Summon satan, crank 4 90s on him summoning his phase 5, then go to
the employees only and feed him a human sacrifice, increasing his
power by 500%, in which beating him will trigger the secret ending,
showing that the real satanic crisis that happened 3 seconds ago,
were the friends we made along the way, in which case everyone will
call you cringe, start a riot, then a purge, then a nuclear war,
then an interplanetary war, until no more Walmarts exist. Then,
build a time machine and get the secret video recording device that
was conveniently placed and recorded everything, show it to a
Walmart employee who will think you are crazy and it was faked,
repeat the cycle but take video recordings of him dying, until the
end of the world where you enter limbo for your sins and get kicked
out of the Walmart in heaven for vandalizing the fans section.