Ari stopprd. She looked through her stuff to figure out what she
gained from the raiders. Weapons, food, gas mask, sun visor,
baseball cap, t-shirt, a small and half used first aid kit.. She
counted the things, than decided to keep driving with her spider.
Ari eventually drove into another brick building. It used to be a
house. She pressed the button on the wall and the garage door came
halfway down with a bang and a screech. She put a tarp over the
car, and put some rocks on it. That will look suspicious..
Robbers will try to get at it. she thought and put her spider
on it. The spider spun a web around the car, making sure it was
sticky from the posion embedded in it. Safe enough. Ari walked out
with the spider following her, and walked back to the brick
building she had got the supplies from. She walked deeper into the
building to discover pods, some broken and some intact. She saw a
guy with a charmander, looked suspiciously at it, then passed. She
investigated the rooms.
Kit rides until night falls and she takes the horse off the road a
ways, so as not to be spotted from the road. The horse lays down
and she sits against the horse and keeps her pistol in hand as she
rests, not really sleeping.
Clover came to the cadge and the barking stopped she took off the
cloth on top of it and it had a brown lab puppy ( what he looks like) "Oh hi little one why
are you in this cadge." she said and oppend the cadge door letting
the puppy out.