Forum Thread
Forum Highlighting
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Forum Highlightingand you would be alerted in the notification page, something saying along the lines of;
Subscribing to a thread can be used for roleplaying, where you need to see all posts that are posted. This can be used for a one time reply, like an item thread where you only need to hear back from the shop owner.
Ping system from Flightrising
//im sorry if this was already suggested, i searched and i didnt see anything about it

tumblr - FR lair - FV village
The subscribe button is there to notify you about people who posted on that forum you have subscribed to like you said and also letting you find the thread you need easier.

tumblr - FR lair - FV village
Oh for this you could use the Search pad which is the magnifying glass, all you need to do is type the users name into it and it will show all the times his name was mentioned, i would suggest having the forms say 'Username' or something along the lines of it so you can find him/her.
If my explaining is wrong, i am sorry but that would mean i still dont understand :/
in a forum, if someone posts @Skar, it will send you a notification, even if you arent subscribed to the thread. It would basically be the same notification as if you were subscribed to the thread, but it would say you were highlighted, and only the person who highlighted you would send a notification, instead of multiple people you dont want to hear from.
sorry again if this is still confusing ;u;

tumblr - FR lair - FV village