Forum Thread
☆Otakus Reunite! Anime/Manga Fan Club☆
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → ☆Otakus Reunite! Anime/Manga Fan Club☆
A place where Anime Fans/Otaku/Weeaboo discuss about their interests, posting blogs/reviews on episodes/Anime/Chapter/Event/Figurines/Festivals/Movies. Yaoi/Yuri/Ecchi/Hentai are allowed :) put in spoilers please or by link.

1. NO swearing,begging,spamming.
2. Use only the banner if you're a member in this fan-club.
3. Don't claim IMages/Drawings as yours.
4. NO RPs You can RP only with my permission
5. PM me for custom member Banner ;)
6. Fill in form to enter.
7. Respect opinions, don't hate on other's opinions.
8. Have fun, minna!

||Discord: Raito#9131 ||Twitter|| RateYourMusic||Steam Profile||
Username: prince-komahina
Favorite Anime (You can name a lot) : DANGANRONPA FTW
RP Character (Optional): Komaeda
Are you a Anime Fan? Name 5 Anime you've watch: I've watched defo more than 5 but here
1) DanganRonpa <3
3) Hamatora
4) Cute High Earth Defense Club Love
5) Akame ga Kill
Ranking (Weeaboo/Anime Fan/Normal Fan/Otaku): Total weeaboo

Username: Anime
Favorite Anime (You can name a lot) : Assassination Classroom
RP Character (Optional): Soul
Are you a Anime Fan? Name 5 Anime you've watch:
Digimon, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Assassination Classroom, Death Note
Ranking (Weeaboo/Anime Fan/Normal Fan/Otaku): Anime fan

Username: Parousia
Favorite Anime (You can name a lot) :
-Dangan Ronpa
-Letter Bee
RP Character (Optional): Hibiki Kuze
Are you a Anime Fan? Name 5 Anime you've watch:
-Attack on Titan
-Devil Survivor 2 the Animation
-Dangan Ronpa
-Persona 4 the Animation
(And a lot more)
Ranking (Weeaboo/Anime Fan/Normal Fan/Otaku):Anime fan

Username: Kureseria331
Favorite Anime (You can name a lot) : FAIRY TAIL!!! SAO!!!!<--Top Two
RP Character (Optional): Mizuko Hamasaki
Are you a Anime Fan? Name 5 Anime you've watch:
-Yumeiro Patissiere
-Naruto Shippuden
-Kamisama Hajimemashita
Ranking (Weeaboo/Anime Fan/Normal Fan/Otaku): Anime Fan 0 3 0
Don't be a couch a hardcore potato.

Username: Pann
Favorite Anime: One Piece ( definitely the manga not the anime though xD;; )
RP Character: N/A
Are you a Anime Fan? Name 5 Anime you've watch:
- Tsuritama
- Ore Monogatari!!
- Show by Rock
- Shirokuma Cafe
- Space☆Dandy
Ranking (Weeaboo/Anime Fan/Normal Fan/Otaku):
Username: NarutoGirl
Favorite anime: Naruto
RP Character (opitional): Shikamaru
Are you an anime fan? Name 5 anime you've watched:
-Sword Art Online
- Full-metal Alchemist
-Assassination Classroom
-Deadman's Wonderland
Ranking (Weeaboo/ Anime fan/ Normal fan/ Otaku) : Anime fan :)

”Hello There! I am Alter Ego, your technological guide!"
"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin color, your sexual preference or otherwise."
- Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin color, your sexual preference or otherwise."
- Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin color, your sexual preference or otherwise."
- Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
Nekomimi Sinon is so kawaii lmao
"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin color, your sexual preference or otherwise."
- Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)

||Discord: Raito#9131 ||Twitter|| RateYourMusic||Steam Profile||
Username: GonnaNeedBurnHeal
Favorite Anime (You can name a lot): Either Cowboy Bebop or Samurai Champloo
Are you a Anime Fan? Name 5 Anime you've watch: Nana, Psycho Pass, Akira, Madoka Magica, Princess Jellyfish
Ranking (Weeaboo/Anime Fan/Normal Fan/Otaku): Anime fan

Otaku NickName: Just call me Kasu.
Username: KASUMEME
Favorite Anime (You can name a lot) : I don't watch anime. I read manga. But Baccano! is my favorite anime and Pandora Hearts is my favorite manga.
RP Character (Optional): Uh. Preferably I'd play Xerxes Break but I play a wide variety of characters.
Are you a Anime Fan? Name 5 Anime you've watch: Uh, I think I've discussed this earlier. But Pandora Hearts, Baccano!, Soul Eater, Fairy Tail, and Rave Master are a few.
Ranking (Weeaboo/Anime Fan/Normal Fan/Otaku): Manga fan. :3