yet, she is very kind and more outspoken around ones she has known. Minori rarely judges anyone but will politely say when the other should stop if they are getting over board. She is also not violent but will protect ones she cares dearly about.
HISTORY: Minori was raised by her father, her mother leaving as soon as she was born since she wanted nothing to do with her. Her father was kind unlike her mother. Minori rarely spoke to anyone, keeping to herself. This made her unsure of others and how she should act around them.
USERNAME: Miroshiku

NAME: Chiara Franco
AGE: 21
GENDER: female
POKEMON: Haxorus

(credit to ぱお先輩 on Pixiv)
MOVES KNOWN: Poison Jab, X-Scissor, Shadow Claw, Taunt, Dual Chop, Scary Face, & Incinerate
ABILITY: Mold Breaker
PERSONALITY: Overall, Chiara is blunt, stubborn, and loud, which often creates conflict between her and others. Despite her bad temper, she is actually quick to forgive others and move on. She is headstrong and tries to rush in and take charge in most situations, though most of the time this results in her demonstrating she has no idea what she is doing. She views others as worthy opponents or “her competition” a lot of the time, which means that, although she isn’t great at working together with others, she respects them and sees the strengths in everyone around her. She has a low threshold for considering someone a friend, but won’t go out of her way to help her “friends” unless they have been close to her for a long time.
HISTORY: Chiara grew up in Veilstone City, where her parents made a living in organized crime, involved in activities such as extortion, infiltration of legitimate businesses like the Game Corner, robbery, and other more unsavory activities. Because of this, she doesn’t talk about her family much, and can have… questionable morals at times. She had made the journey to the Trainers’ School in Jubilife with the hope of learning enough to master Poison-type Pokemon and replace the gym leader in her hometown. However, she slacked off a lot in school and didn’t get close to reaching her goal. The Pokemon that were stolen from her were her Drapion and her Scolipede.
OTHER: Nothing that I can think of~
USERNAME: SandeviRae

NAME: Kauri Rivervale
AGE: 20
GENDER: Female

(Credit to Hisui Takarano)
[/b]MOVES KNOWN: [/b]Rain Dance, Outrage, Fire Blast, Sludge Bomb, Iron Tail, Rest, & Power Whip
ABILITY: Hydration
PERSONALITY: Kauri is a very silly type of person, and is quite spontaneous and energetic. She has a somewhat unpredictable personality, and has a terrible temper when angered. She enjoys making and having friends, as she has never had many in the past. She can be somewhat rash sometimes, especially when angered, and tends to go on rants when upset. She enjoys art, and is smarter than she lets on. She tends to consider people her friends before they do, often being viewed as a pest to others. She is pretty outgoing, but harbors a fear of being alone, thus explaining why she may become clingy at times. Though curious, Kauri tries to avoid poking into other's business, though she is often unsuccessful at this.
HISTORY: Kauri was never all that close to her parents, who were somewhat paranoid and overprotective. They often insisted on keeping their daughter away from other children, preventing Kauri from making many friends. They also signed her up for as many self defense classes as they could, though Kauri began sneaking out of them as she became older, opting to instead wander around town. When Kauri was 16, her parents died in a car accident going to pick up Kauri from her martial arts class, which Kauri had snuck away from. She was soon transferred into her aunt's custody, where she flourished under her aunt's loving care. Her aunt was pretty much the polar opposite of her sister; outgoing and interactive. Her influence nudged Kauri into being more friendly and active, teaching her how to garden and even giving Kauri her first pokemon, a turtwig, which has fully evolved into a torterra by now. When she received the invitation to the mystery zone, her aunt encouraged her to accept, though Kauri herself was reluctant to leave her aunt.
USERNAME: HowlingHooves

NAME: Ceeley Strongbow
AGE: 23
POKEMON: Garchomp

MOVES KNOWN:Sand Tomb, Dragon Rush, Sandstorm, Dual Chop, Slash, Dig, Fire Fang
ABILITY: Sand Veil
PERSONALITY: Ceeley was never the type of stick around if he didn't have to, and he preferred to learn with his team on his own. Quick to judge as he is, he still tries his hardest to keep his opinions to himself but in high strung situations he doesn't seem to have a filter from his brain to his mouth. He's still a good friend to rely on, and it isn't all that hard to become said friend, but Ceeley isn't what you could call spontaneous; he's predictable and set in his ways, for the most part. But he's always been adaptable, to any new situation as he gains a better grasp on what or who is involved. He does better when someone can help ground his volatile personality, as he learned early on that if you wanted to get something you had to do it yourself, making him a harsh opponent if you're in the way of what he's after. Even so, he fears that he may lose what control he has over himself, he thinks it's in his genes to be frenzied and temperamental, and while his attempts to overcome this may mean he lashes out, he's never been the type to harm someone that didn't deserve it.
HISTORY: :O His father was a drunk, his mother turned her back and didn't spare him a glance when he was six; he learned through beatings to be quiet and do as he was told by his father, but away from home he was a bit of a bully. But only to those that bullied others. A part of him was drawn to standing up for the kids who were being picked on, and since he was already introduced to the pain of being beat up he took any blows or remarks with words or punches of his own. He was expelled from his first school, then his father sent him to the Sinnoh region; in a new place, without his father constantly shadowing him, Ceeley grew into himself, grew up where he felt he couldn't previously. And he reveled in the feel of being so utterly free without his father.
But his temper grew as his age did, and there were many times where he was seated with someone who tried to help him, to reach that place he closed off to even himself. Despite attempting to, Ceeley pushed most people away with the claims they didn't really want to know him. And while part of him was right, he grew bitter after a few years of keeping to himself until he met a group of others his age, having the same problems and same life and same parent types. He fit with these people, they welcomed him without the scrutiny that others would look at him with, and he found that he loved them all in their own ways. But after another couple years, he felt he had outgrown the need he had felt before, he had a team of Pokemon he learned to rely on, especially his Gabite Hakkon, so he enrolled in a Trainer School to learn more instead, deciding that he could leave them behind with worrying he would fall apart.
OTHER: Because he was already a pretty aggressive personality type, the Garchomp DNA has made this more prominent, and more likely to lash out physically if he feels threatened.The tail fin attached to the chain is locked onto his belt, but he can use it as a mace of sorts if he's in a more 'blunt trauma' type of mood.
NAME: Rune Zollinger
AGE: 22
POKEMON: Noviern

*Credit to holbix on Deviantart
MOVES KNOWN: Dragon Pulse, Boomburst, Supersonic, Hurricane, Acrobatics, Psychic, Tailwind
ABILITY: Infiltrator (I was going to go for Telepathy, but Infiltrator rates slightly higher on the coolness scale.)
PERSONALITY: Rune is an ambivert, meaning that he loves to be around people but often needs alone time to "recharge" himself. If there's one thing he loves, it's friends and everything about them. He loves making friends, being friends, learning about his friends, spending quality time with them, etc. People tend to mistake his friendliness (especially towards girls) as him trying to pick up dates or as a sort of sexual/romantic attraction, but really he just enjoys platonic love.
To Rune, he regards everyone as a good guy until proven true or false, and is a huge believer in the whole "anyone can change" idea. It's very easy for him to forgive and forget, as it's his personality to go with the flow. He's generally rather submissive in decision-making unless he's with a friend that riles him up or makes him excited, but has an attitude that says "you wanna go bro fight me right now." In reality he's a cream puff that will leak strawberry filling if he actually fights. If one of his close friends is insulted or hurt, he'll "joke" about bringing back the severed head of the offender. (No one knows if he's joking or not, and no one's given him the chance.)
HISTORY: Growing up, Rune had both depression and anxiety until in trainer school he made friends with two boys his age named Cord and Bradley. After becoming friends with them, his anxiety lessened and his depression went away completely. Slowly, he began to grow braver and more headstrong as his friend's personalities began to rub off on him, until he and his Banette worked up enough courage to follow the mysterious letter that he got in the mail.
OTHER: He can "fly" by using strong air currents and sound repulsion. (Think of it as a sort of mix between Storm/Banshee from X-Men.)

NAME: Minori
AGE: 18
GENDER: Female
POKEMON: Dragonair
APPEARANCE:(credit to kaytseki)

MOVES KNOWN: Dragon Pulse, Water Pulse, Thunder Wave, Ice Beam, Toxic, Dragon Dance, Slam
ABILITY: Marvel Scale
PERSONALITY: Minori is very timid and shy, refusing to talk to ones she doesn't know very well. Yet, she is very kind and more outspoken around ones she has known. Minori rarely judges anyone but will politely say when the other should stop if they are getting over board. She is also not violent but will protect ones she cares dearly about.
HISTORY: Minori was raised by her father, her mother leaving as soon as she was born since she wanted nothing to do with her. Her father was kind unlike her mother. Minori rarely spoke to anyone, keeping to herself. This made her unsure of others and how she should act around them.

Accepted! ouo I'll add the characters to the Character Forms post!

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^
Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
NAME: Chiara Franco
AGE: 21
GENDER: Female
POKEMON: Haxorus
APPEARANCE: (credit to ぱお先輩 on Pixiv)
MOVES KNOWN: Poison Jab, X-Scissor, Shadow Claw, Taunt, Dual Chop, Scary Face, & Incinerate
ABILITY: Mold Breaker
PERSONALITY: Overall, Chiara is blunt, stubborn, and loud, which often creates conflict between her and others. Despite her bad temper, she is actually quick to forgive others and move on. She is headstrong and tries to rush in and take charge in most situations, though most of the time this results in her demonstrating she has no idea what she is doing. She views others as worthy opponents or “her competition” a lot of the time, which means that, although she isn’t great at working together with others, she respects them and sees the strengths in everyone around her. She has a low threshold for considering someone a friend, but won’t go out of her way to help her “friends” unless they have been close to her for a long time.
HISTORY: Chiara grew up in Veilstone City, where her parents made a living in organized crime, involved in activities such as extortion, infiltration of legitimate businesses like the Game Corner, robbery, and other more unsavory activities. Because of this, she doesn’t talk about her family much, and can have… questionable morals at times. She had made the journey to the Trainers’ School in Jubilife with the hope of learning enough to master Poison-type Pokemon and replace the gym leader in her hometown. However, she slacked off a lot in school and didn’t get close to reaching her goal. The Pokemon that were stolen from her were her Drapion and her Scolipede.
OTHER: Nothing that I can think of~

❄ Journal || Flight Rising ❄
Accepted! I'll get you on the character post later today when I'm not on mobile~
And woo! -happy asexual noises-

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^
Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
NAME: Kauri Rivervale
AGE: 20
GENDER: Female
MOVES KNOWN: Rain Dance, Outrage, Fire Blast, Sludge Bomb, Iron Tail, Rest, & Power Whip
ABILITY: Hydration
PERSONALITY: Kauri is a very silly type of person, and is quite spontaneous and energetic. She has a somewhat unpredictable personality, and has a terrible temper when angered. She enjoys making and having friends, as she has never had many in the past. She can be somewhat rash sometimes, especially when angered, and tends to go on rants when upset. She enjoys art, and is smarter than she lets on. She tends to consider people her friends before they do, often being viewed as a pest to others. She is pretty outgoing, but harbors a fear of being alone, thus explaining why she may become clingy at times. Though curious, Kauri tries to avoid poking into other's business, though she is often unsuccessful at this.
HISTORY: Kauri was never all that close to her parents, who were somewhat paranoid and overprotective. They often insisted on keeping their daughter away from other children, preventing Kauri from making many friends. They also signed her up for as many self defense classes as they could, though Kauri began sneaking out of them as she became older, opting to instead wander around town. When Kauri was 16, her parents died in a car accident going to pick up Kauri from her martial arts class, which Kauri had snuck away from. She was soon transferred into her aunt's custody, where she flourished under her aunt's loving care. Her aunt was pretty much the polar opposite of her sister; outgoing and interactive. Her influence nudged Kauri into being more friendly and active, teaching her how to garden and even giving Kauri her first pokemon, a turtwig, which has fully evolved into a torterra by now. When she received the invitation to the mystery zone, her aunt encouraged her to accept, though Kauri herself was reluctant to leave her aunt.
OTHER: The goodra aspect of her actually made her more docile, dampening her temper and making her more friendly.
Ceeley Strongbow
Sand Tomb, Dragon Rush, Sandstorm, Dual Chop, Slash, Dig, Fire Fang
Sand Veil
Ceeley was never the type of stick around if he didn't have to, and he preferred to learn with his team on his own. Quick to judge as he is, he still tries his hardest to keep his opinions to himself but in high strung situations he doesn't seem to have a filter from his brain to his mouth. He's still a good friend to rely on, and it isn't all that hard to become said friend, but Ceeley isn't what you could call spontaneous; he's predictable and set in his ways, for the most part. But he's always been adaptable, to any new situation as he gains a better grasp on what or who is involved. He does better when someone can help ground his volatile personality, as he learned early on that if you wanted to get something you had to do it yourself, making him a harsh opponent if you're in the way of what he's after. Even so, he fears that he may lose what control he has over himself, he thinks it's in his genes to be frenzied and temperamental, and while his attempts to overcome this may mean he lashes out, he's never been the type to harm someone that didn't deserve it.
His father was a drunk, his mother turned her back and didn't spare him a glance when he was six; he learned through beatings to be quiet and do as he was told by his father, but away from home he was a bit of a bully. But only to those that bullied others. A part of him was drawn to standing up for the kids who were being picked on, and since he was already introduced to the pain of being beat up he took any blows or remarks with words or punches of his own. He was expelled from his first school, then his father sent him to the Sinnoh region; in a new place, without his father constantly shadowing him, Ceeley grew into himself, grew up where he felt he couldn't previously. And he reveled in the feel of being so utterly free without his father.
But his temper grew as his age did, and there were many times where he was seated with someone who tried to help him, to reach that place he closed off to even himself. Despite attempting to, Ceeley pushed most people away with the claims they didn't really want to know him. And while part of him was right, he grew bitter after a few years of keeping to himself until he met a group of others his age, having the same problems and same life and same parent types. He fit with these people, they welcomed him without the scrutiny that others would look at him with, and he found that he loved them all in their own ways. But after another couple years, he felt he had outgrown the need he had felt before, he had a team of Pokemon he learned to rely on, especially his Gabite Hakkon, so he enrolled in a Trainer School to learn more instead, deciding that he could leave them behind with worrying he would fall apart.
Because he was already a pretty aggressive personality type, the Garchomp DNA has made this more prominent, and more likely to lash out physically if he feels threatened.The tail fin attached to the chain is locked onto his belt, but he can use it as a mace of sorts if he's in a more 'blunt trauma' type of mood.
I'm going to get these last three profiles up on the character post, then get on making the roleplay thread! Let me know if at any time you want to edit your characters info, either before we start posting or if something changes during the roleplay!

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^
Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
this link will also be in the first post on this thread!

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^
Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Skylea White
MOVES KNOWN:Ice beam,Sky attack,steel wing,Dragon Breath,Dragon pulse,Hyper Beam
Natural Cure
Sky is shy and outspoken,and almost never raises her voice.She is,however,protective of her precious people,and will never let anyone harm them.Sky has the habit of daydreaming and rushing into dangerous situations without thinking it through,if her friends are in danger.This lands her in sticky situations.Luckily,she has the skill to come out unharmed.
Sky's mother passed away when she was born.Growing up,Sky was very lonely,for her father never spared her a glance,blaming her for his wife's death.He took up drinking and beating Sky.Sky never told anyone about the abuse,but one day,a classmate of hers saw her bruises during gym.Feeling something was amiss,he called the authorities.
Sky's father,thinking that Sky was the one who called them,beat her so badly she felll unconcious.When she woke up in the hospital,she did not remember anything,due to the beating and trauma.The authorities sent her to Sinnoh,for fear that Unova might trigger her memories.
Sky's trusted pokemon is her Altaria,Sciella(Ciel means Sky).Sciella was shot by a poacher,and Sky nursed her when she was wounded.Sciella wouldn't fly away when fully healed,for she grew attached to Sky.Sciella was the reason Sky went to trainer school,since Sky wanted to experience the joy of training more pokemon.
OTHER:Sciella is extremely protective of Sky.