Happy Birthday! Sadly, i don't have any good items to gift you ;^;
Vipera, Peregrine/Butterfly and Glimmer look pretty on her (in my
opinion) :o
@Nessy same xD as soon as I saw her primary was swamp I thought of
Shrek and Fiona
@Kain 0__0 She's so pretty but expensive xD
@Couga I want to repay you so badly but I have nothing right
now Ooh she looks pretty :D
@Lovi You gave me something pretty great last Christmas,and I
hatched it xD
I also hatched him on Christmas:
I plan on changing his breed because I sort of don't like Faes but
I still don't know for genes
@Lovi ooh I might do that.I tried those genes on every other breed
and my favorite is either as a Noc,Guardian or a PC. I have a
Guardian scroll in my hourd just sitting their,I got it from
somewhere but I honestly forgot where xD. Also,got any description
on Raven?
I don't have any description of Raven, yet, i will try to come up
with something later, so for now i'm just looking for anything that
looks good on him ^^
I swear some people are so kind sometimes. Someone greeted me Happy
Birthday and gave me an unnhatched Shadow Egg. OML THANK YOU!
@Lovi Color of Clawtips of you choice, Steelscale or Gold Filigree
Set :3
People hatching their eggs reminded me I have some saved either to
be sold or hatched on the colorwheel expansion but I am so eager
that due to that, I hatched one egg xD aat first I thought damn
jungle is not gonna look good, but actually it isn't bad as it's a
dark green.
It looked pretty as vipera-peregrine-spines to me, or butterfly
because bloody butterfly wings, but I can't afford gem genes xD