The puppy slowly went out of the cadge and put its tail between its
legs "N no don't be scarred little puppy I wont hurt you" she said
calmly and petted the puppy
The puppies tail went out a little and wined "Please don't be
scared I wont hurt you wait here." she said getting a little cup of
water for the puppy "you look starved and thirsty"
Clover looked around "who that" she said and looked back at the
puppy and gave it the little cup of water she also grabs her gun
"there might be some gun fire so be quite" said clover and the
little puppy drank the water.
"sorry I don't have much water or food but here's a little piece of
bread" she said as the puppy drank all the water and ate the little
piece of bread out of clovers hand. the puppy walked towards clover
and wagged its tail and clover petted it and still had her gun out
Ari was scouting the building she found the guy in earlier. She had
left her car and supplies in thick, sticky spiderweb with posion
threaded into it. She heard voices. She came deeper into the
building, through a hallway , and stood in a doorway. It was dark
as night in the room. There seemed to be two people; one with an
animal and one with.. A flaming lizard? That couldn't be right.
Maybe the lizard was holding a torch with it's tail. Ari stayed in
the doorway, watching the scene, and was careful that nobody saw
her peeking out from the hall.
Ari flattened against the wall. She stayed quiet as a mouse, a
skill she had learned over the years with her spider. She barely
breathed at all and kept still.
Ari's spider, Hourglass, crept up to Mark. She had snuck away from
Ari. She was hungry. She sank her red, posion stained fangs into
his arm. She bit hard. When Ari noticed her gone, she left and went
back to Ari.