109. Browse the video games section. Ask the dude working where the
Pokemon games are, then purposefully go in the opposite direction,
then accuse the dude of lying to your face.
Heya! I used to be SpiritThief, and I really like
Paul Shapera's works.
110-Tell a little kid that the restroom is where the cash register
is. Then, when accused, say that it was the managers fault for
eating a waffle, and that's why you did it.
113. Flush a chair down a toilet. While it's about to break rip its
legs off and put them together to make shurikens. Knock a guys cell
phone out with it and play the Justin Beiber song "Baby" in the
loudspeaker. The rest is self-explanatory.
115. This will only work on occasions, eg: Christmas; Dress up as a
turkey/chicken and stand in front of a bunch of whatever bird you
dressed as, pick a random one up and then scream 'THEY KILLED MY
BROTHER!!!' as loud as you possibly can.
117.Ride a horse into the store and when people star saying "It's a
horse!" kill them and say "It's not! "IT'S MY MOMS DONKEY U FREAKIN
N00BS!" Bonus if you feed their corpses to the horse.
118. Works best if your a vegetarian, but it isn't needed. Stand in
the meat isle with a hammer/bag of carrots. Hit/throw a carrot at
anyone that picks up a peice of meat and scream "YOU MONSTER!!" at
the top of your lungs.
119. Dress up like a character from Skyrim (Best if Dragonborn
character) then when near a pile of stuff, yell FUS RO DAH! and
sham into it. Sooner or later,they will throw you out.
120. Throw different foods at each other and when passerby ask, say
something is destroyed!
121. Hook your XBOX up to one of the TVs, and put on Netflix. Bonus
points if you change the show every episode, just to annoy the
people actually interested in what's on.
Heya! I used to be SpiritThief, and I really like
Paul Shapera's works.
122. Get a giant bag filled with balloons filled with ink, then
stand in a random place, doing nothing. If someone asks you what
your doing, throw a balloon at them and run away making the "Woop
woop woop woop" noise of Zoidbeg.